博碩士論文 942203019 詳細資訊

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姓名 林鈺翔(Yu-siang Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 化學學系
論文名稱 極性取代基對於彎曲型液晶分子的影響
(The Effect of Polar Substituents on Bent-Core Liquid Crystals)
★ 具有benzoxazole結構之無機液晶材料★ 以1,3,4-thiadiazole為架構之不對稱無機液晶材料
★ 新穎香蕉形液晶及對稱含萘環之液晶分子★ 香蕉形無機液晶
★ 具有benzoxazole結構之有機及無機液晶材料★ 以1,3,4-thiadiazole為架構之無機盤狀液晶材料
★ 以benzoxazole為架構之無機桿狀液晶★ 具有Quinoxaline結構之雙金屬無機液晶材料
★ 星型液晶材料及磷光發光材料之合成與研究★ 含pyrazole及isoxazole之有機桿狀液晶
★ 矽咔哚與矽螺旋雙笏物質之放光性質研究★ 具有Benzobisthiazoles和Benzobisoxazoles結構之盤狀液晶材料
★ 含 Benzoxazole 之對稱二聚物其奇偶效應的探討★ 以電腦模擬研究香蕉型液晶元的分子交互作用力
★ 由彎曲型分子形成盤狀液晶之探討★ 含cis-enaminoketone 結構的無機液晶材料
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摘要(中) 本系列以合成N,N’-bis[1-(4’-alkoxyphenyl)-3-oxopropenyl]-2-
hydroxy-propylenediamines為架構的配位基液晶分子,所得化合物經由1H-NMR、13C-NMR、Mass與元素分析以鑑定其結構及純度;並由熱差式分析儀(DSC)、偏光顯微鏡(POM)及粉末 X 光繞射(XRD)鑑定其液晶相種類。探討及有無OH官能基及苯環上取代基對對液晶相的影響。由FT-IR 實驗確認配位基中存在著氫鍵,並一步研究 ligand中氫鍵對液晶相之影響,與 PL光譜的 excited state intramolecular proton transfer(ESIPT) 現象。我們在苯環上加入不同取代基則發現因立體障礙及極化因素影響了分子間的層狀堆疊。Pd錯合物在先前實驗室學長研究中則發現由分子間氫鍵自組裝產生盤狀液晶tetramer筒狀排列構形。
Dimmer系列為配位基1a之延伸。中間spacer在1’3’ diimine propane 2’位置無OH基時沒有液晶相產生;我們固定兩側碳鏈長(n = 12)試著增加中間橋接基長度(m = 2 ~ 12)後發現在中間碳鏈長度(m = 4 ~ 10)具有層狀排列液晶相的對稱二聚物;特別的是此系列具有一奇偶效應的性質。我們試著用短碳鏈單晶去了解其排列結構。
摘要(英) It is well known that the stability of the mesophase may be augmented by an increase of the polarity or polarization along the mesogenic core of the molecule. A substantial change of the micro- as well as macro-polarizability in a specific structure or molecule can be easily achieved by the introduction of polar substituent along the preferred molecular direction. The effect of polar substituents in a variety of mesogenic systems has been studied and investigated during the past years. Certain predictions were successfully made in terms of mesomorphic behavior.
Previous studies also showed that compounds substituted with polar groups, such as -NO2, -CN, might lead to a higher clearing temperature. This effect was attributed to the conjugative interaction increased between the substituent and the ester moiety. On the other hand, the effect of polar substituents on the mesogenic 1,3,4-oxadiazoles was studied. The mesophase and optical properties of these oxadiazole materials were found to be strongly influenced by the presence of a terminal polar group.
N,N’-Bis[1-(4’-alkoxyphenyl)-3oxopropenyl]-2-hydroxypropylenediamines and their Pd2+ complexes were previously prepared and found to exhibit columnar phase (Colh) in this group. However, the mesomorphic behavior of the ligands formed smectic phase due to the shape effect. In this work, a series of the similar structures with a variety of polar substituents, so-called bent-core (BC) mesogen was prepared and studied. All compounds were found mesogenic, and the mesophase was assigned tentatively as banana phases.
關鍵字(中) ★ 極性取代基
★ 彎曲形液晶
★ 氫建
★ 紅外光譜
★ 層狀排列
關鍵字(英) ★ ent-Core Liquid Crystals
★ Polar Substituents
★ Smectic A
論文目次 第一章 緒論..........................................................................................1
1-1 液晶之簡介................................................................................2
1-2 液晶的構造與物理性質............................................................3
1-3 液晶分子中氫鍵之鑑定方式....................................................6
1-4 結構中取代基對於液晶分子的影響.......................................8
1-5 Dimeric liquid crystals 之結構組成及特性.............................12
1-6 研究動機..................................................................................18
第二章 實驗部分..................................................................................20
2-1 實驗藥品..................................................................................21
2-2 儀器設備..................................................................................23
2-3 實驗流程..................................................................................28
2-3-1 系列一(1a, 1b)之實驗流程...........................................28
2-3-2 系列一(1c ~ 1g, 2, 3, 4)之實驗流程圖.........................29
2-3-3 系列二(5)之實驗流程圖...............................................30
2-4 實驗步驟:.................................................................................31
第三章 結果與討論..............................................................................56
3-1 化合物合成反應機構之探討..................................................57
3-2 化合物結構與相對應代號......................................................58
3-3 化合物結構之鑑定..................................................................59
3-4 系列1a,1b 配位基化合物......................................................62
3-4-1 1a 光學紋理圖.............................................................62
3-4-2 相轉換行為(Phase transition behaviors).......................64
3-4-3 變溫粉末繞射圖...........................................................67
3-4-4 FT-IR 研究(FT-IR Studies) ........................................71
3-4-5 配位基之光學探討(ESIPT 現象).................................76
3-4-6 類似結構Ligand 之比較..............................................81
3-5 系列1c~1g 配位取代基化合物.............................................83
3-5-1 光學紋理圖...................................................................83
3-5-2 相轉換行為(Phase transition behavior) ........................85
3-5-3 粉末繞射儀...................................................................87
3-5-4 立體效應.......................................................................90
3-5-5 極化因素.......................................................................92
3-6 系列2 取代基Pd 錯合物.......................................................94
3-6-1 光學紋理圖...................................................................94
3-6-2 相轉換行為(Phase transition behavior) ........................96
3-6-3 粉末繞射儀...................................................................97
3-7 系列3 配位取代基..................................................................98
3-7-1 相轉換行為(Phase transition behavior) ........................98
3-8 系列4 取代基Pd 錯合物.....................................................100
3-8-1 相轉換行為(Phase transition behavior) ......................100
3-9 系列5a dimer 系統...............................................................101
3-9-1 光學紋理圖.................................................................101
3-9-2 相轉換行為(Phase transition behavior) ......................105
3-9-3 變溫粉末繞射圖.........................................................109
3-9-4 L4R1 單晶結構研究.................................................112
3-9-5 L3R3 單晶結構研究.................................................116
3-10 結論......................................................................................124
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指導教授 賴重光(Chung K, Lai) 審核日期 2007-7-24
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