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姓名 林芊貝(Chien-Pei Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 哲學研究所
論文名稱 台灣人力仲介行業的商業倫理之探討 ---以外籍勞工、外籍新娘、外籍看護工為例
(Business Ethics of the Manpower Agency Industry in TaiwanTake the Foreign Labor, Foreign Bridal, the Foreign Nursing labor as main study )
★ 論生態旅遊的商業倫理★ 試論美國會計師的社會責任與專業倫理
★ 社區總體營造與商業倫理★ 環保警察制度與商業倫理之探究 ─以台灣環保警察為例
★ 台灣溫泉旅遊業之商業倫理規範★ 從商業倫理探討企業的環境責任
★ 組織文化與商業倫理之探究--以安隆案為例★ 勞資關係的倫理探討-以商業倫理學為進路
★ 從商業倫理探討金融產業併購的勞資關係★ 論國小教科書選用問題-以商業倫理進路為主
★ 從商業倫理探討台灣BOT 之制度—以台灣高鐵案為例★ 台灣現行醫療行銷之商業倫理探究
★ 從企業倫理探討台灣ETC案★ 從企業倫理探討台灣貪腐問題
★ 從商業倫理探討產業對蘇花高速公路興建計畫之回應★ 金融業弊案之商業倫理分析
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摘要(中) 行政院勞工委員會為配合推動十四項重要建設工程及六年國家建設計畫,於民國七十八年首度開放引進外勞,之後為協助產業之發展及基於社會發展需要,陸續核准外勞之引進,原先外籍勞工的引進,用意在於紓解基層勞力不足之困境,使我國各產業可以持續發展,重大工程可以順利推動,婦女家務得到分擔,重病者可以獲得照顧。但因多數人對於申請外籍勞工的政策以及法規不清楚,而申辦手續又過於繁瑣耗時,所以希望能夠委託專業人士代為辦理,因此人力仲介開始成為便民的管道之一。
摘要(英) The Council of Labor Affairs beginning to introduce a foreign labor in 78. The intention agency in a dilemma of putting aside the grass-roots physical labor shortage, making industry of country can keep on a development. The major engineering can push smoothly. Moreover, women’’s household chores is shared. The heavy disease can acquire care. However, the majority for the foreign worker’’s policy and laws not clearly, and bid for a procedure again too tedious consume. So hope to entrust a professional to carry out on behalf, and the manpower agency starts becoming one of the piping of the conveniences for citizens.
The agency service at first for take up employment the service industry among them of 1 item, should be a sow the cause should the special industry risen by the public’’s need, the purpose is for the sake of the one who want to help a different need to is medium to make both parties not only ability of mutual benefit, also make three square all can with each other benefit, this is the contract that the establishment can approve at three squares originally up, but because of related direct or the indirectly stakeholder doesn’’t value to the law and the ethics level, and the industry standard not complete, usually break the balance of the market and bring social serious influence.
This research through the thorough analysis of high three the individual cases and introspect, then inquire into the business ethics problem and the industry standard of the Taiwanese manpower agency, hope to reiterate the importance of human rights and ethics again, and resolve a current ethics subject faced by we.
Finally through wade the stakeholder theories and integrate social contractual theories concept to analytical Taiwanese manpower agency occurrence of problem, and apply a method of integrating the society contract theories to establish the industry ethics norms for the Taiwanese manpower agency industry, return should the institute observe of ethics subject.
關鍵字(中) ★ 外籍新娘
★ 外籍勞工
★ 勞工
★ 整合社會契約理論
★ 涉利者理論
★ 商業倫理
★ 人力仲介
關鍵字(英) ★ Foreign Brides
★ Labor
★ Manpower Agency
★ Foreign Labor
論文目次 第一章 導論………………………………………………………………………1
第一節 研究目的………………………………………………………………1
第二節 研究現況分析…………………………………………………………6
第三節 研究對象與問題………………………………………………………10
第四節 研究進路與各章概述…………………………………………………15
第二章 台灣人力仲介業之發展現況分析………………………………………18
第一節 人力仲介的定義及發展背景…………………………………………18
第二節 人力仲介行業與相關行業的關係……………………………………22
第三節 台灣人力仲介的經營與業務發展……………………………………25
第三章 台灣人力仲介個案陳述及倫理分析…………………………………….28
第一節 高捷泰勞暴動個案陳述與倫理議題探討…………………………….28
第二節 外籍看護工遭受性侵害個案陳述與倫理議題探討………………….38
第三節 外籍新娘、外籍勞工商品化個案陳述與倫理議題探討…………….45
第四節 台灣人力仲介業的倫理分析………………………………………….54
第四章 整合社會契約理論……………………………………………………….65
第一節 整合企業社會契約…………………………………………………….65
第二節 應用整合社會契約理論分析台灣人力仲介商業倫理議題………….72
第三節 規範決策者應盡的義務……………………………………………….78
第五章 台灣人力仲介業的商業倫理規範之建構……………………………….84
第一節 台灣當前人力仲介業的倫理規範………………………………………84
第二節 全球人力仲介業相關倫理規範…………………………………………88
第三節 建構台灣人力仲介業的商業倫理基本規範……………………………91
第四節 應用規範解決問題……………………………………………………..100
第六章 結論與期望………………………………………………………………104
參考文獻 (一)中文書目
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Carroll, Archie B. 1996, Business & Society: Ethics and Stakeholder Management, 3rd edition, Ohio: South-Western College Publishing Co.
Donaldson, Thomas & Thomas w. Dunfee, 1997, “Toward a Unified Conception of Business Ethics: Integrative Social Contracts Theory”in Thomas Donaldson & Thomas W. Dunfee, eds. Ethics in Business and Economics, Volume I, Brookfield: Ashgate Publications.
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Frederick, William C. 1997, “The Moral Authority of Transnational Corporate Codes”, in Thomas Donaldson & Thomas W. Dunfee, eds. Ethics in Business and Economics, Volume I, Brookfield: Ashgate Publications.
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18.聯合報 2005.7.7 eBay拍賣印尼幫傭相關報導
19.中國時報 2006.3.21 台灣人口販運相關新聞
指導教授 葉保強(Po-Keung IP) 審核日期 2006-6-27
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