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姓名 馬千棣(Chien-ti Ma)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 藝術學研究所
論文名稱 愛德華多.包洛奇Bunk系列作研究
(Eduardo Paolozzi′s Bunk Series)
★ 台灣廟宇敘事性雕繪題材分析-以桃竹苗地區廟宇為例★ 從三峽祖師廟中學院背景作品談李梅樹主導之意義
★ 荒誕寫實 夏卡爾之《死魂靈》插畫 (1923-27)★ 流動的疆界:以漫畫為例看民初上海高階與通俗美術的分類與界線問題
★ 「自由談」刊頭女性圖像研究 ( 1911-1935 )★ 陳子福電影海報研究
★ 唐納•賈德藝術中的曖昧與深度★ 從狄德羅的沙龍評論 看夏爾丹的靜物畫在法國繪畫史上的地位與影響
★ 宜蘭老畫家王攀元★ 日治時期台灣地方意識的建立:以顏水龍美術、廣告與工藝創作為例
★ 清末民初女子藝術教育之研究-以上海地區為例★ 民國初年觀畫論畫的現代轉型--以上海地區的西畫活動為例
★ 藝術自主性與社會功能的結合—以費農.雷傑(Fernand Léger, 1881-1955)1918-1955年作品為例★ 東西的交響—以惠斯勒日本風味油畫作品為例
★ 從哲學化到體制化:早期觀念藝術的終結、離散或轉型★ 地方意象:尤特里羅繪畫研究
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摘要(中) 蘇格蘭藝術家愛德華多‧包洛奇(Sir Eduardo Luigi Paolozzi,1924-2005)作為50年代倫敦藝術圈獨立團體(Independent Group)中的要員,對普普藝術發展有深遠的影響。在1952年獨立團體成員的一場聚會中,包洛奇以幻燈片形式呈現了他自1947年以來的剪貼簿圖像蒐藏,圖像內容包括剪貼簿插圖、漫畫、明信片、雜誌、廣告等大眾文化圖像拼貼。這些圖像的展示引發了獨立團體成員們的議論,並被視為是最早的普普藝術先驅之一。包洛奇在1972年以絹印、平版、照相平版、拼貼等技法將這批拼貼圖像重製為版畫系列作,命名為Bunk。
本文首先從藝術家本人與獨立團體的重要展覽和團體成員們的藝術觀著手,探究英國普普與Bunk出現的背景、成因。其次,從Bunk由50年代到70年代的發展脈絡,試析Bunk的再製過程與丹托(Arthur Danto,1924-2013)所言藝術世界中藝術理論的氛圍、藝術歷史之間可能的關連與影響。最後,以前衛與大眾文化相關論述,探討藝術家本人的藝術觀點,並進一步討論Bunk關於原創性、複製性的問題。Bunk本身的作品歷史猶如在時空中延續伸展的文本,同時也是普普藝術家所致力藝術與生活的連結的起點,Bunk不僅是包洛奇的生活,也是包洛奇的藝術。
摘要(英) A significant member of Independent Group, Scottish artist Eduardo Paolozzi (1925-2005) greatly influenced the development of Pop Art. Having kept a scrapbook of images since 1947, he reproduced the pages for viewing during a lecture to the Independent Group in 1952. He presented slides of collages made from images of popular culture such as scrapbook images, fragments from comic books, postcards, magazines and advertisements. The presentation of these collage images sparked a controversial debate among the Group′s members; these images are now considered amongst the earliest forerunners of Pop Art. The artist reproduced these early images as print series using screen printing, lithography, photolithography and collage techniques in 1972, named Bunk.

This dissertation starts from the points of view on art of Paolozzi and his Independent Group fellows, discussing the background of British Pop Art, also makes further analysis on artworld which Arthur Danto have put forward, including atmospheres of artistic theory, knowledge of the history of art through the developing context of Bunk from 1950s to 1970s. In addition, this dissertation focuses on Paolozzi’s creative ideas through several avant-garde and popular culture discourses as well as originality/reproducibility issues on Bunk. The history of the artistic enfranchisement of Bunk is just like a text extended in time and space, a milestone that pop artists have been endeavored to. Bunk is, so to speak, not only life but also art for Paolozzi.
關鍵字(中) ★ 愛德華多‧包洛奇
★ 版畫系列
★ 拼貼
★ 英國
★ 獨立團體
★ 藝術與生活的並行
★ 這就是明天
★ 阿洛威
★ 新寫實主義
★ 粗獷主義
★ 普普藝術
★ 英國普普
★ 歐洲普普
★ 1950年代
★ 大眾文化
★ 前衛
★ 新前衛
★ 媚俗
★ 複製
★ 原件
★ 原創性
★ 藝術世界
關鍵字(英) ★ Eduardo Paolozzi
★ Bunk
★ prints
★ print series
★ collage
★ the UK
★ Independent Group
★ Parallel of Life and Art
★ This is Tomorrow
★ Lawrence Alloway
★ New Realism
★ Brutalism
★ Pop Art
★ British Pop Art
★ Euro pop
★ 1950s
★ popular culture
★ Avant-Garde
★ Neo-Avant-Garde
★ Kitsch
★ reproduce
★ reproduction
★ originals
★ originality
★ artworld
論文目次 目錄 i
緒論 1
前言、研究動機與研究對象 1
文獻回顧 5
問題意識 10
章節架構 11
第一章、 愛德華多‧包洛奇(Eduardo Paolozzi) 13
第一節、 愛德華多‧包洛奇生平與獨立團體(Independent Group)相關展覽 13
1. 成長背景與早期經歷 13
2. 巴黎經驗─與現代主義藝術的交會 16
3. 摩登倫敦─獨立團體重要展覽與英國普普的萌芽 17
第二節、 愛德華多‧包洛奇創作風格簡述 28
1. 新寫實主義(New Realism)與粗獷主義(Brutalism) 28
2. 包洛奇的混種(hybrid)藝術 30
第二章、BUNK的製作脈絡 36
第一節、 Bunk的起源─1952 37
1. Bunk釋義 37
2. 從一場「Bunk」談起(Bunk Lecture, 1952) 40
3. Bunk拼貼 (Bunk Collage ,1947-1952) 44
第二節、 Bunk版畫系列作─1972 49
1. 限量商品─1960-70藝術世界的版畫系列(print series)革新 49
2. Bunk版畫系列(Bunk print series, 1972) 51
第三章、Bunk的前衛、原創性? 58
第一節、包洛奇的前衛與媚俗 58
1. 前衛(avant-garde) 58
2. 媚俗(kitsch) 63
第二節、Bunk的原創性與複製性 65
1. 原創/複製意涵之辨:大眾媒體圖像現成物─Bunk拼貼─Bunk版畫系列 66
2. 原創/複製形制之辨:系列產品(serial product)或商品化(commodification) 68
結論 71
參考文獻 一、 外文專書 (按字母編排)
Alloway, Lawrence. Imagining the Present: Context, Content, and the Role of the Critic, (London, New York: Routledge, 2006)
Belting, Hans. Art History after Modernism, trans. Caroline Saltzwedel and Mitch Cohen (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2003)
Bender, John W., Blocker, H. Gene, eds. Contemporary Philosophy of Art: Readings in Analytic Aesthetics, (New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1993)
Benjamin, Walter, The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction, (Classic Books America: New York, 2009)
Breton, André. What Is Surrealism?,( New York: Haskell House Publishers,1974)
Chilvers, Ian ed. The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Art and Artists, (Oxford: Oxford University Press,2003
Danto, Arthur. After the End of Art: Contemporary Art and the Pale of History, (New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1997),
Foster, Hal. Compulsive Beauty, (Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press, 1993)
Francis, Mark, ed. Foster, Hal survey, Pop, (London: Phaidon 2005)
Greenberg, Clement. Art and Culture: Critical Essays, (Boston: Beacon Press, 1984)
Hamilton, Richard. Collected Words:1953-1982, (London, New York: Thames and Hudson, 1982)
Hawkes, Terence. Structuralism & Semiotics, (London: Nethuen,1977)
Kirkpatrick, Diane. Eduardo Paolozzi, (London: Studio Vista, 1970)
Krauss, Rosalind. The Originality of the Avant-Garde and Other Modern Myths, (Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 1996)
Lichtenstein, Claude and Thomas Schregenberger, eds. As Found, The Discovery of The Ordinary (Switzerland: Lars Müllers Publishers, 2001)
Lippard, Lucy R. Pop Art, (London: Thames and Hudson, 1992)
Madoff, Steven Henry, ed. Pop Art: A Critical History, (Berkeley: University of California, 1997)
Mahsun, Carol Anne Runyon, ed. Pop Art: The Critical Dialogue, (Ann Arbor / London: UMI Research Press, 1989)
Malcolm, Norman. Ludwig Wittgenstein: A Memoir, (Oxford : Clarendon Press, New York : Oxford University Press, 2001)
Marquis, Alice Goldfarb, The Pop! Revolution : How An Unlikely Concatenation of Artists, Aficionados, Businessmen, Collectors, Critics, Curators, Dealers, and Hangers-on Radically Transformed the Art World, (Boston: MFA Publications, 2010)
Massey, Anne. The Independent Group: Modernism and Mass Culture in Britain,1945-59, (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1995)
McCarthy, David. Pop Art, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000)
McLuhan, Marshall. The Mechanical Bride: Folklore of Industrial Man (New York: Vanguard Press, 1951)
Monem, Nadine Kathe, ed. Pop Art Book, (London: Black Dog, 2007)
Mumford, Lewis Technics and Civilization, (New York: Harcourt, Brace & World,1963)
Nelson, Robert S. and Richard Shiff, eds. Critical Terms for Art History, (Chicago:
University of Chicago Press, 2003)
Scheunemann,Dietrich, ed. Avant-Garde/Neo-Avant-Garde, (Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2005)
Schneede, Uwe M. translated from the German by W. Woodson Hand, Eduardo Paolozzi, (London: Thames and Hudson, 1971)
Spencer, Robin, ed. Eduardo Paolozzi: Writings and Interviews, (London: Oxford University Press, 2000)
二、 外文展覽圖錄
Alloway, Lawrence et al, eds. Modern Dreams: The Rise and Fall and Rise of Pop, (New York: Institute for Contemporary Art; Cambridge Mass.: MIT Press, 1988)
Bezzola, Tobia ed. Europop, (Zürich: Kunsthaus Zürich, 2008)
Brauer, David E (et al.) eds, Pop art: U.S./U.K. Connections, 1956-1966, (Houston, Tex.: Menil Collection in association with Hatje Cantz Publishers, 2001)
Goldman, Judith et al, eds. The Pop Image: Prints and Multiples, (New York: Marlborough Graphics, 1994)
Harrison, Miranda, ed. Eduardo Paolozzi: Collaging Culture, (Chichester: Pallant House Gallery, 2013)
Miles, Rosemary ed. The Complete Prints of Eduardo Paolozzi: Prints, Drawings and Collages 1944-77, (London: Victoria and Albert Museum, 1977)
Paolozzi, Eduardo, Wieland Schmied, Robin Spencer and Frank Whitford. Eduardo Paolozzi: Sculpture, Drawings, Collages and Graphics, (London: Arts Council of Great Britain, 1976)
Robbins, David, ed. The Independent Group: Postwar Britain and the Aesthetics of Plenty, (Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press, 1990)
Selz, Peter and Christopher Finch, Eduardo Paolozzi: A Print Retrospective, (Berkeley: University Art Museum, University of California, 1968)
Weitman, Wendy. Pop Impressions Europe/USA: Prints and Multiples from The Museum of Modern Art, (New York: Museum of Modern Art, 1999)
Whitford, Frank. Eduardo Paolozzi, The Tate Gallery, 22 September - 31 October 1971 (London: Tate Gallery, 1971)

三、 外文期刊
Alloway, Lawrence. “Eduardo Paolozzi,” Architectural Design, April 1956, Reprinted in October Vol. 136, New Brutalism (Spring 2011)
Colomina, Beatriz. “Friends of the Future: A Conversation with Peter Smithson,” October Vol.94, The Independent Group (Fall 2000)
Crosby, Theo. “The New Brutalism”, Architectural Review, (December 1955 ) reprinted in October, Vol. 136, New Brutalism (Spring 2011)
Danto, Arthur. “The Artworld”, The Journal of Philosophy, Vol. 61, No.19, (Oct. 15, 1964)
Foster, Hal. “What is Neo about the Neo-Avant-Garde?” October 70 (autumn, 1994)
Genova, Pamela. ‘Compulsive Beauty by Hal Foster’ The French Review Vol.69, No.6 (May, 2008)
Massey, Anne. “The Independent Group: Towards a Redefinition”, The Burlington Magazine, Vol. 129, No. 1009 (Apr., 1987)
Massey, Anne and Penny Sparke. "The Myth of the Independent Group," Block 10 (1985)
Miró, Joan et al. “Statements and Documents: Artists on Art and Reality, on Their Work, and on Values”, Daedalus, Vol. 89, No. 1, The Visual Arts Today (Winter, 1960)
Myers, Julian. “The Future as Fetish,” October, Vol. 94, The Independent Group (Fall 2000)
Potts, Alex. “Realism, Brutalism, Pop”, Art History, Vol. 35, Issue 2 (April 2012)
Reyner, Banham. “Parallel of Life and Art”, Architectural Review, (October 1953), reprinted in October, Vol. 136, New Brutalism (Spring 2011)
Smithson, Alison and Peter Smithson. “Parallel of Life and Art: Indications of a New Visual Order” (31 August, 1953),”ICA Archives, Tate Gallery, TGA 9211.5.1.2 reprinted in October, Vol. 136, New Brutalism (Spring 2011)
Stonard, John-Paul. “Pop in the Age of Boom: Richard Hamilton’s ‘Just What is It That Makes Today’s Homes so Different, So Appealing?,” The Burlington Magazine, Vol.149, No. 1254, Twentieth-Century Art (Sep., 2007)
_______. “The ‘Bunk’ Collages of Eduardo Paolozzi,” The Burlington Magazine (April 2008)
_______. “Eduardo Paolozzi’s Psychological Atlas” October, Vol. 136, New Brutalism (Spring 2011)

四、 外文學位論文
Huston, Carol, Eduardo Paolozzi and J.G. Ballard: Representing New British Modernities, c. 1966 – 1980, (University of Manchester for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Faculty of Humanities, 2013)
Kirkpatrick, Diane Marie. Eduardo Paolozzi: A Study of His Art, 1946-1968, (Ph.D. dissertation, The University of Michigan, 1969)
Kitnick, Alex. Eduardo Paolozzi and Others, 1947-1958, (dissertation in candidacy for the Ph.D. degree, The University of Princeton, 2010)
Stakemeier, Kerstin. Entkunstung: Artistic Models for the End of Art, (Ph.D. dissertation, University College London, 2013)

五、 中文專書(按姓名注音編排)
柏格(Peter Bürger)著,蔡美君、徐明松譯,《前衛藝術理論》,(台北:時報文化,1998)
利帕(Lucy R. Lippard)編,張正仁譯,《普普藝術》,(台北:遠流,1994)
羅蘭‧巴特(Roland Barthes)著,李幼蒸譯,《寫作的零度: 結構主義文學理論文選》,(台北,久大,1991)
詹名信(Fredric Jameson)著,吳美真譯,《後現代主義或晚期資本主義的文化邏輯》,(台北:時報文化,1998)
史賓格勒(Oswald Spengler)著,陳曉林譯,《西方的沒落》,(台北:遠流,1986)
亞瑟‧丹托(Arthur Danto)著,鄧伯辰譯,《美的濫用》,(台北縣新店市:立緒文化,2006)
亞瑟‧丹托(Arthur Danto)著,林雅琪、鄭惠雯譯,《在藝術終結之後:當代藝術與歷史藩籬》,(台北市:麥田,城邦文化,2004)
沃爾夫朗(Eddie Wolfram)著,傅嘉琿譯,《拼貼藝術之歷史》,(台北:遠流,1992)

六、 中文學位論文
陳蕉,〈過渡.差異.間隔 -- 杜象的「次薄」觀念及其實踐〉,台北:國立藝術學院美術史研究所碩士論文,2000。
七、 網路資料
Chronicling America Historical American Newspapers
Macmillan Dictionary
National Galleries Scotland Collection
Tate Art and Artists
The American Heritage Dictionary
The British Library
The British Library’s Archival Sound Recordings
The Independent Group
V&A Search the collections
V&A The National Art Library
指導教授 吳方正(Fang-cheng Wu) 審核日期 2014-8-28
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