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姓名 黃聖棋(Sheng-Chi Huang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
論文名稱 地工織物加勁土壤之承載力影響因子探討 -以中大紅土為例
★ 探討逆向坡受重力變形 及降雨影響之破壞型態★ 以離心模型試驗及個別元素法評估正斷層和逆斷層錯動地表及地下變形
★ 極端降雨下堤防破壞機制探討 -以舊寮堤防為例★ 土壤工程性質水平方向空間變異性探討-以標準貫入試驗N值為例
★ 使用離散元素法進行乾砂直剪試驗模擬★ 以微觀角度探討顆粒狀材料在直剪試驗下之力學行為
★ 以地理統計方法進行大範圍基地地盤改良評估★ 以離散元素法進行具鍵結顆粒材料之直剪試驗模擬
★ 以離散元素法探討加勁砂土層在淺基礎受載重下之力學★ 卵礫石層直接剪力試驗與垂直平鈑載重試驗之離散元素法數值模擬
★ 不同粗糙度係數下岩石節理面剖面之空間變異性探討★ 以分離元素法與離心模型模擬在不同尺度下順向坡滑動行為
★ 極端降雨下堤防邊坡穩定可靠度探討-以荖濃溪沿岸堤防為例★ The micromechanical behavior of granular samples in direct shear tests using 3D DEM
★ 以分離元素法與離心模型試驗探討順向坡滑動行為★ 探討不同型態及尺度順向坡的滑動與堆積行為
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摘要(中) 近來台灣經濟逐漸發展,相對公共建設需求大幅度提升,在公共建設興建中,臨時道路成為不可或缺的角色,因為讓工程的大型機具容易地進出工地,但必須在軟弱可壓縮的土壤路基上鋪設臨時道路,加上台灣處於亞熱帶濕暖多雨型氣候,在本島各處會出現豪雨,可能使原本承載力低的軟弱土壤達到飽和,承載力再降低,在施工期間或之後,容易道路產生承載力破壞,而有過大的沉陷,衍生出工安意外事故造成人民生命財產損失與社會成本增加。為了加強軟弱土壤的承載力,可使用地工合成材料(如地工格網或地工織物等),並藉由地工合成材應用於道路加勁之力學機制改善軟弱土壤承載力不足的特性。本研究透過加州承載比試驗(California Bearing Ratio),模擬現實臨時道路中路基層的狀況,以中央大學紅土當作路基層土壤,再以不同含水量作為試驗變因來觀察,探討在無鋪面的狀況下,其承載力的變化。由初步試驗結果看來(1)在無浸泡水狀況,夯實含水量增加,試體之CBR 值會降低,相反地,在浸泡水狀況,夯實含水量增加,試體之CBR值會上升,表示夯實含水量多寡都會影響到承載比,只是兩者趨勢不同,且發現試體膨脹量對於浸泡水後的承載比有密切的關係,(2)浸泡水與鋪設位置不同情況下,地工織物加勁效果在改良式夯實曲線的乾側、O.M.C 側與濕側有不同趨勢,並以整體來看,加勁效果順序為濕側大於乾側大於O.M.C 側。
摘要(英) Recently, Taiwan′s economy gradually has developed, in opposite to the demand of infrastructure greatly enhance. In the infrastructure, Temporary road becomes indispensable role, because let large equipment of engineering to easily access the site. However, temporary road must be laid on the soft and compressible of soil subgrade. Because Taiwan is a subtropica and warm and rainy climate, throughout the island will have heavy rain, it may make the original soft soil with the low bearing capacity to reach saturation, the bearing capacity further reduce. During construction or after, the roads easily produce bearing-capacity failure, and there is a large settlement, derivative to safety
accident causes the loss of lives and property and the increment of social costs.
In order to strengthen the bearing capacity of weak soil, geosynthetics can be used (such as geogrids or geotextiles ) and by goesynthetics used in the mechanical mechanism of stiffened road to improve the insufficient bearing capacity characteristics of soft soil. In this study uses the California Bearing Ratio test, simulate the subgrade condition of reality tmporary road, use Central University laterite soil as a subgrade soil. And then use the different moisture content as the test factor is observed, to investigate the changes of bearing capacity in the unpavement.
The following summaries from preliminary test result are
addressed:(1) In the unsoaked condition, compaction moisture content increases, the CBR value of the specimen reduces. Conversely, compaction II moisture content increases, the CBR value of the specimen rises, indicate the amount of compaction moisture content will affect the bearing ratio,
and the swelling amount of specimen after immersion in water are closely related to the bearing ratio; (2) In soak and different laying position condition, stiffening effects of geotextiles in the dry side, the O.M.C side and the wet side of the modified compaction curve have different trends.
In conclusion, the stiffening effects on the wet side of the optimum moisture content are greater than on the dry side of the optimum moisture content. And the stiffening effects on the dry side of the optimum moisture content are greater than on the optimum moisture content side.
關鍵字(中) ★ 地工織物
★ 承載力
★ 加州承載比試驗
★ 加勁
論文目次 Abstract........I
表目錄... VIII
圖目錄... IX
第一章、緒論...... 1
1.1 研究動機與目的 1
1.2 研究方法..... 2
1.3 研究內容..... 2
2.1.1 地工合成材料定義.....5
2.1.2 地工格網介紹 5
2.1.3地工織布介紹. 7
2.2 地工合成材料作用加勁機制 8
2.2.1 地工合成材料之隔離機制 8
2.2.2地工合成材料之力學機制. 9
2.3夯實土壤性質... 12
2.3.1夯實土壤之工程行為.... 12
2.4.1有無浸泡水狀況下,夯實含水量.... 17
2.4.2地工合成材鋪設位置.... 24
3.1試驗規劃...... 29
3.2試驗材料...... 30
3.3 紅土基本物性.. 31
3.4改良式夯實試驗. 32
3.4.1適用範圍:... 33
3.4.2 試驗設備:.. 33
3.4.3 試驗步驟... 34
3.4.4含水量及密度之關係.... 36
3.5改良式夯實土樣加州承載比試驗...... 36
3.5.1試驗設備.... 36
3.5.2試驗器材.... 37
第四章、試驗結果與分析...... 45
4.2改良式夯實土樣加州承載比試驗...... 45
4.2.3探討未浸泡與浸泡情況下,紅土試體的加州承載比....... 53
第五章、地工織物加勁效果探討. 57
5.2 最佳含水量側之夯實含水量,地工織物加勁效果探討.......61
5.3 濕側夯實含水量,地工織物加勁效果探討.......63
第六章、結論與未來展望...... 70
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指導教授 黃文昭(Wen-Chao Huang) 審核日期 2014-8-21
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