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姓名 龔純賢(Chun-hsien Kung)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 通訊工程學系
(Performance Study of Machine Type Communication for IoT in LTE Network)
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摘要(中) 近年來無線寬頻網路技術成長相當快速,隨著3GPP Long Term Evolution (LTE)、LTE-Advanced 規格制定成熟,可提供更大的頻寬需求和品質,因此提升機器對機器(M2M)應用廣泛擴張和市場。M2M通訊技術在LTE-Advanced的環境中仍有許多問題挑戰,其中無線資源分配(Radio Resource Allocation)是一個重要議題。
  於本篇的論文中我們著重於M2M通訊在LTE和LTE-Advanced 系統的上行鏈路中如何進行無線資源分配,針對M2M在LTE和LTE-Advanced環境中的大量設備特性提出了一個新的動態分組方法,利用動態分組方式提升基地台(eNodeB,eNB)管理和資源分配便利性,並且針對目前提Buffer Status Report (BSR)條件做新的調整來降低因大量設備提出BSR需求會導致信令開銷等衍生問題。由於不同群組內設備的modulation and coding scheme (MCS)狀況不同,因此提出一套針對每個群組的權重計算方式,藉此找出最高優先權群組優先分配RB,且會選擇對群組內設備比較好的MCS來做資源分配。
摘要(英) In recent years, the growth of wireless broadband network technology is quite fast. The specifications of 3GPP Long Term Evolution (LTE) and LTE-Advanced have been developed and their techniques are becoming mature to provide higher bandwidth. This progress will enhance the machine-to-machine (M2M) applications and markets a wide range of expansion. M2M communication technology in the LTE-Advanced environment has many challenges, where the Radio Resource Allocation is the critical one among them.

  In this thesis we focus on the radio resource allocation for uplink in LTE networks when dealing with machine-to-machine communications.We propose a new dynamic grouping method to solve the resource allocation and signaling issues of large number of M2M devices in LTE networks. In the proposed scheme, we dynamically adjust the condition in UE to issue BSR so that the signaling overhead can be reduced. AS the devices in each group have different modulation and coding scheme situation, we propose a weight calculation method of each group to find the highest priority group has first priority be allocated the RB with best MCS level.
  Finally, we validate our method through exhaustive simulations. The simulation results show that the proposed dynamic grouping method can effectively improve system throughput and reduce signaling overhead. It also illustrates that the proposed method can reduce the packet dropping probability due to the consideration of packet delay in the proposed scheme. Thus the proposed dynamic grouping scheme together with the associated resource allocation enables the base station to manage M2M communications in LTE networks.
關鍵字(中) ★ LTE
★ LTE-Advanced
★ M2M
★ 無線資源分配
關鍵字(英) ★ LTE
★ LTE-Advanced
★ M2M
★ Resource allocation
論文目次 摘要 IV
Abstract V
誌謝 VI
目錄 VII
圖目錄 IX
表目錄 XI
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究動機與目的 2
1.3章節概要 3
第二章 相關背景研究 4
2.1 LTE 無線網路基本介紹 4
2.1.1 LTE 系統架構 4
2.1.2 LTE Protocol 架構 6
2.2 LTE Frame 架構 7
2.2.1 Resource Block 9
2.3 LTE MAC 11
2.4 Buffer Status Reporting 12
2.5 Machine-to-Machine(M2M)基本介紹 13
2.6 相關文獻 14
第三章 研究方法 20
3.1系統架構 20
3.2 動態分組方法 21
3.3提出BSR需求門檻 31
3.4基地台分配資源給每個群組 32
3.5 群組內部使用資源 36
第四章 模擬環境與結果分析 37
4.1 模擬環境 37
4.2 Traffic Model 介紹 38
4.3 模擬結果分析 39
4.3.1 數據分析一 39
4.3.2 數據分析二 45
4.3.3數據分析三 50
4.3.4 數據分析四 54
4.3.5 數據分析五 59
第五章 結論 65
參考文獻 66
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指導教授 陳彥文(Yen-wen Chen) 審核日期 2014-8-19
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