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姓名 羅莉涵(Maria Alejandra Del Rio Denis)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 國際永續發展碩士在職專班
論文名稱 被動冷卻策略:用來降低巴拿馬市的未來住宅計畫耗能的方法
(Passive cooling strategies as a method to reduce energy consumption of future dwelling projects in Panama City)
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摘要(中) 本論文的目的是提出一個有效的方法,以降低位於熱帶氣候的巴拿馬市住宅中與熱舒適度相關能源消耗。本文有兩階段架構。首先,進行為期六個月的個案研究:在巴拿馬市一處現有的住宅內放置溫濕度記錄器,以記錄室內的變化。接下來,應用被動式冷卻策略來改善熱表現的概念設計一個住宅原型。本文採用Ecotect軟體進一步模擬出此原型:採用四種不同的自然通風技術來散熱,分別為不通風、全日通風、白天通風、夜晚通風。不論是現有的住宅或是本文提出的原型,都採用自然通風建築的兩套ASHRAE-55熱舒適度標準來評估,即是適應性舒適標準(ACS)與熱舒適度評估指標(PMV)作為熱舒適度量尺。研究結果顯示在此四種自然通風策略中,全日通風表現最佳,能達到最佳熱舒適度。本文主要的兩項發現分別為: (1)為達到最佳被動式冷卻,有必要結合增熱控制與熱散失兩項技術;(2)在未來的巴拿馬市住宅實行被動式冷卻策略,能降低能源消耗並達到熱舒適度。
This thesis aimed to propose an effective method to reduce energy consumption related to thermal comfort in residences located in the tropical climate of Panama City. A two-stage framework was adopted in this research. First, a case study was conducted during 6 months; where a humidity-temperature data logger was placed inside an existing house in Panama City to record its indoor conditions. Then, a prototype of house was designed with passive cooling strategies for improving thermal performance. This proposed prototype was further simulated using Ecotect software, where four different natural ventilation techniques for heat dissipation were adopted; namely, no ventilation, full ventilation, day ventilation and night ventilation. Both the existent house and the proposed prototype were evaluated using two ASHRAE-55 thermal comfort standards for naturally ventilated buildings, namely, adaptive comfort standard (ACS) and a predicted mean vote (PMV) regression to use thermal sensation scale. Results shown that among all of the natural ventilation strategies implemented, full ventilation showed the best performances as it was the one to achieve the best thermal comfort. The two major findings of the study are: (1) to fully achieve passive cooling it is necessary to combine heat gain control and heat dissipation techniques, and (2) the implementation of passive cooling strategies can reduce the energy consumption and achieve thermal comfort in future dwellings in Panama City.
關鍵字(中) ★ 被動式冷卻
★ 熱舒適度
★ 自然通風
★ 熱帶氣候
★ 節能
關鍵字(英) ★ Passive cooling
★ Thermal comfort
★ Natural ventilation
★ Tropical climate
★ Energy saving
論文目次 ABSTRACT...............................................ii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT....................................... iii
TABLE OF CONTENTS......................................iv
LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURES.............................vii
Chapter 1: INTRODUCTION................................1
1.1 Background......................................1
1.1.1 Energy crisis.................................1
1.1.2 Climate.......................................2 Heat index.....................................3 Panama City’s climate..........................4
1.1.3 Architecture..................................5 Architectural development of Panama City.......6 Climate and architecture.......................8
1.2 Objective and scope of the study...............10
1.3 Organization of the thesis.....................11
Chapter 2: LITERATURE REVIEW..........................12
2.1 Indoor Environmental Quality...................12
2.1.1 Thermal comfort..............................14 Adaptive comfort standard (ACS)...............15 Predicted mean vote (PMV).....................16
2.2 Passive and active means.......................19
2.2.1 Passive cooling..............................20 Envelope design (heat gain control)..........21 Passive and hybrid cooling techniques (heat dissipation)..........................................24
Chapter 3: METHODOLOGY................................28
3.1 Experimental method............................28
3.1.1 Case study...................................28 Building......................................28 Data-logger...................................29 Data collection and evaluation................29 Previous studies..............................29
3.1.2 Prototype....................................30 Design process................................31 Envelope design...............................33 Indoor space..................................35 Outdoor space.................................36
3.2 Performance analysis methods...................36
3.2.1 Simulation tool..............................36 Inputs........................................38 Previous studies..............................40
3.2.2 Thermal comfort standard for naturally ventilated buildings.............................................40
Chapter 4: RESULTS AND DISCUSSION.....................41
4.1 Case study.....................................41
4.1.1 Thermal comfort analysis.....................47
4.2 Prototype and simulation.......................49
4.2.1 Thermal comfort analysis.....................51
Chapter 5: CONCLUSION.................................56
Appendix 1: WEATHER DATA..............................62
Appendix 2: SIMULATION TOOL...........................67
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指導教授 吳俊諆(Jiunn-Chi Wu) 審核日期 2014-6-30
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