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姓名 陳蓮娟(LIEN CHUAN CHEN alias LIN KUN CHAN)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 財務金融學系
(Market Efficiency and Market Stability under Short Sale Constraints)
★ 上市公司財務主管異動宣告對股價報酬與企業經營績效之影響★ 國內綜合證券商轉投資海外子公司內部控制實務探討
★ IPO承銷新制對市場波動性、效率性及流動性之影響★ 探討影響本益比之各項變數-IC設計產業之實證研究
★ 避險基金交易策略在台灣市場獲利性之研究★ 財富管理業務與顧客行為之研究-以本國銀行業為例
★ 購併活動與資訊揭露—以公開收購為例★ 臺灣證券期貨市場後台作業整合模式之研究
★ 道瓊指數、日經225指數、美國及日本10年期公債利率與日圓匯率之相互關係★ 銀行投資公債業務之探討分析
★ 所得稅法新制對債券流通市場之影響★ 私募基金入主國內銀行之認購價格實證研究-以凱雷入主大眾銀行為例
★ 虛擬銀行之可行性分析 -以HSBC為例★ 台灣中小企業融資、客群經營模式與經營策略問題之探討-以C銀行為例
★ 美元兌新台幣匯率與台灣股市關聯性之理論探討與實證分析★ 動態投資組合保險策略之應用— 以紐約證券交易所發行之ETFs為實證
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摘要(中) 摘要

本論文由兩篇關於賣空限制對市場效率性以及對市場穩定性的影響之文章所構成。台灣股票市場於 2002 年至 2009 年間實施過多次賣空限制政令改變,提供很好的機會檢驗不同的賣空限制程度對於市場效率性和穩定性有何影響。在第一篇文章中,我們利用買賣權評價理論 (put-call parity) 所推衍的理論價格檢驗價格調整的效率性,發現越嚴格的賣空限制會造成價格調整所需的時間和速度不對稱,以及延遲價格調整的速度,即使控制市場狀況和流動性後仍發現一致的結果。
為了解決內生性的問題,在第二篇文章中,我們利用Barndorff-Nielsen and Shephard (2004) 和 Huang and Tauchen (2005) 的跳躍偵測方法來控制內生性問題,進而探討不同賣空限制強度下的價格異常跳動。我們發現在嚴格賣空限制下,向下價格異常跳動明顯較大;然而,向上異常跳動在不同賣空限制強度沒有顯著的差異。

第一篇文章是探討賣空限制對價格調整速度的影響以及檢驗賣空限制的施行是否符合主管機關所預期的市場穩定效果。台灣股票市場於 2002 年至 2009 年間曾有過多次賣空限制政令改變,提供很好的機會檢驗不同的賣空限制程度對於市場效率性和穩定性的影響。市場效率性定義為市場價格調整到選擇權市場隱含的現貨理論價格所需要的速度與時間長度,該理論價格由買賣權評價理論(put-call parity) 推衍,具有不須假設報酬分配型態和避免波動性估計誤差的優勢。此外,本文另一優勢,使用日內高頻資料分析,可觀察到更多價格發現的資訊內涵,在賣空限制相對嚴格的期間,被高估的市場價格下調到理論價格平均所需的日內調整時間,相較於寬鬆賣空限制期間的所需調整時間長,顯示賣空限制的嚴格程度與下調時間長度有顯著的關係;而低估的市場價格上調到理論價格平均所需的時間,在不同賣空限制程度下沒有顯著差異,此結果與賣空限制延遲負面消息反應在價格上的過去實證發現一致,故而嚴格賣空限制下所需的下調時間較長。進一步使用門檻誤差修正模型 (TECM),控制交易成本、市場微結構因素以及市場摩擦後,同樣發現價格調整到理論價格的速度在方向上有不對稱的現象,向下調整速度顯著比上調速度延遲許多,尤其嚴格賣空限制期間差異更大;也發現嚴格賣空限制相較於寬鬆期間的下調速度顯著減緩。我們亦透過政策擬真 (counter factual) 分析,雖然發現若不施行全面禁賣限制的價格會比實際實施全面禁賣期間的價格下跌地更劇烈,但嚴格賣空限制卻引起較高的總風險和下方風險,綜合以上結果顯示,賣空限制是犧牲市場流動性和市場效率性卻無法保證換取穩定市場。本文中釐清並佐證不同賣空限制對市場效率性與穩定性之各種實證效果探討,或可提供主管機關在實施賣空限制政策時的參考依據。


第二篇文章經由跳躍活動的偵測(jump detection),探討賣空限制對市場穩定性的影響,本文是第一篇探討市場跳躍活動與賣空限制的關係,利用跳躍大小衡量市場穩定性,具有免除市場波動性與賣空限制的內生性問題。定義市場價格偏離買賣價評價理論推衍的理論價格之程度為賣空困難程度,市場價格偏離正值越大,顯示市場反應訊息的受阻程度越高。使用 2002 年至 2009 年的台灣股票市場加權指數日內資料,發現在高賣空限制強度下,市場價格異常向下跳動的程度相較於在低賣空限制強度下顯著大許多,但是對於向上價格異常跳動在不同賣空困難程度下沒有顯著的差異。實證結果沒有發現支持主管機關施行賣空限制能夠穩定市場的論點。

摘要(英) Abstract

This dissertation contains two essays for discussing the effects of short sale constraints (SSC) on market efficiency and market stability. We take advantage of a natural experimental environment provided by the imposition of various short-sales policy regimes between 2002 and 2009 in the Taiwan stock market. In the first essay, we examine the put-call parity-defined price deviations in an attempt to assess the efficiency of price adjustments, and find that more extreme constraints lead to asymmetric and delay adjustment speed even when market conditions and liquidity are controlled.
Interestingly, in our counterfactual analysis, short-sales bans help to prevent price collapse, nonetheless, we find that the tightening of short-sales restrictions leads to increases in both market volatility and downside risk. We also occasionally found that there is an overlooked endogeneity among previous literature on the stabilization effect of short sale constraints in that regulator usually restrict short-selling to prevent market abnormal movements when the market volatility is particularly high. Therefore, a period of high price variation per se (as it can be the cause instead of the consequence) does not preclude the stabilizing effectiveness of the SSC.
To resolve the picture, in our second essay, we thus control for the endogeneity concerns by probing the jump activities under SSC using a jump identification approach by Barndorff-Nielsen and Shephard (2004) and Huang and Tauchen (2005). We observed that the abnormal downturns under tighter short sale constraints are significantly larger whereas there is no difference for abnormal upturns across different short-sale regimes.
Both of the two essays do not support the claims by regulators that restraining short-sales can stabilize prices; instead, SSC has led to a more volatile and less efficient market.

First Essay

Market Efficiency, Stability and Short Sales Constraints: Evidence from Taiwan

Market efficiency under short-sales constraints has long been an issue of debate within the related literature. In this study, we take advantage of a natural experimental environment provided by the imposition of various short-sales policy regimes between 2002 and 2009 in the Taiwan stock market. We examine the put-call parity-defined price deviations in an attempt to assess the efficiency of price adjustments, and find that more extreme constraints lead to asymmetric adjustment rates in upward and downward convergence to theoretical price; although short-sales constraints are generally found to suppress the effects of negative information on prices, our application of a ‘threshold error correction model’ (TECM) reveals more rapid convergence to theoretical price from upward adjustments than downward adjustments. Furthermore, price efficiency is found to be improved when such constraints are relaxed. These results hold even when market conditions and liquidity are controlled. Interestingly, although evidence from our counter-factual analysis suggests that tighter constraints help to prevent price collapse, despite the fact that prices may fall more sharply without short-sales bans, our findings refute the claim that tighter constraints can help to stabilize the market. Instead, we find that the tightening of short-sales restrictions leads to increases in both market volatility and downside risk.

Keywords: Short Sale Constraints, Price Efficiency, Market Stabilization, Put-call Parity, Threshold Error Correction Model, Counterfactual Analysis

Second Essay

Stabilizing the Market with Short Sale Constraint?
New Evidence from Price Jump Activities

This essay re-examine the impact of short-sale constraints (SSC) on market stabilization via realized jump activities during 2002~2009 to circumvent the reverse causality in identifying the policy effects of SSC. We observed that the abnormal downturns under tighter short sale constraints are significantly larger whereas there is no difference for abnormal upturns across different short-sale regimes. The findings do not support the claims by regulators that restraining short-sales can stabilize prices; instead, SSC has led to a more volatile and less efficient market

Keywords: short sale constraint, market stabilization, put-call-parity, jump activity
關鍵字(中) ★ 賣空限制
★ 價格效率
★ 市場穩定性
★ 買賣權評價理論
★ 門檻誤差修正模型
★ 擬真分析
★ 跳躍活動
關鍵字(英) ★ Short Sale Constraints
★ Price Efficiency
★ Market Stabilization
★ Put-call Parity
★ Threshold Error Correction Model
★ Counterfactual Analysis
★ Jump Activity
論文目次 Contents

Abstract in Chinese I
Abstract IV
Acknowledgements VII
Contents VIII
List of Figures XI
List of Tables XII

First Essay: Market Efficiency, Stability and Short Sales Constraints: Evidence from Taiwan

2.1 Data 6
2.2 Short-sales Constraint Proxies 8
2.3 Short-sales Constraint Policy Changes 9
2.4 Theoretical Index Price 12
2.5 Control Variables 13
3.1 Asymmetric Adjustment and Market Efficiency Improved after Lifted SSC 17
3.2 Improved Speed of Price Adjustment 18
3.3 Price Stabilization and SSC 23

4.1Asymmetric Duration and Shorter Adjustment Period after Relaxed SSC 24
4.2 Enhanced Adjustment under Relaxed SSC 26
4.3 Rapid Upward and Sluggish Downward Adjustment 26
4.4 Enhanced Downward Adjustment 28 4.5 Tighter SSC, Higher Risk and Price Fluctuations 28

5.1 High Short Demand Transactions, Arbitrageur Behavior and Short-sales Policy Changes 30
5.2 Further Evidence on Transactions with High Short Demand 33
5.3 Counter-factual Analysis of a Zero-SSC Scenario 34
5.4 The Causes of Increased Downside Risk 35
5.5 Other Robustness Check 36



Appendix A: Appendix A: The Example of Calculating Adjusting Period Unconditionally 44
Appendix B: The Counterfactual Analysis: The Simulation With A Stationary Bootstrap Algorithm 45
Appendix C: Robustness Check with 5-minute Frequency 47
Appendix D: Counterfactual Analysis with Random Error 51
Appendix E: Robustness Check with Derived Index Price from Black and Scholes Model 52

Second Essay: Stabilizing the Market with Short Sale Constraint? New Evidence from Price Jump Activities

2.1 Equilibrium Deviation from Put-call-parity as Proxy for SSC Strength 88
2.2 The Jump Size and Jump Intensity 89
3.1. Empirical Results 90
3.2. Robustness Analysis 91


List of Figures
First Essay: Market Efficiency, Stability and Short Sales Constraints: Evidence from Taiwan

Figure 1 Short-sales rule policy changes, Jan 2002 to 2009 55
Figure 2 Time plot for index prices, index returns and price deviation, 2002-2009 56
Figure 3 Distribution of price deviations and index returns 57
Figure 4 Price with and without short sales ban from the counter-factual analysis 58
Figure 5 Fixed equilibrium price from the counter-factual analysis 59
Figure 6 Price difference from counter-factual analysis with/without short sales ban 60

Figure C1 Time plot for index prices, index returns and price deviation with 5-minute frequency, 2002-2009 71
Figure D1 Fixed equilibrium price from the counter-factual analysis with random error 72
Figure D2 Price difference from counter-factual analysis with/without short sales ban (with random error) 73
Figure D3 Fixed equilibrium price from the counter-factual analysis with residual during 74
Figure D4 Price difference from counter-factual analysis with/without short sales ban (with residual during ) 75
Figure E1 Time plot for index prices, theoretical index price derived by BS, index returns and price deviation, 2002-2009 76

Second Essay: Stabilizing the Market with Short Sale Constraint? New Evidence from Price Jump Activities

Figure 1 The Time Plot 96
List of Tables

First Essay: Market Efficiency, Stability and Short Sales Constraints: Evidence from Taiwan

Table 1 Unit-root and cointegration tests 61
Table 2 Summary statistics 62
Table 3 Sustained periods of price overvaluations or undervaluations 63
Table 4 VECM estimates under different policy changes 64
Table 5 Three-regime TECM estimates under different policy changes 65
Table 6 Short-sales constraint policies versus return distribution characteristics 67
Table 7 VECM estimates with ‘high propensity to short’ (HPTS) 68
Table 8 Short-sales constraint policy and risk with market expectations of investor concerns 70

Table A1 A Part of Data 77
Table A2 The Example of Calculating Adjusting Period 77
Table C1 Unit-root and cointegration tests for 5-minute frequency 78
Table C Summary statistics for 5-minute frequency 79
Table C3 Sustained periods of price overvaluations or undervaluations for 5-minute frequency 80
Table C4 VECM estimates under different policy changes for 5-minute frequency81
Table C5 Three-regime TECM estimates under different policy changes for 5-minute frequency 82
Table C6 Short-sales constraint policies versus return distribution characteristics for 5-minute frequency 83
Table E1 Sustained periods of price overvaluations or undervaluations with implied theoretical price from BS 84
Table E2 Three-regime TECM estimates under different policy changes with implied theoretical price from BS 85

Second Essay: Stabilizing the Market with Short Sale Constraint? New Evidence from Price Jump Activities

Table 1 The Association Between Jump Activity and Characteristics of Index Return Distribution 97
Table 2 SSC Stabilization Effect and Jump Activity 98
Table 3 Robustness Check 99
Table 4 Unconditional/conditional mean of (il)liquidity measures 100
Table 5 Unconditional/Conditional Correlation of (il)liquidity and SSC Strength 101
Table 6 Robustness Check (II) Jump Size over SSC Regimes Controlled for Liquidity 102
Table 7 Robustness Check (III) Jump Size over SS Ban Controlled for Liquidity103
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指導教授 周冠男、葉錦徽(Robin K. Chou Jin-Huei Yeh) 審核日期 2014-7-28
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