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姓名 阮志義(NGHIA-CHI NGUYEN)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 應用地質研究所
(Evaluation and management of groundwater resource in Hadong area of Vietnam using groundwater modeling)
★ 微水試驗以兩階段式方法推估薄壁因子與含水層水力導數★ 受負薄壁效應影響微水實驗參數推估方法
★ 單井循環流水力實驗之理論改進與發展★ 地表下NAPL監測技術-薄膜擴散採樣器之發展
★ 水文地層剖析儀與氣壓式微水試驗儀調查淺層含水層水力傳導係數之研究★ 利用時間分數階移流模式對非反應性示蹤劑在裂隙介質的分析
★ 時間分數階傳輸模式對反應性示蹤劑砂箱實驗之分析★ 利用雙封塞微水試驗推估裂隙含水層水力傳導係數
★ 多深度微水試驗之測試段長度對水力傳導係數影響★ 時間分數階徑向發散流場傳輸模式與單一裂隙示蹤劑試驗分析
★ 含水層下邊界對於斜井雙極水流試驗影響★ 大傾角裂隙岩層抽水試驗用雙孔隙率模式分析
★ 裂隙岩層的水流流通面積對跨孔雙封塞 微水試驗資料分析之影響★ 有效井管半徑模式與有限厚度模式對薄壁效應多深度微水試驗之比較
★ 非受壓含水層之三維斜井捕集區解析解★ 利用分布參數方法發展傾斜裂隙岩層 抽水試驗雙孔隙率模式
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摘要(中) 摘要
越南在快速城市化之後淡水的需求增加了,在Hadong區地下水更是一個非常重要的水資源。根據Hadong區政府的發展規劃,於2020年時這一區域的淡水需求量將達到約114,000 m3/day,因此需要對地下水資源進行有效的評估和管理。本研究利用三維有限差分模型VISUAL MODFLOW(VMOD),輸入當地的地形,水文和氣候數據,建立該模型模擬河東區顆粒含水層的地下水流動,其中包含一個全新世的含水層(qh)和更新世含水層(qp)。利用31口井為期6年的地下水水位監測數據,以及利用現有技術將區域水力傳導係數和儲蓄係數的估計值納入模型,分別假設穩態和暫態條件律定此Hadong模型。模擬結果顯示,最佳抽水策略下此含水層所能提供的最大地下水供給量為124,830 m3/day,此供給量的來源由大至小分別來自Day River(35.97%)、研究區外(29.89%)、qh含水層(26.88%)、Nhue River(6.56%)和qp含水層(0.71%)。Hadong區政府預測:在2015年時淡水需求將達到91,320 m3/day,在2020年時達到114,552 m3/day,在2025年和2030年時分別達到128,298 m3/day和134,300 m3/day。模型預測地下水供給情況為:2015年和2020年為順差26,150 m3/day和10,278 m3/day;但在2025年和2030年時將呈現逆差3,468 m3/day和18,864 m3/day。
摘要(英) Abstract
Groundwater is a very important water resource in Hadong area. The rapid urbanization of Hadong increases the need of fresh water. According to the development strategy of Hadong city government, the fresh water demand of this area will be around 114,000m3/day in 2020. Therefore, evaluation and management of groundwater are required, and are studied herein using a three-dimensional finite-difference model which is based on the VISUAL MODFLOW (VMOD) and utilizes the local topography, hydrogeology, and climate data. This model simulates the groundwater movement in the granular aquifers in Hadong area, which consist of a Holocene aquifer (qh) and a Pleistocene aquifer (qp). Six-year groundwater level data of 31 monitoring wells, the hydraulic conductivity distributions and storage coefficients estimated using available techniques are incorporated into the model. The calibration of the Hadong model are made assuming both steady-state and transient conditions. Based on the optimal pumping strategy modeled the maximum groundwater available from the qp aquifer is 124,830 m3/day, which is supplied by Day River (35.97%), the adjacent areas (29.89%), the qh aquifer (26.88%), Nhue River (6.56%), and the qp (0.71%). The predicted water demand will be 91,320m3/day in 2015, 114,552m3/day in 2020, 128,298m3/day in 2025 and 134,300m3/day in 2030. There will be groundwater surplus for 2015 by 26,150m3/day and for 2020 by 10,278m3/day. But there will be groundwater deficits in 2025 by 3,468m3/day and 2030 by 18,864m3/day.
關鍵字(中) ★ 因此需要對地下水資源進行有效的評估和管理
★ 越南在快速城市化之後淡水的需求增加
關鍵字(英) ★ evaluation and management of groundwater
★ Hadong city government
★ Groundwater
論文目次 Abstract i
Acknowledgements ii
Table of contents iii
List of Figures v
List of Tables x
Symbol Description xi
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Literature Review 1
1.2.1. Results of geological investigation 1
1.2.2. Research results of hydrogeology 3
1.2.3. Research results of groundwater reserves 4
1.3 Research Objective 5
1.4 Methodology 6
Chapter II: Physiographic Description and 7
Regional Hydrogeology 7
2.1 Geomorphology 7
2.1.1. Location and area extent 7
2.1.2. Topography 7
2.2 Climate 9
2.3. Geology 13
2.4. Water Resource Systems 15
2.4.1. Surface water 15
2.4.2. Groundwater 17
2.4.3. Status of Groundwater Exploitation and Groundwater Regime 22
2.4.4. Land Use 30
2.5 Summary 33
Chapter 3: Groundwater Flow Model 34
3.1. Introduction 34
3.2. Modelling application: VMOD 35
3.3. Model structure 36
3.3.1. Model discretization 36
3.3.2. Initial and Boundary condition 37
3.3.3. Model geometry and hydrogeological parameters 49
3.3.4. Hydrological stresses 57
3.4. Model calibration 60
3.4.1. Calibration procedure 60
3.4.2. Evaluation of the calibration 62
3.5. Results and Discussion 69
3.5.1. Model structure 69
3.5.2. Model calibration 70
3.5.3. Calibrated parameters 71
Chapter 4: Managing Groundwater resources 87
4.1. Introduction 87
4.2. Strategies for groundwater development in Hadong area 87
4.2.1. Detection of Environmental Impacts of Groundwater Development 87
4.2.2. Strategies for ground water management 90
4.2.3. Constraints 91
4.2.4. Management strategies for groundwater development 97
4.3. Strategy for increate groundwater abstraction and controlling groundwater level decline .............................................................................................................................98
4.4. Discussion and Concussions 106
Chapter 5 Conclusion and Recommendations 112
5.1. Conclusions 112
5.2. Recommendations 113
References 115
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指導教授 陳家洵(Chia-Shyun Chen) 審核日期 2009-7-22
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