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姓名 黃和順(He-Shun Huang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 環境工程研究所在職專班
論文名稱 熱昇華廢棄相紙資源化研究
(A Study on the Recycling of Waste Dye-Sublimation Photographic Papers Abstract)
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摘要(中) 自從數位相機問世與攝影手機普及後,傳統軟片沖洗成照片的數量急遽下滑,但數位相機及照相手機拍攝所衍生的數位影像列印數量卻逐年上升,而照片數位列印技術中又由於熱昇華列印技術具有高解析度、高速列印、防水(有保護層設計)、色調連續、色彩自然真實…等優勢,是未來市場上最適合用於影像輸出的一種列印技術。
第二階段實驗是以標準散漿機進行散漿實驗,在本階段的實驗中,可以確認白色亮面的WBOPP與霧面的OPP能夠全數完整的被收集再利用。97%的PE塑料則被收集於MESH 16 的篩網中,可以進行後續的再生使用程序。而小於16 MESH的良漿進行手抄紙實驗後,確認紙張抗張強度符合CNS文化用紙的相關條件,能夠回收再利用作成再生紙。
摘要(英) Since the coming out of digital camera and the popularizing of cell phone camera, the number of photos developed by traditional film has dropped rapidly, but the quantity of digital image printing derived by digital camera and cell phone camera has been climbing up over years. Among the technologies of digital image printing, thermal transfer printing technology has the advantages of high resolution, high printing speed, waterproof (with the design of protective layer), hue continuity, natural and real color, etc., and thus is the most promising printing technology in the future market for image output.
Operation mechanism of thermal transfer printer: use micro heating piece on the heating head of the printer to heat the back side of dye ribbon, so that the dyestuff on the dye layer of the front side can be transferred onto thermal transferable paper to make high quality photo.
When manufacturing thermal transferable paper, cutting edges, waste paper during testing, machine startup, and equipment disorder can become source of waste material. Because thermal transferable paper belongs to composite material, coated with plastic material like OPP and PE, so it is hard to be recycled and reused. Therefore, domestic recycling organizations are not willing to collect the remnants of thermal transferable paper. Consequently, the remnants of thermal transferable paper, treated as ordinary unrecyclable waste, can only be sent to incinerator. This leads to a waste of manufacturer′s money and costs, and what′s more, the process of incineration consumes energy and brings environmental pollution. In this research, we hope to find out a way to recycle the remnants of thermal transferable paper through experiment and verification procedures, so as to break through the bottleneck of recycling thermal transferable paper remnants and make full use of the value of the remnants.
This study takes hydrapulper of Tetra Pak as a reference to conduct tests in three phases. The first phase used a blender instead of a pulper to conduct a preliminary experiment. The pulping results show that the matte OPP, white glossy WBOPP and PE plastics are in a floating state in the pulp and that they are separated from the paper pulp fiber and then collected to be used for the subsequent recycling process.
The second phase used a standard pulper to conduct the pulping experiment. In this experiment, it is confirmed that the white glossy WBOPP and matte OPP can be collected in full to be put in re-use. 97% of PE plastic is collected in the mesh screen of MESH 16 which can be put in the subsequent recycling process. The benign paper pulps smaller than MESH 16 is to go through a hand sheet experiment to ensure its tensile strength meeting the conditions of CNS paper, and that it can be used for making recycled paper.
The third phase, under the conditions of no pH value adjustment by acid and alkali and no enzymes or chemicals added, uses the control variables in the cutting sizes of photographic papers, the soaking time of pulp, the pulping time of paper pulp and soaking temperature of paper pulp to conduct hydrapulping experiment with a pulper. This is to confirm the impacts of pulping results and the separation between paper pulp and plastics on the efficiency of recycling without adding any agents.
In the third phase, the experiment of the first group takes the size of photographic paper as the control variable. The study finds that, as OPP, WBOPP and PE can almost all be separated and collected, the size of the photographic paper shows no significance on the recycling efficiency of plastics but has significance on the recycling rate of good pulp. It can be confirmed that the smaller the size of photographic paper, the better effect of pulping. On the contrary, the larger the size of photographic paper, the worse the effect of pulping is.
In the third phase, the experiment of the second group takes the soaking time of photographic paper as the control variable. The study finds that, as OPP, WBOPP and PE can almost all be separated and collected, the wetting time of the photographic paper shows no significance on the recycling efficiency of plastics but has significance on the recycling rate of good pulp. It can be confirmed that the longer wetting time of paper, the better effect of pulping. On the contrary, the shorter the wetting time of photographic paper, the worse the effect of pulping is.
In the third phase, the experiment of the third group takes the pulping time of photographic paper as the control variable. The study finds that, as OPP, WBOPP and PE can almost all be separated and collected, the pulping time of the photographic paper shows no significance on the recycling efficiency of plastics but has significance on the recycling rate of good pulp. It can be confirmed that the longer pulping time of paper, the better effect of pulping. On the contrary, the shorter the pulping time of photographic paper, the worse the effect of pulping is.
In the third phase, the experiment of the third group takes the soaking temperature of photographic paper as the control variable. The study finds that, as OPP, WBOPP and PE can almost all be separated and collected, the soaking temperature of the photographic paper shows no significance on the recycling efficiency of plastics but has significance on the recycling rate of good pulp. It can be confirmed that the higher soaking temperature of paper, the better effect of pulping. On the contrary, the lower the soaking temperature of photographic paper, the worse the effect of pulping is.
From the literature review we can learn that the recycling rate of Tetra Pak paper pulp fiber is approximately 30% to 37%. However for dye-sublimation photographic papers under the same type of hydrapulping technology, no matter what the control variables are in terms of the sizes, soaking time, pulping time and soaking time of the photographic paper, the recycling rate of paper pulp fiber can reach as high as 39.13% to 39.85%, apparently higher than the recycling rate of Tetra Pak paper fiber.
Summarizing the above, it is experimentally proven that the ingredients of photographic paper can be separated into matte OPP, white glossy WBOPP, PE plastics and paper pulp. The handsheet experiment demonstrates that the paper pulp from photographic paper can be re-manufactured into handsheet. Separation of plastics and the collection rate of paper pulp can be changed under different control variables. Reducing the size, increasing the soaking and hydrapulping time and increasing the soaking temperature all can be beneficial to the results of plastics separation and the recycling rate of paper pulp.
By summarizing experiment results, we prove that thermal transferable paper is recyclable and reusable. The relevant operation parameters can serve as a reference for environment protection industry and paper recycling industry.
關鍵字(中) ★ 熱昇華
★ 列印
★ 相紙
★ 再利用
關鍵字(英) ★ thermal transfer
★ printing
★ thermal transferable paper
★ recycling
論文目次 第一章 研究緣起與目的
1.1 研究緣起
1.2 研究動機與限制
1.3 研究目的
第二章 文獻回顧
2.1 熱昇華的使用歷程與列印原理
2.1.1 熱昇華的使用歷程
2.1.2 熱昇華的列印原理、條件與優點
2.1.3 熱昇華、傳統噴墨、雷射列印與銀鹽沖洗的差別
2.2 熱昇華相紙結構
2.3 熱昇華色帶結構
2.4 紙的分類與再生紙製品使用概況
2.4.1 紙的分類
2.4.2 再生紙與廢紙
2.4.3 台灣廢紙回收概況
2.4.4 台灣廢紙使用概況
2.5 濕強紙與複合性紙類
2.5.1 濕強紙
2.5.2 濕強紙張回收文獻
2.5.3 廢紙鈔處理文獻
2.5.4 濕強紙解離專利
2.5.5 利樂包回收再利用技術
2.5.6 紙盒回收再利用技術
2.6 紙類抄製與與再利用方式
2.6.1 紙類抄製方式
2.6.2 水力散漿技術
2.6.3 散漿設備與儀器
第三章 研究方法
3.1 研究架構
3.2 實驗設計
3.2.1 第一階段實驗設計
3.2.2 第二階段實驗設計
3.2.3 第三階段實驗設計
3.3 研究流程
3.3.1 第一階段研究流程
3.3.2 第二階段研究流程
3.3.3 第三階段研究流程
3.4 實驗材料與儀器
3.4.1 實驗材料
3.4.2 實驗儀器
3.5 檢測方法與手抄紙抄造方法
第四章 結果與討論
4.1 第一階段實驗結果
4.2 第一階段實驗小結
4.3 第二階段實驗結果
4.4 第二階段實驗小結
4.5 第三階段實驗結果
4.6 第三階段實驗小結
第五章 結論與建議
5.1 研究結論
5.2 研究建議
附表 實驗數據
參考文獻 【中文文獻】
1.馮竹健,「我國發展熱昇華相片印表機耗材產業之競爭優勢研究—以M 公司創業為例」,交通大學高階主管管理學程碩士論文(2010)。
21.福建紙業訊息第06期,福建(2009) 。

1.Printing Industries of America (2009) . U.S. Printing Process Market Share — 2007-2016,2009 Forecast: Technology, Trends, Tactics, P77
2.Meng MX. 1998. System Development for the Recycling of Polycoated and wet Strength Containing Food Packaging Materials. Recycling Symposium, pp.241-254

3.台灣利樂公司網站: http://www.tetrapak.com/tw/about_tetra_pak/history/pages/default.aspx
4.誠研科技股份有限公司網站: http://www.hiti.com/tw/
5.謙華科技股份有限公司網站: http://www.chcoating.com/tw/index.asp
指導教授 蕭大智 審核日期 2014-7-24
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