摘要(英) |
Repairing on deteriorated concrete pavement is currently dependent on experienced engineers or repairing materials manufactures suggestions. There hasn’t been established an entirely practical specification for concrete pavement repairing system yet. Due to no specifications to be adopted, it resulted in lowering repairing performance, degrading its material original characters and functions, and even shortened its servicing. Thus, it will promote the repairing performance if a suitable specification were established by more considering working problems, environment, climate and special using characters.
In the study, repairing methods applying on several major deteriorated patterns on concrete pavement which currently existed at airports field were evaluated. From the above results, a localized airport field concrete pavement repairing specification will to be developed. It is expected to guide contractors, engineers, and authorities. It will get rid of engineering conflicts among them in the near future. Meanwhile, pertinent information such as technical reports, published papers and opinions obtained through interviewing experts were also collected and analyzed. In additions, climate, environment, and working properties were also considered. Finally, the preliminary repairing specification was obtained through the conclusions that experts, engineers, and manufactures did |
參考文獻 |
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