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姓名 陳育絹(Yu-chuan Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 企業管理學系
論文名稱 行銷與研發跨部門整合對新產品開發績效關係之探討
★ 台灣LCD監視器產業廠商經營策略之研究★ 智慧資本對新產品發展績效影響之研究
★ 市場導向對新產品開發速度影響之研究★ 創業家失敗復原歷程之研究
★ 組織間協同合作與科技能力的因果模糊對新產品研發績效相關之研究★ 購併後跨部門整合與新產品開發績效之研究
★ 資源承諾與彈性對新產品發展績效影響之研究-關係學習與吸收能力之中介效果★ 顧客參與、產品創新程度與組織間關係對新產品開發績效之影響
★ 運動贊助有效性之探討-以洛杉磯市場推廣臺灣觀光為例★ 區塊鏈技術應用於冷鏈農產品之研究:以台灣蘭花出口為例
★ 專案團隊控制制度與新產品開發績效關係之研究★ 研發專案管理制度之探討-以參與「業界科專」廠商為例
★ 漸進式和急遽式專案主持人管理角色與新產品開發績效關係之研究★ 供應商選擇標準與供應商發展活動對製造績效影響之研究
★ 供應商涉入角色與新產品開發專案績效關係之研究★ 技術知識特性、知識整合機制與知識移轉關係之研究
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摘要(中) 持續地新產品開發是企業創造利潤且永續經營的必要條件,但其過程中充滿了各種風險與不確定性,因此充分瞭解新產品成功的因素,是企業開發新產品時重要的努力方向;而跨部門整合在該領域上一直是被廣為探討且證實能有效提升產品開發績效,另外,由過去各文獻中可發現,研發與行銷部門的整合也一直是備受注目的焦點。
本研究以台灣電子資訊產業為抽樣對象,針對參與產品開發之研發、行銷部門人員進行問卷發放共270份,回收有效問卷188份,有效問卷回收率69.6%;並使用統計軟體IBM SPSS 21,以因素分析、集群分析與回歸分析檢定樣本,實證分析結果如下:
1. 跨部門互動與跨部門合作對新產品開發績效有正向影響。
2. 急遽式創新專案下,頻繁地跨部門互動與合作將能顯著提升產品開發績效。
3. 主動式市場導向下,頻繁地跨部門互動與合作並無法提升產品開發績效、效率與效果;而採回應式市場導向下,跨部門互動與合作與產品開發績效、效率、效果皆有顯著且正向的關係。
摘要(英) It is necessary to continuously develop new products for a company even the procedure is full of risks and uncertainties. As for that, knowing the key successful factors on New Product Development becomes an effort that companies must pay. Interdepartmental Integration was often comprehensively discussed and empirically tested and can improve new product performance, and according to researches, integration between R&D and Marketing was always the focus under spotlight.
To test the relationship between Interdepartmental Integration and Product Performance, this study first defined Interdepartmental Integration into two dimensions –Interdepartmental Interaction and Collaboration, then modify items with the application of Information Communication Technology. In order to get additional insights, the study also verifies the moderate effect about Product Innovativeness and Market Orientation as further research.
The research uses samples from Electronic and Information Industries in Taiwan. The respondents are chosen from both R&D and Marketing departments. They all have experience of processes on new product development. A total number of 270 questionnaires were released and the effective samples collected were 188, namely the effective response rate of 69.6%. IBM SPSS 21 was used for Factor Analysis, K-Means Analysis and Regression analysis. Test results are shown as below:
1. There was a positive and significant effect between Interdepartmental Interaction / Collaboration and Product Performance.
2. The moderating effect of Radical Innovations on the relationship between Interdepartmental Interaction / Collaboration and Product Performance is stronger than Incremental Innovations.
3. The moderating effect of Proactive Market Orientation on the relationship between Interdepartmental Interaction / Collaboration and Product Performance is insignificant and the opposite on Responsive Market Orientation.
關鍵字(中) ★ 跨部門整合
★ 產品創新
★ 市場導向
★ 新產品開發績效
關鍵字(英) ★ Interdepartmental Integration
★ Product Innovativeness
★ Market Orientation
★ New Product Performance
論文目次 論文摘要 .................................................................................................................... I
誌謝 .................................................................................................................... III
目錄 .................................................................................................................... IV
圖目錄 .................................................................................................................... VI
表目錄 .................................................................................................................... VII

第一章 緒論........................................................................................... 1
第一節 研究動機.................................................................................................... 1
第二節 研究目的.................................................................................................... 4
第三節 論文架構.................................................................................................... 5
第四節 研究流程.................................................................................................... 6

第二章 文獻探討................................................................................... 7
第一節 跨部門整合................................................................................................ 7
第二節 產品創新績效的衡量................................................................................ 11
第三節 行銷-研發部門整合與新產品開發績效之關係...................................... 15
第四節 產品創新.................................................................................................... 18
第五節 市場導向.................................................................................................... 23
第六節 個案訪談.................................................................................................... 30

第三章 研究設計................................................................................... 31
第一節 研究架構.................................................................................................... 31
第二節 研究變數的操作性定義與衡量................................................................ 32
第三節 研究假設.................................................................................................... 35
第四節 研究樣本.................................................................................................... 39
第五節 資料分析方法............................................................................................ 40
第六節 信度與效度................................................................................................ 43
第四章 研究結果與分析....................................................................... 44
第一節 樣本資料分析............................................................................................ 45
第二節 跨部門互動與合作對新產品開發績效的關係........................................ 46
第三節 創新專案類型配合跨部門互動及合作與新產品發展績效之比較…… 51
第四節 市場導向類型配合跨部門互動及合作與新產品發展績效之比較…… 56
第五節 本章總結.................................................................................................... 63
第五章 結論與建議............................................................................... 64
第一節 研究結論.................................................................................................... 64
第二節 研究貢獻與管理意涵................................................................................ 68
第三節 研究限制與未來研究建議........................................................................ 70

參考文獻 .............................................................................................. 71
附錄一: 個案訪談.............................................................................. 76
附錄二: 論文問卷.............................................................................. 87
附錄三: 統計檢定資料...................................................................... 91
參考文獻 一、中文部分

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指導教授 林明杰(Ming-ji James Lin) 審核日期 2014-7-25
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