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姓名 呂長智(Chang-chih Lu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 高階主管企管碩士班
論文名稱 企業物流委外之營運策略研究-以個案公司(M公司)為例
★ 新產品上市如何在短期間內成為市場領導者-以西藥產業A公司降血脂藥為例★ 金融舞弊防範之研究
★ WSN於工業領域之監測應用-以電力設備箱監控為例★ 銀行業住宅抵押貸款行銷管理規劃面與執行面之研究-C銀行個案研究
★ 游泳教學產業的競爭策略與經營模式個案分析★ 台灣嬰童用品品牌進入中國市場模式以及行銷策略探討 --以A公司為例
★ 台灣資訊科技品牌在中國行銷策略的探討-以個案B公司為例★ 電視通路之物流營運策略-以E公司為例
★ 從資源理論基礎探討企業多角化策略-以E個案公司為例★ 台灣中小企業自金融機構取得融資的影響因素-以C銀行為例
★ 台灣汽車電子業進入國際市場之策略-以D公司為例★ 中國證券應用軟體產業行銷策略之研究-以恒生電子為例
★ 探討財務資訊系統之軟體品質—以C公司為例★ 聚光型太陽能產業進入策略之探討—以B公司為例
★ IoT時代下的競爭策略與行銷策略─以C公司為例★ 論台灣中小企業少量多樣客製化的策略 — 以A公司經營醫療器材為例
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摘要(中) 根據統計,美國企業界因物流的施行而改善生產力平均大約為20%, 由此可以看出物流帶給企業界所產生的效益。雖然企業已開始意識到物流配送作業的重要性,同時目前市場上已有許多國內外的專業物流供應商存在,其所提供之服務也幾乎可涵蓋整個供應鏈範圍。但在資源有限,而企業又必須兼顧效率及市場需求的前題下,物流作業到底要自營、委外或部份自營、部份委外,則成為企業長、短期策略思考的一項重要抉擇。根據喬治亞理工學院於2007年針對歐、美、亞三大洲一些大型企業所做的調查發現,其中已有82%的企業使用委外物流。再佐以過去數十年物流產業發展趨勢看來,不難發現3PL作業只是其中一種必需且無法避免的過渡模式。未來有朝向整合3PL進而轉型為4PL的營運模式,甚至爾後將由一些大型的5PL公司主導未來趨勢。本研究以個案公司-M公司過去營運經驗及相關資料進行分析研究後,以拋磚引玉的方式提供日後有興趣的業者及研究人員一個參考的方向。
摘要(英) According to the statistics, the productivity of enterprises in the USA has been averagely improved by 20% due to the implementation of logistics, which clearly shows the benefits that logistics brings. Although enterprises have begun to realize the importance of logistics distribution, and there exists many domestic or foreign professional logistics providers in the market whose service can almost cover the overall supply chain, yet due to limited resources enterprises need to make the critical decision for their short-term and long term strategies whether the logistics operation should be self-running, outsourcing or partially self-running, under the prerequisite to consider both efficiency and market demand. In accordance with the investigation of Georgia Institute of Technology in 2007 which targeted on large enterprises in Europe, America and Asia, 82% of them have adopted logistics outsourcing. Referring to the development trend of logistics industry in the past several decades, it can be easily discovered that 3PL operation is merely a necessary and inevitable interim mode; in the future the existing 3PL mode will probably transform into 4PL operation mode, or even some large 5PL companies may lead the future trend. This study analyzed the past operational experiences and relevant data of the case company – M company, and hopefully could provide a reference direction to those interested enterprises and researchers.
This study adopted the qualitative research method to conduct in-depth comparison and analysis in respect of the overall environment of Taiwan, the recent status of logistics industry, and operational features of the case company. It further proceeded with case interviews after collecting and analyzing relevant data and literature. Finally, based on the development of logistics operation that M company has in the past 40 years, this study probed into strategies in each different stage, and then compared the advantages and disadvantages of each operational mode in order to find out the ideal development mode.
The case company is an international one which has set up its modes and standards with regard to resource utilization, cost analysis and performance assessment. In particular, this company has self-developed an operational mode of partial logistics outsourcing under its unique culture of innovation. This cooperative mode has achieved a certain level in respect of logistics performance (efficiency, accuracy, customers’ complaints, and the defect ratio of products) or cost control after operating for around 15 years. In addition, the case company initiated this mode as a cooperative partner with the 3PL company and shared partial resources so that resources could be fully utilized; they also have sufficient mutual understanding, so many improvement projects are based on win-win consideration. As a result, the case company can effectively control the cost, fully utilize the resources and completely elaborate the very benefit of logistics towards the enterprise. It indeed can be considered as a good example for reference.
關鍵字(中) ★ 第三方物流
★ 供應鏈
★ 物流委外
★ 後勤管理
★ 流通技術
關鍵字(英) ★ Third Party Logistics
★ Supply Chain
★ Logistics Outsourcing
★ Logistics Management
★ Distribution Technology
論文目次 第一章 緒論....................................................1
第一節 研究背景與動機..........................................1
第二節 研究目的................................................3
第三節 研究流程................................................4
第四節 論文架構................................................5
第二章 文獻探討................................................6
第一節 產業分析................................................6
第二節 物流相關文獻彙整........................................18
第三節 物流委外策略............................................26
第三章 研究方法...................................................32
第一節 研究架構................................................32
第二節 研究方法................................................33
第三節 研究對象................................................34
第四章 產業分析與個案研究.........................................37
第一節 產業環境分析............................................37
第二節 個案公司描述............................................41
第三節 個案公司資源、能力與物流作業流程........................49
第四節 個案公司物流策略........................................78
第五節 個案公司現階段物流作業模式評估..........................91
第五章 結論與建議.................................................95
第一節 結論....................................................95
第二節 建議....................................................97
第三節 研究限制................................................99
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指導教授 林熙禎 審核日期 2009-5-18
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