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姓名 楊子奇(Tzu-Chi Yang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系
論文名稱 基於雙層式測驗之網路學習環境開發與效益分析
(Development and Effectiveness Analysis of a Two-Tier Test-based Online Learning Environment)
★ 應用智慧分類法提升文章發佈效率於一企業之知識分享平台★ 家庭智能管控之研究與實作
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★ 探討問題解決模式下的學習行為分析★ 資訊系統與電子簽核流程之總管理資訊系統
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★ 應用集群分析探究學習模式對學習成效之影響★ 應用序列探勘分析影片瀏覽模式對學習成效的影響
★ 一個以服務品質為基礎的網際服務選擇最佳化方法★ 維基百科知識推薦系統對於使用e-Portfolio的學習者滿意度調查
★ 學生的學習動機、網路自我效能與系統滿意度之探討-以e-Portfolio為例★ 藉由在第二人生內使用自動對話代理人來改善英文學習成效
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摘要(中) 由於資訊科技應用廣泛並發展快速,近年來程式撰寫能力成為資訊相關科系的核心競爭能力,因此許多學者提出不同的教學策略與方法來改善學生學習程式語言的成效。在眾多方法中,網路學習環境因為具有豐富、便利、有彈性等特性,使用網路學習環境來輔助學生的學習已經成為一種顯學。諸如線上測驗、混合式學習、適性化教材…等學習與教學系統都被廣泛運用。其中,透過線上測驗找到學生的學習困難並依據其學習狀況提供對應的協助被認為是最有效也最直接的教學策略之一。然而,傳統的線上測驗大部分以選擇題或簡答題的型式進行。學生可能使用猜測或背誦的方式答題,因此即便在測驗後獲得高分,仍可能存在部分迷失概念或誤解;此外,學生的學習經常形成「猜測-測試」的迴圈,未必真正了解學習內容。因此本研究嘗試以雙層式測驗為基礎提出一個線上學習環境來改善此問題。另一方面,過去的研究指出雙層式測驗有助於提升學生的學習成效,但是顯少研究深入探究其原因或探勘使用雙層式測驗對學生所產生的影響。有鑑於此,本研究將所建置之系統應用於程式語言課程的教學,並於台灣中部及北部的大學進行實驗,藉此探討雙層式測驗的效益與影響。研究結果顯示,結合雙層式測驗的教學策略不僅有助於提升學生的程式能力,也改善了學生的學習態度及信心。依據序列行為分析及訪談的結果,產生這個效益的可能原因之一是使用雙層式測驗學習系統的學生除了進行線上測驗之外,發展了複習與比對錯誤概念的習慣,因此改善了他們的程式能力。據此,我們進一步分析相關的量化及質性資料,並依分析結果說明使用雙層式測驗所產生的影響與效益。
摘要(英) Computer programming is an important competence for engineering and computer science students. However, teaching and learning programming concepts and skills has been recognized as being a big challenge to both teachers and students. Therefore, the development of effective learning strategies and environments for programming courses has become an important issue. Many teaching strategies were developed to improve programming skills. Among them, online tests are widely applied to enhance students learning. Nonetheless, they fail to engage students in deep thinking and reflections. To cope with this issue, a two-tier test-based learning system is proposed to enhance students’ learning performances in computer programming courses in this study. Moreover, an experiment has been conducted on a college’s computer programming course to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed strategy. On the other hand, pervious research mainly focused on investigating the effectiveness of the two-tier test strategy but there is a lack of studies that investigate why the two-tier test approach is effective. To this end, logs were recorded to explore the influences of the two-tier test approach on students’ learning performance and behavior patterns. The experimental results show that the proposed approach not only improves the students’ learning performance and attitudes, but also affects their learning behavior pattern. Regarding learning performance, the proposed two-tier test can improve students’ programming skills. Regarding behavior patterns, the two-tier test approach facilitates students to develop a ‘learning by reviewing’ strategy, which is useful to improve their programming skills.
關鍵字(中) ★ 雙層式測驗
★ 網路學習環境
★ 電腦輔助教學
★ 程式語言學習
★ 序列行為分析
關鍵字(英) ★ computer programming
★ computer-assisted learning
★ two-tier test
★ web-based learning environments
★ lag sequential analysis
1-1 Research Background 1
1-2 Research Questions 3
1-3 Chapter Outline 5
1-4 Summary 6
2-1 Learning Computer Programming Language 7
2-2 Test and Feedback Instructions 11
2-3 Two-Tier Test Strategy 12
2-4 Lag Sequential Analysis 14
3-1 System Framework and Facilities 17
3-2 Online Test Facility Design 22
3-3 Online Test Subsystem 25
3-4 Diagnosis Subsystem 29
3-5 Learning Content Interactive Subsystem 33
4-1 Participants 35
4-2 Course Material 35
4-3 Pre-test and Post-test 36
4-4 Questionnaire 38
4-5 Procedure 38
4-6 Data Analyses 40
5-1 Overall 41
5-2 Learning Achievement 43
5-3 Learning Attitudes 46
5-4 Sequential Behavior Pattern Analysis 50
5-4-1 Behavior Frequency Analysis 52
5-5 Learning Behavior Patterns 56
5-5-1 Similarities 56
5-5-2 Differences 57
5-6 The Influence of The Two-Tier Test Approach 58
5-6-1 Early Stage 60
5-6-2 Middle Stage 60
5-6-3 Late Stage 60
7-1 Main Conclusions 66
7-2 Contributions and Beneficiaries 68
7-3 Suggestions 69
7-4 Limitations of and Future Work 69
References 71
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指導教授 楊鎮華(Stephen J.H. Yang) 審核日期 2014-8-11
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