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姓名 朱廣霖(Kwang-Lin Chu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 電機工程學系
論文名稱 使用近紅外光譜技術於正常人與中風病人之運動腦部區血流訊號探討
(Study of motor-induced hemodynamic responses in normal and stroke patients using near-infrared spectroscopy)
★ 使用梳狀濾波器於相位編碼之穩態視覺誘發電位腦波人機介面★ 應用電激發光元件於穩態視覺誘發電位之腦波人機介面判斷
★ 智慧型手機之即時生理顯示裝置研製★ 多頻相位編碼之閃光視覺誘發電位驅動大腦人機介面
★ 以經驗模態分解法分析穩態視覺誘發電位之大腦人機界面★ 利用經驗模態分解法萃取聽覺誘發腦磁波訊號
★ 明暗閃爍視覺誘發電位於遙控器之應用★ 使用整體經驗模態分解法進行穩態視覺誘發電位腦波遙控車即時控制
★ 使用模糊理論於穩態視覺誘發之腦波人機介面判斷★ 利用正向模型設計空間濾波器應用於視覺誘發電位之大腦人機介面之雜訊消除
★ 智慧型心電圖遠端監控系統★ 使用隱馬可夫模型於穩態視覺誘發之腦波人機介面判斷 與其腦波控制遙控車應用
★ 使用類神經網路於肢體肌電訊號進行人體關節角度預測★ 使用等階集合法與影像不均勻度修正於手指靜脈血管影像切割
★ 應用小波編碼於多通道生理訊號傳輸★ 結合高斯混合模型與最大期望值方法於相位編碼視覺腦波人機介面之目標偵測
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摘要(中) 隨著現代醫學科技的進步,腦部探索成了很多學者熱門的研究主題。其中腦部造影技術包括腦電波(Electroencephalography, EEG)、腦磁波(Magnetoencephalography, MEG)、電腦斷層攝影(Computed Tomography,CT)和核磁共振(Magnetic Resonance Imaging,MRI)等,近年來更有一新興的腦部造影技術¬¬¬,近紅外光譜儀(Near-infrared spectroscopy,NIRS) 也逐漸受到許多研究團隊的重視,此項技術不但價格比MRI低廉許多,安全性高,且儀器易於攜帶,可運用於更多用途。
本研究的成果顯示,近紅外光譜儀技術不同於傳統MRI的血氧濃度相依對比(Blood oxygen-level dependent, BOLD)訊號,可以得到帶氧血濃度(Oxygen hemoglobin concentration)與總血流量(total hemoglobin concentration)的資訊,將有助於研究中風患者腦部區域腦血流的反應,得到腦部功能的客觀指標,並與復健的程度進行關聯。
摘要(英) Following the developments of modern medical technologies, the researches of the brain images, such as Electroencephalography (EEG), Magnetoencephalography (MEG), Computed Tomography (CT), Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), etc., become popular issues in academic studies. Especially, in recent years, one emerging technology, called Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS), has drawn great attentions by several research groups nowadays. This technology is not only cheaper than MRI but also much safer. Moreover, NIRS equipment is portable, so that it can be used in many applications.
In this study, we recruited 16 stroke patients and 12 normal people to participate in this experiments. All participants were asked to perform two grip tasks with different force levels (one was set at 30% of maximum grip force and the other was set at 70% of maximum grip force) for each hand. Subject’s NIRS signals (NIRScout, NIRx Co., Germany) in his/her left and right motor cortexes were measured during the performing of each grip task. Our experiment results showed that different force levels can cause different blood flow responses in motor cortexes. Compared normal subjects to stroke patients, NIRS responses in the motor cortex were different as well. In addition, the duration of rehabilitation period also plays a role in the measured NIRS responses.
The NIRS technology is different from the information provided by traditional MRI BOLD (Blood oxygen-level dependent) signals. NIRS technology can obtain the additional information of the oxygen hemoglobin concentration and total hemoglobin concentration. The NIRS provided information will be helpful to study the regional brain responses in motor tasks. The obtained information can be used to construct objective index for evaluating brain functions and link to the recovery progress of patient rehabilitation.
關鍵字(中) ★ 近紅外光譜儀
★ 大腦運動區
★ 中風偏癱
關鍵字(英) ★ Near-infrared spectroscopy
★ Motor cortex
★ Stroke
論文目次 中文摘要I
英文摘要 II
致謝 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 Vlll
第一章、 緒論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 研究動機 2
1-3 文獻探討 2
1-4 研究目的 3
1-5 論文架構 3
第二章、 生理原理簡介 5
2-1 大腦與運動系統 5
2-2 大腦結構與功能 5
2-3 人體運動系統 7
2-3-1 高級階層 7
2-3-2 中間階層 8
2-3-3 最低階層 8
第三章、 近紅外光譜學簡介 9
3-1 近紅外光譜原理 9
3-2 比爾-朗伯定律 11
第四章、 研究設計與方法 14
4-1 系統架構 14
4-2 實驗儀器 15
4-2-1 近紅外光量測儀器 13
4-2-2 近紅外光量測光極帽 17
4-2-3 運動資訊紀錄元件 19
4-3 實驗設計 21
4-3-1 受測者 21
4-3-2 設計流程 22
4-4 分析方法 23
4-4-1 訊號前處理 24
4-4-2 建立血氧變化波形 26
4-4-3 波形結果比較方法 30
第五章、 結果與討論 33
5-1 總血紅素濃度變化量Hbtotal 33
5-2 含氧血濃度變化量百分比POxyHb 34
5-3 血氧濃度變化差Hbdiff 36
第六章、 結論與未來展望 39
參考文獻 42
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指導教授 李柏磊(Po-Lei Lee) 審核日期 2014-8-29
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