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姓名 邱俊傑(Chun-Chieh Chiu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 高階主管企管碩士班
論文名稱 台灣資訊科技品牌在中國行銷策略的探討-以個案B公司為例
★ 新產品上市如何在短期間內成為市場領導者-以西藥產業A公司降血脂藥為例★ 金融舞弊防範之研究
★ WSN於工業領域之監測應用-以電力設備箱監控為例★ 銀行業住宅抵押貸款行銷管理規劃面與執行面之研究-C銀行個案研究
★ 游泳教學產業的競爭策略與經營模式個案分析★ 台灣嬰童用品品牌進入中國市場模式以及行銷策略探討 --以A公司為例
★ 電視通路之物流營運策略-以E公司為例★ 從資源理論基礎探討企業多角化策略-以E個案公司為例
★ 台灣中小企業自金融機構取得融資的影響因素-以C銀行為例★ 企業物流委外之營運策略研究-以個案公司(M公司)為例
★ 台灣汽車電子業進入國際市場之策略-以D公司為例★ 中國證券應用軟體產業行銷策略之研究-以恒生電子為例
★ 探討財務資訊系統之軟體品質—以C公司為例★ 聚光型太陽能產業進入策略之探討—以B公司為例
★ IoT時代下的競爭策略與行銷策略─以C公司為例★ 論台灣中小企業少量多樣客製化的策略 — 以A公司經營醫療器材為例
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摘要(中) 台灣在全球代工的地位享譽國際,產品貼以MIT(Made in Taiwan; MIT)標籤,就是物美價廉的品質保證。台灣廠商早期在國際分工的角色大多是以扮演委託代工(Original Equipment Manufacturing; OEM)為主要的業務型態,運用充裕的低成本的勞動力提供給國際市場上所需的資訊科技產品的製造、組裝等委託代工服務。惟委託代工,生產的最大缺點在於訂單來源不穩定,產品行銷、設計階段的利潤無法掌握在自己的手裡,因此多數委託代工廠商隨著產品生產經驗的累積及新產品開發階段的資本投入,逐漸由委託代工轉型為設計加工(Own Designing Manufacturing; ODM)業務型態。
摘要(英) Taiwan is renowned for its OEM (Original Equipment Manufacture) enterprises, and the products are all labeled MIT (Made in Taiwan), which assures low price and high quality. In the early stages of development, these enterprises mostly played a role of OEM as their main business in the international division of labor. By making use of the abundant and cheap labor, they provided OEM services for the making, assembling and the like of scientific and technological products needed in the international market. But the major disadvantages of this kind of business were its unstable order resource, as well as the benefits lost in the products marketing and designing stage. So with the growth of manufacturing experience and greater investments in exploiting new products, most enterprises later changed its business pattern from OEM to ODM (Own Designing Manufacturing).
The manufacturing industry that Taiwan enterprises have taken pride in has long lost its competitive power due to the low labor costs in mainland China, but the intelligence information and technology industry as well as high-additional-value products offer these enterprises an opportunity that comes around once in a blue moon—the Chinese mainland will become the biggest market for all sorts of products in the world and with the changes in their marketing environment and values, Taiwan enterprises have started another form of development—running brand; but to establish brands requires the support of their own manufacturing industry and a vast market in China. Brand management offers great potential of autonomy. To make more profit, an enterprise can make plans in accordance with the needs of the market. The enterprise is no more running OEM, to which value is not added, but making full use of its creativity and knowledge for value-added products. Managing a brand is managing, creating and adding value.
The enterprise this research was conducted on was not originally a brand enterprise, but one under the support of its powerful OEM manufacturer, after the success of its strategies, such as reduction of cost and diversification of products when its output had reached economy of scale. Although this enterprise has accomplished a lot in running brands in mainland China in recent years, sales of products were growing negatively or just remains retarded, and the profits were decreasing annually. Besides the competition among Taiwan enterprises of the same trade, it was enveloped under the pressure of the combination between local and international enterprises. How to strengthen its current advantages in the rapidly changing environment? How to rethink and adjust its marketing as well as enterprise strategy to meet the challenges of the future?
關鍵字(中) ★ 經營品牌
★ 設計加工
★ 資訊科技產業
★ 委託代工
關鍵字(英) ★ OEM
★  information and technology industry
★  design
論文目次 第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 3
第三節 研究流程 4
第四節 論文架構 5
第二章 文獻探討 6
第一節 產業分析 6
第二節 行銷策略 22
第三節 品牌 41
第三章 研究方法 60
第一節 研究架構 60
第二節 研究方法 62
第三節 研究對象 63
第四章 產業與個案分析 64
第一節 產業分析 64
第二節 個案公司介紹 72
第三節 行銷狀況與SWOT分析 85
第四節 行銷策略 99
第五章 結論與建議 108
第一節 結論 108
第二節 建議 110
第三節 研究限制 115
參考文獻 116
參考文獻 中文部分
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指導教授 林熙禎 審核日期 2008-5-30
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