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姓名 王彥勝(Yen-sheng Wang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系
論文名稱 擴增實境學習APP對於國小自然科學之學習成效與學習經驗的影響:以水中生物單元為例
(Effects of learning achievements and learning experiences via Augmented Reality learning application: A Case study of aquatic)
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摘要(中) 隨著行動裝置的快速發展與擴增實境技術的逐漸成熟,行動式的擴增實境逐漸獲得許多研究的關注,並且被認為擁有教學應用上的潛力,尤其是美國新媒體聯盟每年定期發佈的「地平線報告」中,曾多次提到擴增實境應用於教學科技上的潛力與趨勢。此外,國際上多篇研究曾提到,學習者在真實環境與虛擬物件之間直接互動,不但能加強學習者的身歷其境的感受,幫助學生沉浸在學習內容中,學生更可以透過擴增實境中3D的視角來學習教學內容,將抽象的事物視覺化,強化認知內容及程序性操作的學習。
然而,從文獻中得知,目前擴增實境技術結合正試課程內容並且實際應用於教學中的研究仍然不多,其中基於圖像式擴增實境的研究仍大多著重在互動經驗上,需要更多實證性的研究以進一步探索學習者的學習過程以及學習成效。因此,本研究以行動裝置做為平台,建置一款影像式的擴增實境學習系統,並以國小自然與生活科技領域中的「水中生物水中生物」單元為例,針對四年級學生,進行準實驗研究。實驗組透過擴增實境 APP進行學習,而控制組則是透過行動裝置觀看影片,以探討影像式的擴增實境應用於真實教學情境中,對於學習成效、學習動機、學習模式滿意度與認知負荷的影響。
摘要(英) With the development of mobile devices and amplification of Augmented Reality, mobile AR gradually gained the attention of many studies and is thought to have the potential for application of the teaching, especially in the "horizon report", has repeatedly referred to the potential of AR applied on instructional technology and trends. In addition, international research has mentioned that learner in real-world interaction with virtual objects, will help students immersed in learning content, students can also study the learning content in 3D perspective, and visualize the abstract things, strengthen the learning of cognitive content and procedural operation.
However, the AR technology actually applied in the teaching of research is still initially, where image-based AR research is still mostly focuses on the interactive experience, more empirical research is needed to further exploration of learner′s learning processes and learning outcomes. Therefore, this study designs an image-based AR learning system and applied to aquatic learning in the elementary. Experimental group used AR learning APP and the control group used mobile device to watch learning video. This experiment find out the effects of learning achievements、learning motivation、satisfaction with the learning approach and cognitive load via AR learning application.
Results show that the learning achievements of the two groups are not significantly different, but the learning motivation and satisfaction with the learning approach of experimental group had more significant progress than the control group, shows that augmented reality environment can help students in sustaining the momentum of growth. The cognitive load of the two groups are not significantly different, shows that not because of AR provides a lot of information, which led to students′ cognitive overload.
This research results provide an empirical research data for augmented reality applied in the teaching. It is recommended that follow-up research can increase teachers ′ and students ′ editing interface to improve interactivity of augmented reality, as well as application level. In addition, the design of teaching activities toward the training of creativity or procedural knowledge, to effectively integrate augmented reality features.
關鍵字(中) ★ 擴增實境
★ 行動學習
★ 探究式學習
論文目次 目 錄
摘要 i
目 錄 v
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 viii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 3
1.3 研究範圍與限制 4
第二章 文獻探討 5
2.1 擴增實境 5
2.1.1 擴增實境的定義 5
2.1.2 擴增實境的發展 6
2.1.3 擴增實境在教育的應用 8
2.1.4 擴增實境的技術與研究方向 14
2.2 探究教學策略 18
2.3 學習動機 20
2.4 認知負荷 21
2.4.1認知負荷定義與意涵 21
2.4.2認知負荷理論對認知架構的基本假定 22
2.4.3 認知負荷來源與類型 23
2.4.4 認知負荷之教學設計原則 27
第三章 研究方法 30
3.1 研究流程 30
3.2 研究對象與教師 31
3.3 施測流程 31
3.4 系統設計 34
3.4.1 開發環境與流程 34
3.4.2 系統架構 34
3.4.3 系統介面與功能操作 36
3.5 問卷與資料處理 41
第四章 研究結果與討論 43
4.1 學習成效分析與討論 43
4.2 學習動機分析與討論 50
4.3 對學習模式滿意度分析與討論 54
4.4 認知負荷分析與討論 55
第五章 結論與建議 58
5.1 結論 58
5.2 建議 61
參考文獻 62
附件一 前測試卷 68
附件二 活動學習單 69
附件三 後測試卷 71
附件四 問卷 72
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指導教授 楊鎮華 審核日期 2014-7-15
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