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姓名 伍元吉(Yuan-Chi Wu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 哲學研究所在職專班
論文名稱 從商業倫理探討金融產業併購的勞資關係
★ 論生態旅遊的商業倫理★ 試論美國會計師的社會責任與專業倫理
★ 社區總體營造與商業倫理★ 環保警察制度與商業倫理之探究 ─以台灣環保警察為例
★ 台灣溫泉旅遊業之商業倫理規範★ 從商業倫理探討企業的環境責任
★ 組織文化與商業倫理之探究--以安隆案為例★ 勞資關係的倫理探討-以商業倫理學為進路
★ 台灣人力仲介行業的商業倫理之探討 ---以外籍勞工、外籍新娘、外籍看護工為例★ 論國小教科書選用問題-以商業倫理進路為主
★ 從商業倫理探討台灣BOT 之制度—以台灣高鐵案為例★ 台灣現行醫療行銷之商業倫理探究
★ 從企業倫理探討台灣ETC案★ 從企業倫理探討台灣貪腐問題
★ 從商業倫理探討產業對蘇花高速公路興建計畫之回應★ 金融業弊案之商業倫理分析
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摘要(中) 全球化與產業外移的結果,使得國內家數過多的金融產業被迫展開併購,其間牽涉到企業文化、員工任用制度等差異,相對其他金融改革政策如打消呆帳等更為棘手,尤其在公股銀行部分,資產規模大多較民營機構龐大,有能力合併公股銀行的民營金融機構有限,而廣大公股銀行員工的權益也必須顧及。以台企銀員工罷工事件來看,凸顯公股銀行員工抗拒民營化,普遍仍抱有公務員心態,且對工作權保障具有不安全感。不少人認為政府應該放手讓市場自由決定合併對象,政府插手是合併案破局的原因,然而在缺乏政府把關與金融資本家唯利是圖的本質下,員工的權益將較目前更無保障。過去,「人、工作、組織」是三合一的概念,人追求工作、認同組織,人與組織除了契約關係,還有建立長久關係的默契;現在人與組織間的默契,正被打破與鬆動,傳統那種對組織忠誠與拚死奉獻的工作觀,的確有慢慢消失的跡象。
摘要(英) As a result of the globalization and many companies move outside,it make many companies begin to be taken over reluctantly in Taiwan.The factors invole in the business culture,the difference system of hiring labors.On the contrary,it is more difficult than making the business reform policy to solve the bad account ,so on.This situation often happens in the pulic bank apartment and privacy business which have huge financial foundings.For the public bank apartments and privacy business have the limitation of taking over other companies owned by the government and the privacy business.But they must care about the rights of the widespread pulic bank labors.To take the abuse work of Taiwan pulic bank labors for example,this situation show that the pulic bank labors protest their bank from the pulic bank to privacy bank.The pulic bank labors still think they were pulic servant,and they feel unsafe in the rights of job guarantee.A lot of people think that our government should let the bank company to be taken over or combined in the freedom market system.But our government involed in the combine plan too much,make it plan failuare.Without our government protection and many company based on the essence of the benefit.The situation is that there is no protection or guarantee in the rights of labors than before.long time ago,there was a kind of concept which came from three concepts,including of the human,the job and the organization.In other words,People want jobs,identified the organization.Not only the contract relationship between labors and organizations,but also build the agreement between labors and organizations.And the agreement between labors and organizations are breaking up.By the way,many labors had traditional concepts to be loyal to their organizations and devoted themselves to their jobs before,and now these kinds of concepts are disappeared certainly.
The financial business for base on the honor of the business is learned to how to treat their labors on
The rush hour for the business taken over or combined.There is most important thing that organizational ethic should be emphasized.This kind of moral growing up is showed from the low stap benefit base company to the high step ethic business.The context is taking the research access of the business ethic for example and research is on the basis of the Integrative Social Contract Theory.For example,indicating the problems of labors payment and constructing the ethic rules of boss and labors under the business combination .We hope that we can do a little bit favor under the ethic rules of boss and labors under the business combination .I believe deeply that only right way for that business management forever is that both of boss and labors recognize the eternal value of the social responsibilities ,honest and trust, the respect to the human nature, depending on the basis of human being
關鍵字(中) ★ 涉利者理
★ 勞資關係
★ 金融機構
★ 併購
★ 商業倫理
關鍵字(英) ★ Merger &
★  A
★ Business Ethics
論文目次 第一章 導 論 1
第一節 研究背景與目的 1
第二節 名詞釋義 6
第三節 國內外文獻探討 9
第四節 研究程序與各章概述 14
第二章 金融併購與勞資議題 18
第一節、金融併購的性質與實況 18
一、金融產業發展趨勢-併購 18
二、國內金融機構併購的動機 20
三、國內金融併購的實況 21
四、歐美日銀行業併購的實況 23
第二節 國內外併購案例 29
案例一、玫瑰花叢下的醜陋臉孔 29
案例二、萬通銀行被併引爆勞資爭議 31
案例三、銀行員「業務員化」的危機! 33
案例四、不讓無能員工拖垮企業 34
案例五、義大利銀行員團結基金 35
第三節 金融併購的倫理議題 37
ㄧ、併購案例所涉勞資倫理議題 37
二、案例中倫理議題的比較 42
三、併購對社會的負面影響 45
第三章 商業倫理理論 48
第一節 涉利者商業倫理 48
一、涉利者的定義 48
二、涉利者理論應用原則 52
三、勞資權利義務 53
第二節 康德勞資倫理 57
一、涉利者理論與康德學派 57
二、尊重人格 59
三、康德式公司 61
第三節 整合社會契約論 64
ㄧ、整合社會契約論與涉利者理論 64
二、社會契約的目的與內涵 65
三、核心觀念與康德學派 67
第四章 從商業倫理學來分析金融併購 76
第一節 諸涉利者的社會責任 76
一、併購涉利者倫理分析 77
二、併購引發勞資爭議的焦點 85
三、金融業者併購時的社會責任 88
第二節 康德學派的勞資倫理 94
一、對待勞工:信任與尊重 94
二、企業必須兼顧到所有涉利者的利益 95
三、康德式的金融業 99
第三節以超級規範來探討企業勞資倫理 102
ㄧ、超級規範 102
二、整合社會契約的勞資超級規範 108
三、超級規範在併購勞資關係中的運用 113
第五章 結論 117
參考文獻: 125
附錄:金融併購的勞資相關法令規範 129
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指導教授 葉保強(Po-Keung IP) 審核日期 2006-6-29
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