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姓名 呂秋育(Cyiu-yu Lu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 高階主管企管碩士班
論文名稱 企業社會責任實施現狀認知、員工工作滿意度與離職傾向關係之探討─以A公司為例
★ 公關公司經營策略分析與討論─以C公司為例★ 金融海嘯後中小型金控經營策略之探討—以玉山金控為例
★ 台灣IC設計產業導入薪酬委員會制度與高階經理人薪酬管理決策之探討★ 應用福特8D法改善離子植入機設備效能探討─以A公司為例
★ 台灣半導體公司對製程技術精進的掌握與運作策略★ 大陸員工工作滿意度之調查分析與探討—以G公司為例
★ 大陸台資企業設廠規劃與營運策略探討:以某光電公司為例★ 大陸台資企業對新生代農民工之激勵制度構建─以M公司為例
★ A公司核心、領導職能模型建立及各階主管領導力評鑑研究報告★ 不沾塗料行業的發展策略分析:以某台資企業為例
★ 台商在中國大陸勞動爭議研究─以華東地區製造業為例★ 大陸台資企業人力資源管理措施與組織效益探討─以M公司昆山廠為例
★ 勞務派遣行業在中國市場之策略研究─以某勞務派遣公司為例★ 行動科技消費行為之探索性研究─以美食手機App愛評生活通為例
★ EMBA成員參與課外社交聯誼之動機與滿意度研究-以慢速壘球運動為例★ 企業風險管理在應收帳款之應用探討─以A公司為例
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摘要(中) 近年來,社會大眾對於企業社會責任(Corporate Social Responsibility, CSR)的意識逐漸上升,使各企業對企業社會責任之相關議題,無不加以重視且視為企業之經營核心。然而,接二連三的食安問題,假米粉、毒澱粉、胖達人麵包添加人工香精、以及近日備受討論的大統、富味鄉食用油的假油和摻油事件,種種問題之產生,讓人不禁要問企業的誠信與良心到底在哪裡?
影響員工離職的因素甚多,其中,員工對工作的態度,例如工作滿意度、組織承諾、工作投入等會影響其離職行為(Hand,Meglino,et al,1979)。工作滿意(Job Satisfaction)是指工作者在心理以及生理方面對工作環境與工作本身的滿意感(Hoppock,1935)。國外研究指出,企業執行企業社會責任將對員工造成影響,亦即對他們的情感、態度和行為產生正向影響(Rupp, Ganapathi, Aguilera, and Williams, 2006)。國內學者亦有相同看法,即企業社會責任(包含對員工、對顧客和對環境三個面向)之落實對員工滿意度(整體滿意度)有顯著之正向影響(呂英、王正斌, 2009)。換句話說,從企業落實企業社會責任的過程中,可了解到員工對其工作滿意的感受與認同。
摘要(英) In recent year, the public is more aware of Corporate Social Responsibility, which has become an important idea of managing companies. Yet a series of food safety incidents, such as fake vermicelli rice noodles, tainted starch, flavoring essences that Top Pot Bakery used for adding into its supposedly natural and additive-free bread, and oil products containing no natural ingredients or being mixed with other types of oil, has made people doubtful about companies’ credibility.
“Credibility” is the essence of the Corporate Social Responsibility. Managed based on credibility, companies drive economic growth, provide employees with stable job opportunities, and help the society to move forward. Without credibility, companies have to pay the price. The founder of the case company understands that the company must provide a positive image to the society. Based on the idea of recycling materials and maximizing the benefits of earth resources, the company, which aims to reduce industrial wastes and burden of the environment, becomes the only company in Taiwan dealing with the class A hazardous waste solvent by incinerating. However, even with a strong commitment to fulfilling Corporate Social Responsibility and promises made for the environment, employees, and customers, the company is frustrated with a high turnover rate. Retaining talents is indeed a challenge faced by the company.
There are many reasons why employees leave their job such as job satisfaction and organizational commitment (Hand, Meglino, et al, 1979). Job satisfaction refers to mental and physical satisfaction toward the job environment and the job itself (Hoppock, 1935). A study conducted abroad indicates that when a company is fulfilling its Corporate Social Responsibility, employees’ emotions, attitudes, and behaviors are positively influenced (Rupp, Ganapathi, Aguilera, and Williams, 2006). Researchers in Taiwan have the same argument. Achieving the Corporate Social Responsibility from the perspective of employees, customers, and the environment leads to significantly positive influence on employees’ satisfaction (呂英、王正斌, 2009). Companies can understand how its employees are satisfied with their job by fulfilling the Corporate Social Responsibility.
This research aims to investigate whether the company’s fulfillment of the Corporate Social Responsibility can affect employees’ job satisfaction. How job satisfaction influences employees leaving the job is further analyzed. The purpose of the study is to ensure that employees can fulfill the responsibility toward the society and the earth.
關鍵字(中) ★ 企業社會責任 關鍵字(英) ★ CSR
論文目次 第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機及需求 1
第二節 研究目的 2
第二章 文獻探討 3
第一節 企業社會責任 3
第二節 工作滿意度 15
第三節 離職傾向 17
第四節 企業社會責任與離職傾向 25
第五節 企業社會責任與工作滿意度 25
第六節 工作滿意度與離職傾向 26
第七節 企業社會責任、工作滿意度與離職傾向 26
第八節 個案公司 28
第三章 研究方法 36
第一節 研究架構 36
第二節 研究工具 36
第三節 研究流程 39
第四章 結果分析 40
第一節 敘述性統計 40
第二節 因素分析 47
第三節 信度分析 52
第四節 相關分析 52
第五節 迴歸分析 53
第五章 研究之結果與建議 65
第一節 研究發現 65
第二節 未來建議 68
參考文獻 69
附錄一 施測問卷 73
附錄二 訪談記錄 78
參考文獻 中文部分
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指導教授 鄭晉昌 審核日期 2014-5-12
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