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丘臺興(Tair-shing Chiou)
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摘要(中) |
1988年「還捱客語」―還我母語運動,到2001年行政院客家事務委員會成立與其後客家基本法的制頒,客家族群的文化權益才正式法制化,客家文化獲得憲法上族群平等的落實保障。客家文化重點區依「社區總體營造」的多元文化理念,以客家生活文化做為該社區發展的特色文化。 |
摘要(英) |
The Hakka Affairs Council of the Executive Yuan recognizes Pingzhen City as an important community for the development of Hakka culture. This study deals with the benefits which the traditional folk belief groups can bring to the development of local Hakka communities. The transformation of the image of the local deities in folk religion conduces to the development of community, and people will have a better opinion of this religious belief. The clan has great impact on the development of local community. This study is focused on the Liu’s clan which has existed in Shuang-Lien-Po community for 300 years. The Lius is a big clan in the local community in terms of its number of descendants and land resources. From the period of Japanese colonization, all of the local legislators are from the Liu clan. The networking in the community is conducive to the solidification of the community sense and to the procurement of resources. Through social networking, social capital accelerates the circulation of resources among communities and increases the agency of the development of the community. It was from “The movement of reviving the mother’s language” in 1998, the establishment of Hakka Affairs Council in 2001, and the later enactment of Hakka basic law that the right of the Hakka peoples was legally institutionalized and the culture of Hakka was protected by the policy of the ethnic equality in constitution. The area of Hakka culture is founded according to the ideal of cultural diversity and to the idea of the construction of a holistic community. This development of the community is featured by the ordinary life of Hakka culture. |
關鍵字(中) |
★ 社會資本 ★ 社會網絡 ★ 社區發展 |
關鍵字(英) |
★ social capital ★ social networking ★ development of the community |
論文目次 |
第一章 緒論--------------------------------------------------1
第一節 研究動機與目的------------------------------------1
第二節 研究問題------------------------------------------3
第三節 研究方法------------------------------------------3
第四節 研究設計------------------------------------------4
第二章 文獻與理論探討----------------------------------------10
第一節 人際關係------------------------------------------10
第二節 社區發展與營造------------------------------------11
第三節 非營利組織----------------------------------------16
第四節 社會資本與社會網絡--------------------------------24
第五節 信仰圈與祭祀圈------------------------------------29
第三章 個案分析----------------------------------------------32
第一節 樣本描述:平鎮市雙連坡社區與福明宮-----------------32
第二節 社區民間信仰---------- ---------------------------41
第四章 調查分析與討論----------------------------------------59
第一節 雙連坡社區與福明宮之網絡關係----------------------59
第二節 社區共同的記憶-------------------------------------71
第三節 社區再生的展現-------------------------------------79
第五章 結論與建議---------------------------------------------98
第一節 研究發現-------------------------------------------98
第二節 未來可研究的方向-----------------------------------99
第三節 研究建議-------------------------------------------100
附錄一 訪談記錄稿---------------------------------------------105
附錄二 台灣地區宗教類非營利組織的法令來源---------------------142 |
參考文獻 |
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審核日期 |
2014-8-28 |
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