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姓名 何嘉誼(Ka-yi Ho)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 藝術學研究所
論文名稱 戴進道釋畫研究—以《達摩六祖圖》為核心
(The Study of Tai Chin's Daoism and Buddhism Painting-Focusing on the Six Patriarch of Ch'an)
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摘要(中) 戴進(1388-1462)為明代浙派的代表性畫家,於畫史記載中戴進是一名多才多藝的畫家,曾從事山水、人物、花鳥、竹石等畫科。然而現今關於戴進的既有研究,僅釐清了戴進於山水方面的成就與風格特徵。另外,在戴進生平事蹟方面,也仍未清楚解釋戴進早年的出身背景及其多次出入京師的原因。本研究即欲從戴進生平經歷與當時稅役制度的相互對照中,梳理出戴進善畫道釋作品的原因。另外,藉由研究戴進現存的幾件戴進道釋畫作品,建立戴進道釋畫所承襲的圖像傳統與風格特徵。
摘要(英) Tai Chin (1388-1462) was one of the leading painters of the Che School. In art history, Tai Chin was proficient in paintings of landscapes, figures, birds and flowers, bamboo and rocks, etc. However, according to earlier Tai Chin studies, we can merely establish the fact that Tai Chin was good at landscape painting and clarify the style used by Tai Chin in his landscape paintings. Furthermore, those earlier studies still did not provide a clear interpretation of Tai Chin’s painting background and did not explain the reason why Tai Chin had been to the nation’s capital several times throughout his life. One of the aims of this thesis is to study the early life of Tai Chin. By studying Tai Chin’s dealings with the tax system of the Ming dynasty, we can understand why Tai Chi excelled at painting Daoist and Buddhist figures. In addition, by examining Tai Chin’s extant paintings, we may be able to recognize the iconography and the style of Tai Chin’s Daoism and Buddhism painting.
The Six Patriarch of Ch’an, preserved in the museum of Liaoning Province in China, presents portrait series of the first six Ch’an patriarchs and their disciples which indicates the patriarchs were passing on the Law to their disciples. In the portrait series, Bodhidharma was passing on the Law to Hui-k’o. Hui-k’o was passing on the Law to Seng-ts’an. Seng-ts’an was passing on the Law to Tao-hsin. Tao-hsin was passing on the Law to Niu-t’ou Fa-jung. Hung-jen was passing on the Law to Hui-neng. Hui-neng was passing on the Law to his disciple. The Six Patriarch of Ch’an is one of the representations of Passing-on-the-Law-and-Selecting-Successor type of painting, which proclaims the authority of the Ch’an patriarchs selected as the subject of the painting. There are three pieces of Passing-on-the-Law-and-Selecting-Successor paintings from the Song dynasty: the Six Patriarhs of the Bodhidharma Sect, the Illustrated Scroll of the Transmission of the Law in the True School by the Invested Patriarchs, and the Long Roll of Buddhist Images’ patriarchs section. The three paintings are different in their formatting, the selection of the patriarchs, and the style of painting. However, those paintings indicate that Passing-on-the-Law-and-Selecting-Successor type of painting had gradually become an established theme.
Tai Chin’s the Six Patriarch of Ch’an was in mostly the same composition of those Passing-on-the-Law-and-Selecting-Successor type of paintings in the Song dynasty: every pictorial section of patriarch passing on the Law to his disciple is in chronological order, generation by generation. It means that Tai Chin was familiar with the theme and the genre of Buddhism painting. Nevertheless, by transforming the setting and the gesture of the figures in the painting, Tai Chin changed the symbolic portraits of patriarchs into narrative paintings, which tells particular stories of the Transmission of the Lamp. What’s more, by comparing with the remaining paintings of the Buddhist paintings from the Chekiang area, we can prove that Tai Chin’s drapery style and landscape style are considerably connected to Chekiang tradition.
Moreover, in the Chung K’uei’s Excursion at Night, in Palace Museum, Beijing, and the Lohan, in National Palace Museum, Taipei, Tai Chin presented the same techniques of using the similar pictorial schemes from earlier tradition and his old pattern was transformed into new styles. However, the “axe-cut” strokes and ink wash of the surfaces of rocks and trees, and the broad strokes of the drapery lines for the figures suggested that the two paintings were from the late period of Tai Chin’s life.
To sum up, besides Tai Chin’s well-known achievement in landscape paintings, this thesis proves his invincible talent in Daoist and Buddhist paintings.
關鍵字(中) ★ 戴進
★ 達摩六祖圖
★ 傳法定祖
★ 道釋畫
★ 浙派
關鍵字(英) ★ the Six Patriarch of Ch'an
★ Daoism and Buddhism Painting
★ the Che School
★ Tai Chin
論文目次 論文提要……………………………………………………………………………..i
第一章 戴進生平與畫風考證……………………………………………………...14
第一節 戴進的早年生涯……………………………………………………..…....15
一、 戴進的出身背景…………………………………………………..…..…......15
二、 戴進早年從事道釋畫的考證……………………………………...…..…....17
第二節 戴進中年生涯與宮廷繪畫……………………………………...…..…....24
一、 戴進中年是否曾入畫院…………………………………………….…..…...25
二、 戴進與宣宗朝宮廷人物畫的關連…………………………...……..…..…..29
第二章 傳法概念及傳法圖的傳統………………………………………………...35
第一節 付法相承概念的確立…………………………………………………......36
第二節 禪宗傳法定祖圖像的傳統………………………………….……....…….42
一、 《達摩宗六祖師像》………………………………………………..…..…...43
二、 《傳法正宗定祖圖卷》………………………………………………..…..…45
三、 《宋時大理國描工張勝溫畫梵像卷》……………………...………......….50
四、 小結—三件宋時傳法定祖圖的異同…………………………......…..….....55
第三章 戴進《達摩六祖圖》………………………………………………….…..58
第一節 《達摩六祖圖》的圖像內涵……………………………………….........62
一、 達摩面壁、慧可立雪……………………………………………..…..….....63
二、 法融睹佛………………………………………………………………..…....66
三、 世俗化表現與否?作中俗家弟子人物的意義…………………..…...…….68
第二節 人物圖像來源與筆描傳統…………………………………….….......….71
一、 羅漢、祖師形象的互用…………………………………………................72
二、 《達摩六祖圖》中人物形象的來源……………………………….............80
三、 《達摩六祖圖》的衣紋描法傳統………………………...……….............83
第四節 《達摩六祖圖》拖尾跋文……………………………………...…..........91
第四章 戴進的其他道釋畫………………………………………………………...97
第一節 《鍾馗夜遊圖》……………………………………………………..…....98
第二節 《畫羅漢》………………………………………………………….......108
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指導教授 巫佩蓉(Pei-jung Wu) 審核日期 2008-7-16
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