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姓名 吳俊逸(Jian-Yi Wu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
論文名稱 土壤液化引致地盤永久位移之研究
★ 土壤液化評估模式之不確定性★ 廣域山崩之統計與最佳化分析-以莫拉克風災小林村鄰近地區為例
★ 砂土中模型基樁之單向反覆軸向載重試驗★ 邊坡穩定分析方法之不確定性
★ 不同試驗方法對黏土壓縮與壓密性質之影響★ 台北盆地黏性土壤不排水剪力強度之研究
★ 台北盆地地盤放大特性之研究★ 水力回填煤灰之動態特性
★ 全機率土壤液化分析法★ 黏土壓縮與壓密行為之研究
★ 集集地震液化土之穩態強度★ 現地土壤之液化強度與震陷特性
★ 地震規模修正因子之探討★ 鯉魚潭水庫大壩受震反應分析
★ 全機率土壤液化評估法之研究★ 基樁軸向承載之依時行為
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摘要(中) 具破壞性之地變型態。以九二一集集大地震為例,台中港碼頭區、貓
Newmark (1965)滑塊模式為工程實務上最常用的地盤變位分析
test),待獲得Su 後,即可求得降伏加速度,再利用相對運動之觀念,
Newmark 滑塊理論之適用性良好,唯須注意現地地形之量測所造成
摘要(英) Liquefaction induced permanent horizontal displacement is one of
the most destructive ground failures during strong earthquake. During
Chi-Chi earthquake, severe damage as caused by permanent horizontal
displacement induced by soil liquefaction in many areas. Therefore, it
becomes very important to predict the permanent displacement with a
degree of reasonable accuracy to provide a reference for hazard
This study documented and mapped the case histories of lateral
spreading occurred during Chi-Chi earthquake. The liquefied soils were
remolded and tested to obtain the steady-state strength by the triaxial
undrained test. Relationships between normalized steady-state strength
and relative density Dr or normalized standard penetration value (N1)60
were established for four kinds of liquefied soils. Newmark’s rigid block
sliding model is used to estimate the permanent horizontal displacement
with the steady-state strength parameter obtained from laboratory . It was
found that the estimated displacements are in acceptable agreement with
those measured in the field after earthquake.
論文目次 摘要...................................................................................................... I
英文摘要............................................................................................ Ⅱ
目錄................................................................................................... IV
圖目錄.............................................................................................. VII
表目錄............................................................................................... XI
第一章緒論........................................................................................ 1
1.1 研究背景...............................................................................1
1.2 研究目的...............................................................................2
第二章文獻回顧................................................................................ 5
2.1 Newmark 滑動模式................................................................5
2.1.1 基本假設與分析模型...................................................5
2.1.2 永久水平位移計算.......................................................6
2.2 最小勢能法模式....................................................................7
2.2.1 基本假設與分析模型...................................................7
2.2.2 永久水平位移計算.......................................................8
2.2.3 永久水平位移之閉合解.............................................13
2.3 有限元素動態模式模式.......................................................14
2.4 經驗模式.............................................................................15
2.4.1 液化嚴重指標(Liquefaction Severity Index,LSI)..........15
2.4.2 Hamada 經驗法..........................................................17
2.5 綜合評述.............................................................................18
第三章室內試驗方法與結果分析.................................................... 24
3.1 試驗目的.............................................................................24
3.2 試驗內容.............................................................................24
3.3 試驗方法.............................................................................25
3.4 試驗儀器與相關之設備.......................................................25
3.4.1 篩分析與比重計試驗儀器..........................................26
3.4.2 阿太堡塑性限度試驗.................................................26
3.4.3 實驗室三軸壓縮試驗系統..........................................27
3.5 試驗土樣與試體準備..........................................................29
3.6 試驗步驟.............................................................................30
3.7 試驗數據處理......................................................................32
3.8 試驗結果分析與應用..........................................................33
3.8.1 建立土體之臨界狀態線.............................................33
3.8.2 殘餘剪力強度(Residual Shear Strength)之選取與應用33
第四章Newmark 滑塊模式數值程式之發展與驗證........................ 59
4.1 Newmark 滑動塊模式...........................................................60
4.1.1 降伏加速度(ay)與不排水剪力強度(Su) .......................60
4.2 數值程式之發展..................................................................62
4.3 數值程式之驗證..................................................................64
4.3.1 地震波為三角型之輸入驗證......................................65
4.3.2 地震波為正弦型之輸入驗證......................................66
4.4 結語.....................................................................................67
第五章側向流動案例分析............................................................... 73
5.1 貓羅溪沿岸液化土壤描述...................................................73
5.2 貓羅溪沿岸側向流動分析...................................................74
5.2.1 原始流動剖面之建立.................................................75
5.2.2 應用STABL5M 預估破壞面之ay 值..........................75
5.2.3 地震加速度資料之處理.............................................76
5.3 案例分析結果與現地量測資料之比較................................77
第六章結論與建議.......................................................................... 97
6.1 結論.....................................................................................97
6.2 建議.....................................................................................98
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指導教授 黃俊鴻(Jing-Hung Hwang) 審核日期 2000-7-20
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