博碩士論文 966201002 詳細資訊

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姓名 李志昕(Jhih-Sin Li)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 大氣物理研究所
論文名稱 西北向侵台颱風登陸前中心路徑打轉之模擬研究
(The Numerical Study of The Looping Track of The North-westward Typhoons Prior Its Landfall in Taiwan)
★ 雲微物理參數化法應用於颱風模式中之研究★ 1998年臺灣梅雨個案模擬及其應用 -蘭陽平原之擴散研究
★ 地形對颱風路徑的影響之數值探討★ 中尺度MM5數值模式與大氣擴散模式之整合應用研究
★ 侵台颱風之GPS折射率3DVAR資料同化及數值模擬★ 地形及渦旋初始化對類似納莉颱風路徑及環流變化之影響
★ 類似桃芝颱風路徑之模擬★ WRF模式在颱風路徑預報應用與EOF分析誤差因素
★ 利用WRF3DVAR同化GPS折射率資料探討 對於颱風預報的影響★ 衛星資料結合變分分析對數值預報之影響
★ 利用MM5 4DVAR模式同化掩星折射率資料及虛擬渦旋探討颱風數值模擬之影響★ 利用MM5 4DVAR同化虛擬渦旋探討其對WRF模式預報颱風之影響
★ GPS掩星觀測資料同化及對區域天氣預報模擬之影響★ 衛星資料與虛擬渦旋四維變分同化對颱風數值模擬的影響
★ 資料同化對台灣地區颱風和梅雨模擬之影響★ 聖帕颱風模擬的位渦反演之診斷分析
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摘要(中) 本研究利用WRF模式模擬柯羅莎颱風,探討西北向侵台颱風登陸前路徑打轉的機制。控制組實驗(CTR實驗)模擬結果和之前研究結果一致,颱風在靠近地形時,颱風西側風速有增強的情況,顯示出通道效應的影響。且發現在地形的東南側有渦度正值生成,且伴隨渦度變率極大值,導致颱風中心向南偏移。由擾動氣壓可知,渦度正值可能是由於此處的低壓所造成。除了通道效應,台灣東南側的相對低壓也是造成颱風路徑南偏的機制。根據空氣質點軌跡顯示,部份氣流過山後下沉增溫,造成此低壓之生成。根據渦度收支分析,輻散項以及渦度平流為此渦度變化的主要貢獻。
摘要(英) This research used the Weather Research and Forecasting Model to simulate Supertyphoon Krosa (2007) and examined the physical process responsible for the significant track deflection and the looping track. In the control experiment, the result is similar to previous studies. When the typhoon approaches Taiwan, the wind speed in the west of the typhoon increases more than the east. This means the channeling effect exists in this case. A positive vorticity field forms at the south-eastern side of Taiwan and results in a maximum of vorticity tendency. Because a low is at the same place as the positive vorticity field, it’s inferred the relative low leads to the positive vorticity. The maximum of vorticity tendency at the south-eastern side of Taiwan causes the looping track. And the backward trajectories show that the process leading the formation of the low is leeside subsidence warming. According to the vorticity budget, the divergence and advection terms contribute the change of vorticity.
To test and verify the mechanism valid in real cases, this study also used the NCU-MM model to simulate north-westward typhoons attacking the idealized island. The result shows that the mechanism of the looping track in idealized cases is similar to real cases. The channeling effect and the positive vorticity form in idealized cases, so the mechanism occurs not only in the Krosa (2007) but also in other cases of the same conditions. However, no positive vorticity is found in the south-eastern side of the island for the south-approaching typhoons without, consequently, southward track deflection before landing. The sensitivity study of the typhoon size shows that the low also forms in the experiment of small typhoons but isn’t strong enough to effect the typhoon. The maximum of vorticity tendency dominated by the advection term in the western side of small typhoons is the main reason for track deflection different from big typhoons.
關鍵字(中) ★ 渦度收支
★ 通道效應
關鍵字(英) ★ channeling effect
★ vorticity budget
論文目次 中文摘要 …………………………………………… Ⅰ
英文摘要 …………………………………………… Ⅱ
致謝 …………………………………………… Ⅲ
目錄 …………………………………………… Ⅳ
表目錄 …………………………………………… Ⅵ
圖目錄 …………………………………………… Ⅶ
第一章 緒論……………………………………… 1
1-1 前言……………………………………… 1
1-2 文獻回顧………………………………… 1
1-3 研究動機………………………………… 5
第二章 個案介紹………………………………… 7
第三章 研究工具與方法………………………… 9
3-1 模式介紹………………………………… 9
3-1-1 WRF模式介紹………………………… 9
3-1-2 WRF 3DVAR方法……………………… 10
3-2 初始場設定……………………………… 10
3-3 模式設定………………………………… 12
3-4 實驗設計………………………………… 12
第四章 模擬結果與討 論………………………… 14
4-1 實驗CTR 模擬結果……………………… 14
4-2 地形高度敏感度測試…………………… 15
4-3 模擬結果分析與討論…………………… 17
4-3-1 通道效應的生成與影響 …………… 17
4-3-2 渦度收支分析……………………… 18
4-4 積雲參數化敏感度測試………………… 20
第五章 理想化模式模擬與分析………………… 22
5-1 模式介紹和實驗設計…………………… 22
5-1-1 模式介紹…………………………… 22
5-1-2 實驗設計…………………………… 23
5-2 實驗ICTR結果分析……………………… 23
5-3 西北向渦旋登陸位置差異實驗………… 25
5-4 渦旋大小差異實驗……………………… 26
第六章 總結與未來展望………………………… 28
6-1 總結……………………………………… 28
6-2 未來展望………………………………… 30
參考文獻 …………………………………………… 31
附錄一 …………………………………………… 34
附表 …………………………………………… 37
附圖 …………………………………………… 41
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指導教授 黃清勇(Ching-Yuang Huang) 審核日期 2009-7-9
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