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姓名 廖寄為(Chi-wei Liao)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系
論文名稱 設計客製化的影音撥放器框架於Android學習電視
(Design of a Customized Video Player Framework for Android Learning TV)
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★ 於數位機上盒實現有效率訊框參照處理與多媒體詮釋資料感知的播放器設計★ 具數位安全性的電子書開發:有效率的更新模組與資料庫實作
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摘要(中) 近年來隨著數位家庭的發展,各式各樣的產品日新月異。而基於Android設計出來的數位機上盒更是其中的翹楚。但大部分的人依然將智慧型電視當作觀看高清影片或玩遊戲的延伸,卻忽略了其中用於教育學習的可能性。亞洲的學子在學習時,往往會透過補習班作為放學後的課業加強,過程中不但浪費大量的時間,更要花費不少的金錢,實際獲得的收益卻沒人可以保障,而數位學習電視剛好可以克服這些困難。高清的教學影片加上大螢幕足以媲美補習班的效果,家庭式的學習環境更可以讓家長輕鬆掌握孩子的學習進度。我們在廠商提供的多媒體撥放器的架構下,設計出一套客製化的影音播放器於Android學習電視。此學習撥放器不但可以流暢的播放高清影片,還提供各式利於學習的功能如快慢轉、截圖和自訂螢幕大小。除此之外,我們更在播放器中加入數位產權管理模組,藉此保護多媒體檔案。只有授權過的學生可以進行認證並觀看解密後的影片。相信透過這套系統,可以有效的降低使用者求學過程中的壓力,在學習的路上更輕鬆的邁步向前。
摘要(英) The Android-based set-top box is one of the most useful products in digital home. However, most people use digital TV only limiting in watching HD films or playing games, ignoring the possibility of educational way. Most of the Asian students used to rising their study degree by going to crams after school, but it not only wastes time but also spends considerable money, no one can ensure the efficiency of learning. Android set-top box can overcome these difficulties. With HD videos and big screen, users can experience the purpose as if in cram. The family-style learning environment can provide parents hold the child’s learning progress easily. We design a customized video player framework for an E-learning project on Android TV set-top box. The learning player provides some useful learning function such as screen shot, screen size control, fast-forward and fast-rewind. Otherwise, we also embed DRM (digital rights management) module into the player to protect multimedia files. Only authorized students can get the permission to watch videos in Android learning TV. We believe users can learn in more effective way under less pressure.
關鍵字(中) ★ Android
★ 數位機上盒
★ 多媒體播放器
★ 電子多媒體學習內容
★ 數位產權管理
關鍵字(英) ★ Android
★ set-top box
★ multimedia player
★ e-multimedia contents
★ digital rights management
論文目次 Table of Contents
摘要 II
Abstract III
致謝 IV
Table of Contents V
List of Figures VIII
List of Tables X
1. Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation 2
1.2 Organization of Thesis 3
2. Background and Related Work 4
2.1 Android 4
2.1.1 Android Architecture 5
2.1.2 Android Software Development Kit 7
2.1.3 Android Native Development Kit 8
2.2 Player on Android 10
2.2.1 MediaPlayer 10
2.2.2 VideoLan Player (VLC) 12
2.2.3 Selected Solution 14
2.3 Hardware decode on Android 15
2.3.1 OMXCodec 15
2.3.2 Audio DSP 16
3. System Design 18
3.1 System Goal 18
3.2 Objectives 19
3.2.1 Improve user experience 19
3.2.1 Achieve the developer’s requirements 21
3.3 System Overview 23
3.3.1 Digital Rights Management 24
3.3.2 Learning Player 24
3.4 System Architecture 25
3.4.1 DRM 26
3.4.2 L-Player 27
4. Implementation 30
4.1 Environment set up 30
4.1.1 Compilation steps 30
4.1.2 Debug Tools 31
4.2 Player Porting 32
4.3 Learning function 34
4.3.1 Screen size control 34
4.3.2 Snapshot 35
4.3.3Fast-forward and Fast-rewind 37
4.4 Interface between application and framework 40
5. Conclusion and Future Works 41
List of References 43
參考文獻 List of References
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指導教授 吳曉光 審核日期 2014-7-16
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