摘要(英) |
The recent low labor costs and enormous domestic market demands have become the two major advantages for China to attract international investments from global enterprises. The small and medium enterprises in Taiwan, as the foundation of Taiwan’s economy and the pioneers in globalization, have taken the role of exploring emerging China markets. Therefore, in this recent trend of foreign investment in China, Taiwanese small/medium enterprises have followed suit in taking their part in this wave of global investment.
In the past couple years, there have been a great number of research and published documents on how the small and medium Taiwanese enterprises have transformed into internationalized business corporations while only a minority indicates what strategies have been adopted by the small and medium enterprises to achieve their business goals in foreign countries, to be competitive in the niche markets and to manage their expansions off-shore in China. The objective of this essay is to analyze the internal and external strategies of these enterprises based on the Network relationship theory combined with the SWOT analysis.
The Case study of this essay focuses on a small-sized company located in Dongguan, China. Regarding to the increasing number of competitors in the domestic market, our small China-based Taiwanese company are encountering more and more challenges. Thus, it is critical for further Taiwanese investors to realize how to remain their competitiveness and advantages so that they are capable to generate the long-lasting business tactics and eventually lead their companies to success in China.
This case study has shown that a company’s core competence is the most significant founding for its international corporations, especially due to the limited resources within such entities. It is essential for the enterprises to efficiently utilize their limited resources and strength their known weaknesses to obtain all the potential business opportunities. In the process of developing a competitive core competency, building up the sales network is crucial. The ambitious attitude of business owners will have a direct impact on the success of business entities. |
參考文獻 |
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