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姓名 林佩瑩(Pei-Ying Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 應用地質研究所
論文名稱 南投紅菜坪地滑與地化特徵之關聯
(The relation between geochemical characteristics and landslide in Hungtsaiping area, Nantou, Taiwan)
★ 有機質成熟度之染色技術應用★ 臺灣中新世石底層煤中硫及微量元素含量之沉積涵義
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★ 石油系統之有機材料與熱成熟度特性探討★ 石油系統有機材料特性及熱成熟度與油氣潛能之關係探討:以澳洲西北海域為例
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★ 廢棄礦場環境影響綜合評估★ 河流縱剖面與構造地形指標之量化分析: 以濁水溪為例
★ 九份-金瓜石地區火成作用對有機物成熟度之影響★ 不同成熟度之有機成分探討
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摘要(中) 紅菜坪地區位於台灣中部南投縣中寮鄉樟平溪上游之永祿溪南岸,紅菜坪地滑引發於1999年9月20日(UTC)集集大地震(Mw=7.6)。本研究選用地化方法: 同位素及水化學結合地形及地質調查建立地化特徵與臺灣南投紅菜坪地滑之關聯。於2008年5月至2009年5月進行月採樣,水樣包含溪流、池塘、地下水、滲水及永祿溪溪水並分析各樣品之氫氧同位素、特定離子濃度、電導度及pH值。由水文地化分析結果顯示降雨補注或水土平衡不能完全解釋地下水的化學特性,各個水體間的相關性可藉由水化學及同位素組成隨時間、空間之變化來解釋;中至上邊坡的水體型態為Ca/Mg-HCO3-、下邊坡則為Na-HCO3-且水體含有非預期性高的硫酸根離子,且濃度隨著高程增加而遞減。綜合水文地化特徵及剖面資料分別建立流場概念模式以探討之水來源及流徑。
摘要(英) Hungtsaiping is located at the south bank of the Yonglu stream (the upper stream of Jhangping Stream), Chungliao Village of Nantou County, central Taiwan. Occurring on September 20, 1999 UTC, Hungtsaiping landslide was triggered by the Chi-Chi earthquake (Mw=7.6) which occurred near the town of Chi-Chi in Nantou County, central Taiwan. Coping with the geological and geomorphologic investigations, this study makes an attempt to find the relation between geochemical characteristics and landslide in Hungtsaiping area. Geochemical methods including isotope and hydrochemistry were used in this study. Water sampling was carried out from May 2008 to May 2009. Water samples were collected from spring waters, creeks, ponds, groundwater and the Yonglu stream once every month during the studying period. Oxygen and hydrogen stable isotope, ionic concentrations, as well as electrical conductivity and pH value were analyzed. The relationship between geochemical characteristics and landslide can then be evaluated. Analytic results indicate that calcium and magnesium bicarbonate-rich water was found on the top and the middle part of the slope. On the other hand, sodium bicarbonate-rich water as well as exceptionally high sulfate concentration was found on the foot of the slope, the sulfate content decreased with increasing elevations until the middle part of slope. A conceptual model of flow process and water origin in Hungtsaiping landslide was established by summarizing the features of hydrogeochemical analyses and the profiles in this study.
關鍵字(中) ★ 水化學。
★ 地滑
★ 山崩
★ 地化特徵
★ 同位素
關鍵字(英) ★ hydrochemistry.
★ isotope
★ geochemical characteristics
★ landslide
論文目次 Table of Contents
摘要 i
誌謝 iii
Table of Contents v
List of figures viii
List of tables xiii
1. Introduction 1
1-1 Hungtsaiping: the study area 1
1-2 Study methods of landslide 3
1-2-1 Isotopes 3
1-2-2 Hydrochemistry 4
1-3 Objectives of this study 4
1-4 The framework of study 5
2. Literature review 6
2-1 Landslides triggered by earthquakes 6
2-1-1 1964 March 28 03:36 UTC Magnitude 9.2 Alaska 6
2-1-2 1999 September 20 17:47 UTC Magnitude 7.6 Taiwan 6
2-1-3 2003 August 21 12:12 UTC Magnitude 7.2 New Zealand 7
2-1-4 2004 October 23 08:56 UTC Magnitude 6.6 Japan 7
2-1-5 2007 March 25 00:41 UTC Magnitude 6.7 Japan 7
2-2 Regional geology of Hungtsaiping 8
2-2-1 Formations 8
2-2-2 Geologic structures 12
2-2-3 Geological profiles 16
2-2-4 Lithology 20
2-3 Geochemical factors of landslide studies 21
2-3-1 Isotopes of landslide studies 22
2-3-2 Hydrochemistry of landslide studies 27
3. Sampling and Analytical Methods 33
3-1 Procedures of study 33
3-2 Sampling locations 33
3-2-1 Sampling location of meteoric water 34
3-2-2 Sampling locations of surface water 34
3-2-3 Sampling locations of groundwater 34
3-2-4 Sampling locations of soil 34
3-3 Sampling procedures 34
3-3-1 Sampling procedures of meteoric water 35
3-3-2 Sampling procedures of surface water 35
3-3-3 Sampling procedures of groundwater 35
3-3-4 Sampling procedures of soil 35
3-4 Analytical methods 43
3-4-1 pH value 4444
3-4-2 Electrical conductivity 44
3-4-3 Oxygen isotope 45
3-4-4 Hydrogen isotope 46
3-4-5 Concentration of bicarbonate by titration 49
3-4-6 Concentration of specific ions by high-pressure ionic chromatography 50
3-4-7 Concentration of specific ions by atomic absorption spectrometry 51
3-4-8 Piper diagram 52
4. Results and Discussion 54
4-1 Characters of the study area 54
4-1-1 Precipitation 544
4-1-2 Chemical characteristics of soil 57
4-1-3 Field investigation 57
4-1-4 Sampling locations 64
4-2 Hydrochemistry 66
4-2-1 Hydrochemistry of surface water 66
4-2-2 Hydrochemistry of groundwater 76
4-3 Isotopic characteristics 86
4-3-1 Isotopic characteristics of meteoric water 86
4-3-2 Isotopic characteristics of surface water 86
4-3-3 Isotopic characteristics of groundwater 96
4-4 The spatial analysis among factors 103
4-5 The temporal analysis among factors 112
4-6 The conceptual flow model in Hungtsaiping landslide area 117
5. Conclusions and Suggestions 123
References 125
Appendix 129
7-1 Information of borehole logging 129
7-1-1 BH-2 130
7-1-2 BH-3 135
7-1-3 BH-7 139
7-1-4 BH-9 141
7-1-5 BH-10 148
7-1-6 BH-12 152
7-1-7 EH-01 154
7-1-8 EH-09 154
7-1-9 EH-05 155
7-1-10 EH-11 156
7-2 Data of hydrogeochemistry 157
7-3 Descriptive statistics of hydrochemistry 178
7-3-1 Descriptive statistics of hydrochemistry of all samples 178
7-3-2 Descriptive statistics of hydrochemistry of groundwater 191
7-3-3 Descriptive statistics of hydrochemistry of surface water 204
7-4 Descriptive statistics of isotopes 217
7-4-1 Descriptive statistics of isotopes of all samples 217
7-4-2 Descriptive statistics of isotopes of groundwater 220
7-4-3 Descriptive statistics of isotopes of surface water 223
7-5 Diagram 226
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指導教授 蔡龍珆(Louis Loung-Yei Tsai) 審核日期 2009-7-21
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