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姓名 江靜芳(Jing-Fan Chuang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
論文名稱 精簡營建於預拌混凝土供應鏈應用之研究
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摘要(中) 本研究應用精簡營建之概念於預拌混凝土供應鏈,針對預拌混凝土供應商與混凝土施工承包商間之資訊流及物料流之傳遞、材料供應流程之資源配置與工地施作流程對施作時間及材料品質之影響進行探討,經由精簡營建相關文獻之探討、工地訪查與專家訪談,確立影響預拌混凝土供應鏈效能之因子,並建立預拌混凝土供應鏈流程精簡之評估模型。案例研究部份,收集材料供應、施工等相關資料,應用電腦模擬評估並驗證精簡營建於預拌混凝土供應鏈之成效,期能將研究之成果提供材料供應商及施工承包商資源運用規劃之使用,以提升預拌廠資源運用之有效性並提升混凝土施工之效率及品質。
本研究之結論包括:(1)針對預拌混凝土供應鏈建立三種流程精簡評估模型,分別為PUSH-TRADITIONAL模型、PULL-TRADITIONAL模型、PULL-IMPROVED模型,模型之價值在於反應現況並預先規劃,本研究所建立之模型即以此為準則,於模型設計時考量使用之需求性,以使模型之功能完備;(2)於案例研究部份,應用電腦模擬肯定精簡營建於預拌混凝土供應鏈應用之成效,並探討預拌混凝土供應鏈影響因子對整體效能之影響; (3)應用電腦模擬進行精簡營建之研究,將精簡營建之概念模型化並以模擬之結果針對預拌混凝土供應鏈影響因子進行探討。
摘要(英) With the application of many innovative production management methods such as Total Quality Management, Just-in-time management, Vertical Integration, Lean Production, Supply-chain management, and so on, manufacturing industry has enjoyed a great success in the improvement of production efficiency in the past decades. One common ingredient among those methods is to streamline their production operation to pursuit perfection to their products. On the other hand, interest by the construction industry in the study of processes at this level has been negligible. In fact, interest in methods such as CPM has placed a great deal of planning emphasis at the project level. Process level considerations have been neglected or assumed to be covered by the "experience" of field personnel. According to several research studies, more than 30% of construction cost as well as time can be potentially saved through better planning and scheduling.
"Lean construction" addresses just the issue and implies the optimization of storage and logistics. Its goal is to avoid waste of time, money, equipment, etc. and to focus on productivity improvement and cost reduction. This research employs the principles of lean construction to study the ready-mixed concrete production and placement process operation in construction. The objectives are to improve the overall operating efficiency and to reduce waste by streamlining the operating chain process. Construction job sites and their concrete supply plants will be visited to pinpoint the bottleneck of the operating process. Wastes and inefficiency will be identified. Alternative operating modes will then be evaluated using the computer simulation technique to streamline the concrete supply and placement operation in construction.
關鍵字(中) ★ 精簡營建
★ 預拌混凝土供應鏈
★ 電腦模擬
關鍵字(英) ★ lean construction
★ ready-mixed concrete supply chain
★ computer simulation
論文目次 第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究動機 1
1.2研究目的 2
1.3研究範圍 2
1.4研究方法與步驟 3
1.5 論文架構 5
第二章 文獻回顧 6
2.1.1 精簡生產之運作及特色 6
2.1.2 精簡生產之供應鏈運作型式 7
2.1.3精簡思考(Lean Thinking) 9
2.2.1 精簡營建之應用與運作 10
2.2.2 精簡營建之應用成效 13
2.2.3 精簡營建之研究及應用領域15
第三章 預拌混凝土供應鏈流程精簡之架構18
3.1.1 預拌混凝土之重要性 18
3.1.2 影響混凝土品質及施工進度之因素19
3.2 精簡營建於預拌混凝土供應鏈應用之架構22
3.2.1預拌混凝土之價值定義 22
3.2.2預拌混凝土之價值流 23
3.2.3預拌混凝土價值流之暢流 24
3.2.5追求完美 26
3.3 小結 27
第四章 預拌混凝土供應鏈流程精簡之評估模型28
4.1 建立預拌混凝土供應鏈流程精簡評估模型之流程28
4.2 預拌混凝土供應鏈模型之建立29
4.2.1資料收集 29
4.2.2 預拌混凝土供應鏈之CYCLONE模型30
4.3 預拌混凝土供應鏈流程精簡之評估模型34
4.3.2 PULL-IMPROVED模型 37
4.6 小結41
第五章 預拌混凝土供應鏈流程精簡之案例研究43
5.1 案例資訊43
5.2 案例模擬45
5.2.2 模擬結果47
5.2.3 模擬結果分析50
5.3小結 54
第六章 結論與建議57
6.1 結論 57
6.2 研究限制60
6.3 建議 60
參考文獻 62
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指導教授 黃榮堯(Rong-Yau Huang) 審核日期 2000-6-25
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