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姓名 季松青(Sung-Ching Chi)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 地球物理研究所
論文名稱 大地電磁資料多站多頻分析於 台灣中部及金門地區地殼電性構造
(Application of multi-site and multi-frequency impedance tensor decomposition to resolve the crustal structures of the MT data in central Taiwan and Kinmen area )
★ 時間域電磁法應用於地下金屬之探測★ 應用直流電阻法研究台灣西南海岸平原晚更新世與全新世地層界限
★ 併合二維、三維地電阻影像法及透地雷達法應用於管線及估計電石渣總量上之研究★ 地電法應用於混凝土中鋼筋鏽蝕研究
★ 透地雷達於剛性鋪面檢測之應用★ 應用直流電阻法與人控音頻大地電磁波法研究台灣西南海岸平原環境變遷
★ 台灣東部利稻池上地區深部電性構造★ 應用地電阻法研究南崁斷層
★ 大地電磁法探查台灣清水地熱區★ 大地電磁法應用在台灣地區之海岸效應
★ 車籠埔斷層與梅山斷層之地電研究★ 應用大地電磁法研究台灣地區之電性構造
★ 臺灣深部電性構造及其板塊構造意義★ 整合地球物理方法研究變質岩區地熱構造-以金崙地熱區為例
★ 整合地電阻法與水文地質調查於崩塌地滑動之機制研究★ 活動斷層電性研究 — 以湖口、新城及山腳斷層為例
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摘要(中) 本文之研究目的在藉助大地電磁法(MT)多站多頻阻抗分析來還原真實的地下電性構造。經由三維模型二維逆推的模擬分析得到結果:
第二、台灣中部的兩條MT剖面cc-1及cc-2。cc-1逆推結果將電阻率約248 ohm-m視為莫荷面處,可發現莫荷面深度自測線最西端的35km,逐漸上升至測站ccm-4的30km,然後維持相同的深度直到測站ccm-12,之後開始呈現向東漸深的態勢,一直到測線最東端,莫荷面下降至約50km的深度。cc-2逆推結果將電阻率約167 ohm-m視為莫荷面處,可發現莫荷面深度自測線最西端的31km,開始往東漸深;一直到測線最東端,莫荷面下降至約43km。
第三、金門有別於台灣為典型大陸地殼且處於弧後張裂階段,金門地區MT二維剖面的逆推結果中莫荷面深度約為32km上下,其莫荷面電阻率為129~219 ohm-m,莫荷面深度南北向沒有太大變化,但往西漸深。
摘要(英) Application of multi-site and multi-frequency impedance tensor decomposition to resolve the crustal structures of the MT data in central Taiwan and Kinmen area
Sung-Ching Chi
The purpose of this study was to strip the shallow 3D resistivity anomalies by using the multi-site and multi-frenquency impedance tensor decomposition (MSMFITD) during the inversion of the MT 2D profile.
Computer simulations of the MSMFITD technique, after using the synthetic data coming from the MT 3D forward modeling, indicated that: 1) MT data sensitively responses to high conductors; 2) the MSMFITD is quite powerful to strip the MT data pertubated by the local 3D inhomogenities, and perfectly recovered the true 2D structures.
The application of the MSMFITD technique to the MT data collected from the central Taiwan and the Kinmen area obtained three important results:
1) Two resistivity anomalies were dectected around the hypocenter of the Chi-Chi earthquake, the high resistivity anomaly on the west and the low resistivity anomaly on the east. This resistivity pattern mostly indicates that deep-crustal fluids may participate in the rupture process of the Chi-Chi earthquake. A striking spatial correlation between the crustal conductor and occurrence of aftershocks beneath the Chelungpu fault suggests a postseismic pore pressure adjustment ongoing after the mainshock. Additionally, the hypocenter exhibits an electrical resistive zone, consistent very well with a predicted compact zone from a crustal deformation and transient fluid flow modeling.
2) There were two MT profiles in the central Taiwan, cc-1 and cc-2. The resistivity structure of the northen MT profile cc-1 indicated that the depth of the Moho, about 248 ohm-m of resistivity, is at about 35km to the west, uplifting to 30km between MT soundings ccm-4 to ccm-12, and then deepening to 50km to the eastern end of the profile. As to the southen profile cc-2, the depth of Moho, about 167 ohm-m of resistivity , is at about 31km to the west and then gradually deepen to about 43km to the east.
3) The Kinmen islet, which is quite different from the Taiwan island geologically, belongs to the continental crust in the stage of the backarc spreading. Based on the resistivity profiles, in Kinmen area the depth of Moho, 129~219 ohm-m of resistivity, is around 32km with little variation in NS direction, but a little bit deepen to the west.
關鍵字(中) ★ 大地電磁
★ 多站多頻分析
★ 台灣中部
★ 金門地區
★ 地殼
★ 電性構造
關鍵字(英) ★ Kinmen
★ central Taiwan
★ multi-site and multi-frequency impedance tensor
★ MT
★ crustal structures
論文目次 中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
謝誌 II
目錄 IV
圖目 VI
符號表 X
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 台灣地質概述 1
1.2 深部電性構造之研究動機與研究方法 6
1.2.1 研究動機 6
1.2.2 研究方法概述 8
1.3 本文介紹 15
第二章 三維大地電磁資料的二維解釋 17
2.1 阻抗張量 17
2.2 大地電磁阻抗張量分解技術 22
2.3 同時多站多頻阻抗張量分解 24
2.4 三維模型驗證 25
第三章 台灣地區大地電磁測深資料分析 39
3.1電阻率分布與地體構造之關係 39
3.1.1地殼電阻率的影響因素 39
3.1.2震波決定的莫荷面 43
3.1.3莫荷面的電性特徵 45
3.2集集孕震帶電性構造 53
3.2.1 測區簡介 53
3.2.2 資料處理 56
3.2.3 地殼內低阻與餘震的相關性 62
3.3臺灣中部地區 66
3.3.1中部地區地質概述 66
3.3.2中部地區二維逆推分析 67
3.4金門地區 80
3.4.1金門地區概述 80
3.4.2金門地區一維逆推分析 80
3.4.3金門地區二維逆推分析 88
第四章 結論 100
4.1 結論 100
4.2 討論 103
參考文獻 104
附錄A:三維大地電磁順推 113
附錄B:用大地電磁法研究維性特徵 122
附錄C:MT測站張量分解結果 130
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指導教授 陳洲生、楊潔豪
(Chow-Son Chen、Chieh-Hou Yang)
審核日期 2006-1-18
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