博碩士論文 100327023 詳細資訊

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姓名 林楷傑(Kai-jie Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 光機電工程研究所
論文名稱 一種應用於投影式曝光機的大口徑投影光學系統
★ 直下式背光模組最佳化之設計★ 反射式發光二極體光源之近燈頭燈設計
★ 指紋辨識之光學成像系統設計★ 微型投影機之LED光源設計
★ 具積體型稜鏡體之指紋辨識光學模組的光學特性分析研究★ 應用田口穩健設計法於特殊函數調變變化規範下的絕熱式光方向完全耦合器波導結構設計優化
★ 雙反射面鏡型太陽能集光模組設計★ 使用光線追跡法設計軸對稱太陽能集光器
★ 應用於直下式背光模組之邊射型發光二極體設計與其模組研究★ 高功率LED二次光學透鏡模組設計
★ 微型雷射投影機光學設計★ LED陣列用於室內照明之設計與驗證
★ 應用於聚光型太陽光電系統之二次光學元件設計與分析★ 一種色溫及色彩可控制的多光源燈具設計
★ 運用光場程式化技巧快速設計LED直下式背光模組之研究★ 應用於彩色共焦顯微術之繞射元件設計
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摘要(中) 本論文主要是提供一種設計技術,此技術可應用於投影式曝光機的投影光學系統設
計,此投影光學系統使用之透鏡,口徑約為直徑30cm 左右,曝光光罩為長條形,可針對
統全域光場MTF≧0.6 為標準,設計結果之最小曝光線寬為7μm左右。另外微調倍率範圍
蒙地卡羅分析之公差擾動範圍為3 個標準差,曝光最小線寬10μm。分析時以ISO10110
和ISO10110 相比較為嚴苛,但分析結果可提供給設計者在選擇設計方法時,相對客觀的
摘要(英) This thesis is to provide a design technology that can be applied to the optical system
design for the projection-type exposure machine, in which the shape of exposure mask is a long
strip. It can be used for the scanning exposure of the photo-resist board with a large scan area.
The projection magnification of the exposure mask can be fine-tuned to compensate for the
thermal expansion of the substrate under light exposing.
There are three different ways to be used for the preliminary design, They are described as
the following, Type1: using the parameters from the related patent; Type2: system parameters
being calculated by the aberration formula from journal articles; Type3: system parameters
being calculated by the theory of paraxial optics.
By comparing the simulated results of the three design methods, it is found that the optical
specification such as the effective focal length, aberrations, and the ability of projection
magnification fine-tuning were very close among them. Thus, it justified the applicability of the
design method proposed in this thesis. In the case of not considering manufacturing tolerance,
and with MTF≧0.6 as the standard, the minimum line width of our design was about 7μm. In
addition, the range of projection magnification fine-tuning was up to 0.1%, the distortion
<0.001%, and the uniformity of exposing energy was greater than 90%.
Finally, the tolerance analysis of this design was conducted under the following
preconditions: the yield value being more than 90% (MTF≧0.6), the range of perturbations for
the Monte Carlo analysis being 3 times the standard deviation, and the minimum line width was
10μm. The basis of our tolerance analysis was the international ISO10110 standard. The
research of this thesis was focusing on the process of designing techniques. Although the
tolerances in this study were more stringent as compared to the ISO10110, the proposed design
technology was still a valuable choice for the optical system of the projection-type exposure
關鍵字(中) ★ 投影式曝光機 關鍵字(英)
論文目次 摘要 i
誌謝 iii
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 ix
第1章 緒論 1
1-1 研究動機 1
1-2 研究目的 4
1-3 文獻回顧 5
1-4 論文架構 7
第2章 基本理論與分析方法 8
2-1 成像原理 8
2-1-1 符號定義 8
2-1-2雙透鏡組合放大率公式 9
2-1-3一級光學的矩陣方法 10
2-2 像差原理 12
2-3 調制傳遞函數 14
第3章 模擬系統建立與分析 15
3-1相關規格資料 15
3-2 設計之考量與目標規格訂定 16
3-2-1透鏡材料之選定 16
3-2-2 MTF標準與目標規格訂定 20
3-3模擬系統建立 21
3-3-1系統參數設定 21
3-3-2結果成像品質分析 23
3-3-3模擬系統變倍分析 29
第4章 投影光學系統設計 33
4-1 系統一階設計 34
4-2 光線追跡 36
4-2-2薄透鏡裂解 39
4-2-3薄透鏡參數計算 41
4-3 賽得像差計算 44
4-3-1計算系統賽得像差求解形狀因子 44
4-3-2 薄透鏡加厚 47
4-4 系統優化 51
4-4-1 優化流程架構 51
4-4-2 優化結果 52
4-4-3 參考期刊論文之方法之設計結果 59
4-5 小結 65
第5章 公差分析 67
5-1國際公差標準ISO10110 67
5-2公差分析 68
5-2-1公差分析基本規範訂定 68
5-2-2公差分析流程規劃 70
5-2-3公差分析過程 71
5-3 不同設計結果之公差分析結果比對 78
第6章 結論與未來展望 83
參考文獻 84

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指導教授 陳奇夆(Chi-feng Chen) 審核日期 2014-5-29
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