摘要(英) |
Military forces stationed in camps located in the country, camp housing structures built so far, most of which generally older than age, functioning of the facilities has entered a severe degradation, loss of height, safety concerns. Ministry of defence to ensure that officers and men living with security, basic living facilities presented yearly to maintain funding for struggling forces, barracks facilities management and maintenance, however, always follow the old ideology, system and system implementation, national military forces at all levels of the existing facilities, maintenance, repair and operating mechanism of the upgrading works, the organization streamlined manpower already faces several obstacles.
In this study, through the "Chengkungling barracks entire construction" construction performance, Verification Division after adjusting the mode of operation, it is feasible and effective, can be used by other units. Military units must be built "principal technical service" operations and management capabilities, full import and use the local abundance of professional resources to maintain Executive core competencies of military engineering. Among other things the use of public works resume system, heterogeneity of minimum standard, such as specific tendering means excellent filter manufacturers to start construction, to improve the overall quality. And strengthening construction supervision actively logged on to check grades, feedback system of case management system more robust engineering resume, create a positive cycle. Camp property management information system building of basic biographical data, refurbishing of facilities as barracks repairs, maintenance, or updates projects such as the allocation of funds and plans to execute the job reference. |
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