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姓名 鍾惠如(Hui-Ju Chung)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 企業管理學系在職專班
論文名稱 主管領導風格知覺、人格特質、音樂偏好與工作績效影響之研究
(research the relationship among leadership style sense, personality traits, music preference, and performance)
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摘要(中) 音樂在我們的生活中無所不在,很難想像一個完全沒有音樂的生活。有些人喜愛某種音樂是由於音樂能夠契合當時的心境、或是能調整他們的情緒,也有人喜歡透過音樂來創造出溫馨浪漫的生活空間,或是透過快節奏、且熱烈的音樂來釋放壓力或能量。不論是在音樂中尋找安慰、認同、或是靈感,音樂適時的反應了每個人獨特的個性、想法、品味。
    1. 當員工認知到放任主義的領導風格,其工作績效較佳。
    2. 五大人格特質中,審慎性人格特質與工作績效呈現統計上顯著的正相關。
    3. 音樂偏好中,以宗教類別音樂對於工作績效最具有正向的預測性。
    4. 人口統計變數,性別、婚姻、年齡、工作年資、現職年資都與工作績效有統計上的顯著影響。
    5. 例外管理的主管領導風格會因為員工傾向開放性的人格特質而導致於對工作績效有明顯的負面影響。
    6. 鼓舞激勵的管理風格會因為員工傾向審慎性的人格特質而導致於對工作績效有明顯的正面影響。
    7. 例外管理的主管領導風格會因為員工偏好欣賞宗教音樂,而對工作績效有明顯的正面影響。
摘要(英) Music is omnipresent in ours life, we can’t imagine the life without it. Some people like the specific music due to it can agree with their mind at that moment, or it can adjust their mood, and the other people like to create the romantic life style via music, or through the heave tempo to release their pressure. Whatever we want to find the consolation or inspiration in music, the music is properly reflected our individual personality, mind, and taste.
The behavior model is very different in our personality traits, and the music preference also responses our individual personality. When a group wants to achieve the same target, the leadership will be occurred naturally. McGregor(1960) thinks the most important factor in organization is people, and business should put their attention in human resources. There are many factors to effect staff’s performance. Many researches point out manager’s leadership style will influence staff’s performance, but in order to inspire staff to reach business goal, we need to use different leadership style for each individual personality traits.
This research is based on banking business to find the relationship among music preference, leadership style sense, personality traits, population statistics, and performance.
The results are as follows:
1. When staffs feel laissez-faire leadership, their performance will be better than the others.
2. In five-factor model of the NEO personality inventory, the conscientiousness and performance reveal positive correlation.
3. If staffs like religious music, their performance is better than the others.
4. The variances of population statistics, such as sex, marriage, age and working years all have positive effects on performance.
5. Laissez-faire leadership will have negative effect in performance when staff’s personality is openness.
6. Inspiration motivation leadership will have positive effect in performance when staff’s personality is conscientiousness.
7. Laissez-faire leadership will have positive effect in performance when staffs like to listen to religious music.
According to above conclusions, there are some suggestions for management: we should apply different leadership style based on different personality traits. As money is very sensitive asset, people always handle it very carefully; therefore they will ask for conscientious and professional service in banking industry. In such competitive environment, sales people bear more pressure than others since they need to achieve their monthly goal even thought they are rejected by the customers. In such circumstances, if they can listen to music to release the pressure, and face the next customer with ease, the possibility of being success is higher and their performance will be getting better.
關鍵字(中) ★ 領導風格
★ 音樂偏好
★ 人格特質
★ 工作績效
關鍵字(英) ★ performance
★ personality trait
★ leadership style
★ music preference
論文目次 中文提要 i
Abstract iii
誌謝 v
目錄 vi
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 ix
第一章、緒論 1
1-1 研究動機 1
1-2 研究目的 2
1-3 研究問題 3
1-4 研究流程 4
1-5 研究背景 5
第二章、 文獻探討 9
2-1 音樂偏好 9
2-1-1 音樂對生理及心理的影響 9
2-2 音樂偏好與人格特質之相關研究 11
2-3 領導風格 12
2-1-1 領導的意義 12
2-3-2 領導風格理論 13
2-4 領導風格與工作績效之相關研究 22
2-5 人格特質 23
2-5-1 人格的定義 23
2-5-2 人格特質理論 23
2-6 人格特質與工作績效之相關研究 26
2-7 工作績效 27
2-7-1 績效評估的發展 27
2-7-2 績效評估的模式 29
第三章、研究方法 31
3-1 研究架構 31
3-2 研究變數定義 32
3-3 研究假設 34
3-3-1 主管領導風格知覺與工作績效的關係 34
3-3-2 人格特質與工作績效的關係 35
3-3-3 音樂偏好與工作績效的關係 35
3-3-4 干擾變數 36
3-3-5 人口統計變數與工作績效的關係 36
3-4 研究工具 38
3-4-1 主管領導風格知覺 38
3-4-2 五大人格特質 39
3-4-3 音樂偏好 39
3-4-4 工作績效 40
3-5 研究對象與資料分析方法 41
3-5-1 研究對象 41
3-5-2 資料分析方法 41
第四章、研究結果 43
4-1 敘述性統計分析 43
4-1-1 性別 43
4-1-2 婚姻狀況 44
4-1-3 年齡 44
4-1-4 教育程度 45
4-1-5 畢業後工作年資 45
4-1-6 現職工作年資 46
4-2 信度檢定 48
4-3 相關分析 50
4-4 迴歸及變異數分析 51
4-4-1 主管領導風格知覺、工作績效統計分析 51
4-4-2 人格特質、工作績效統計分析 54
4-4-3 音樂偏好、工作績效統計分析 57
4-4-4 主管領導風格知覺、人格特質、工作績效統計分析 60
4-4-5 主管領導風格知覺、音樂偏好、工作績效統計分析 62
4-4-6 人口統計變數、工作績效統計分析 64
4-5 分群後的變異數分析 67
第五章、結論與建議 70
5-1 研究結論及討論 70
5-1-1 研究結論 70
5-1-2 結果討論 72
5-2 管理實務之參考 75
5-3 研究限制及未來研究之方向 77
5-3-1 研究限制 77
5-3-2 未來研究之方向 78
參考文獻 79
附錄:問卷 84
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指導教授 林建煌(Chien-Huang Lin) 審核日期 2008-7-8
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