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姓名 林祐綸(Yu-lun Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系
論文名稱 自我效能和性別差異對於科技接受度之影響:以大規模開放式線上學習環境為例
(The impact of self-efficacy and gender differences in technology acceptance model: An example of MOOCs.)
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摘要(中) 大規模開放式線上課程(MOOCs),為最近國外大學興起的大型開放式線上課程,因為平台其不分年齡、不分學歷、不限地點、不限時間的學習特色,也成為了國內近年來力推的線上學習平台。先前的學者認為如此新穎的新興學習科技平台,對學生或教師而言,其科技接受度(TAM)就顯得格外重要,而也有學者提出了自我效能對於TAM模型和其使用意圖有所影響,再者,先前研究指出性別差異也會影響科技接受度,且科技系統的使用有一定的性別差異,因此,本研究加入自我效能以及性別差異這兩個外在變因,提出一個新的研究模型來重新測量學生對於MOOCs的科技接受度,利用迴歸分析觀察自我效能及性別差異對於科技接受度的影響程度。研究結果顯示本研究所提出之八項假說都是支持的,這八項假說分別為自我效能和感知易用性會對感知有用性有顯著的影響,自我效能對感知易用性有顯著的影響,自我效能、感知有用性和感知易用性會對使用態度有顯著的影響,使用態度會對使用意圖有顯著影響,最後自我效能會對使用意圖有顯著的影響,分析結果為自我效能對於MOOCs的科技接受度有一定的影響力,且自我效能和使用態度為影響使用意圖的因素,而性別差異對於採用MOOCs做為學習平台與否則是沒有太大的影響。
摘要(英) MOOCs is an open online course which is rising of foreign universities recently. It becomes a famous online learning platform because people can learn in all age, educational background, location and time. Previous scholars believe that new emerging learning technology platform, of which technology acceptance (TAM) is particularly important for students or teachers. While scholars have suggested that the self-efficacy have an impact on intention to use and TAM model. Moreover, previous studies indicate that gender difference also influence technology acceptance and using IT systems have certain gender difference. Therefore, this study added self-efficacy and gender difference to TAM model, and proposing a new research model to remeasure the students’ technology acceptance on MOOCs platform. Then, we use regression analysis to observe the influence of self-efficacy and gender difference on TAM model. The results showed that eight hypotheses proposed in this study are supported, and these eight hypotheses were self-efficacy and perceived ease of use will have a significant impact on perceived usefulness, self-efficacy will have a significant impact on perceived ease of use, self-efficacy, perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use will have a significant impact on the attitude, attitude will have a significant impact on the intended use, and self-efficacy will have a significant impact on the intention to use. The results shows that self-efficacy have certain influence on technology acceptance of MOOCs, and self-efficacy and attitude are the two factors that affecting the intention to use. And it is found that no gender difference on adopting the NCUx platform or not.
關鍵字(中) ★ 大規模開放式線上課程
★ 科技接受度模型
★ 自我效能
★ 性別差異
關鍵字(英) ★ MOOCs
★ Technology Acceptance Model
★ Self-efficacy
★ Gender difference
論文目次 摘要.....................................i
第一章 緒論.....................................1
第二章 文獻探討.....................................3
2.1 MOOCs.....................................3
2.1.1 自主學習(self-paced learning).....................................5
2.1.2 自我規範學習(self-regulated learning).....................................6
2.1.3 精熟學習(mastery learning).....................................7
2.2 科技接受度(TAM).....................................8
2.2.1動機行為理論(TRA : Theory of Reasoned Action).....................................8
2.2.2科技接受度模型(TAM : Technology Acceptance Model).....................................8
2.3 自我效能(Self-efficacy).....................................11
2.4 性別與科技接受度模型(Gender and TAM).....................................14
2.5 研究模型.....................................15
第三章 系統說明.....................................16
3.1 系統架構.....................................16
3.2 功能說明.....................................17
第四章 研究方法.....................................24
4.1 研究對象.....................................24
4.2 資料蒐集.....................................24
4.3 分析工具.....................................25
第五章 分析結果.....................................27
5.2效度、信度 和維度的測量尺度分析.....................................30
5.3 皮爾森積差相關分析(Pearson’s correlation matrix).....................................32
5.4 迴歸分析.....................................33
第六章 結論與建議.....................................47
6.1 結論.....................................47
6.2 未來研究建議.....................................48
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指導教授 楊鎮華(Jhen-Hua Yang) 審核日期 2014-7-8
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