摘要(英) |
With the changing customer need, increased competitive pressure in industry, technologies, companies need to develop more new products to substitute the existing product with poor performance.
Finding opportunity and threat in Principles of the Global Economy nowadays, further then takes the opportunity to expand the profit, or to avoid potential competitive treat, so as to achieve the goal of corporate sustainability.
The purpose of this essay is, by studying Michael E. Porter’s famous Five Forces Model to understand product competitive situation of company C. This allows corporate organization to proceed with evaluation and analysis in regards to external competitiveness and industry position.
Facing challenges of globalization and in fierce competition, the goal of this study is generally review company C’s competitive advantages. In Principles of the Global Economy nowadays, based on Porter’s Three Main Strategies: (1) Cost Leadership, (2) Differentiation, and (3) Focus Analysis, to find a most profitable competitive strategy to company C. While products have competitive advantages such as fine quality, uniqueness, etc., and can lower invested manufacturing cost, creates Yield Rate and Capacity Utilization etc., increases productivity, makes product volume raise, and builds product competitive advantages. |
參考文獻 |
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