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姓名 戴元峰(Yuan-fung Dai)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 企業管理學系
論文名稱 國際科技政策觀測與政府組織創新擴散歷程研究
(Process Research of International Science and Technology Policy Observing and Governmental organization Innovation Diffusion)
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摘要(中) 本研究發現政府組織的創新活動,就像是不停動態演化的「創新沉默螺旋」(Silenced Innovation Spiral, SIS),時常會不停修正,甚且前後反覆的變化。創新活動在受到各種因素糾結衝擊下會經過幾個轉捩點進入一個沉默轉折的過程,產生一種非線性、不連續的演化。其中許多鮮為人知的關鍵因素,都輕易的被創新演化的軌跡所掩蓋,甚且淹沒在波濤洶湧的創新大海之中。政府組織採取決策支援創新的策略取決於諸多因素,如外部環境衝擊、內部組織創新文化、以及組織決策者對於創新事物之認知的交互影響。政府決策機構的創新擴散歷程會為組織帶來再創新與不穩定,故創新演化之論述需要整體考量,歷程與效應亦只有經由長期的觀察沉澱才能清楚的浮現。

本研究迥異於以較短時間及僅就表象因素作為焦點研討的其他組織創新擴散之研究。以「創新擴散」的理論為基礎,聚焦觀察政府科技決策過程中攸關「環境偵測」(Decision Environmental Scanning, DES)之創新活動,歷經9年時間,透過觀察「國際科技政策觀測系統」(International Science and Technology Policy Observing System, ISTPOS)導入過程的具體案例,來研究行政院科技顧問組之組織創新發展軌跡與成敗關鍵因素。本研究採用行動研究模式,利用參與觀察、深度訪談與次級資料分析等研究方法進行資料的蒐集與解析。

本研究的主要貢獻在於提出政府組織創新擴散的關鍵因素乃是潛藏於環境、組織、個體中強大而細微的衝擊;這些衝擊肇因於不斷變化的各種「驅動力」之間的交織碰撞,因而形成了「創新動態演化」的現象。這些潛藏衝擊透過時序流變所產生的「創新冰山演化結構」(Innovation Iceberg Evolution Structure, IIES),經過漫長時間醞釀,直接主導了整個組織創新活動的軌跡與其成敗。
摘要(英) This research finds that self-correcting, even self-contradicting changes often take place in innovation activities of governmental organizations, as the “Silenced Innovation Spiral (SIS)” theory has predicted. Passing through a few critical/turning points, the innovation activities which are impacted by many factors, will eventually enter into a silent spiraling path illustrating a non-linear, discontinuous evolution process. Many key factors, that are seldom seen (or at least not so easily seen), are sometimes concealed by dusts on the path of innovation, and/or frequently submerged under huge waves in the sea of innovation. The reason why strategies such as “Decision-Support Innovation” are adopted by governmental organizations is usually based on interactions of many factors, i.e. external environmental impacts on organization, internal organizational culture on innovation and the leaders’ perception on innovation itself, just to name a few. The innovation diffusion process usually brings forward re-innovation and hence inevitable instability to the governmental organization that adopts it in the first place. Such a complex process of innovation evolution can only be analyzed/understood/discoursed through a longer-term and more holistic research that is current study.

This research distinguishes itself from others on similar topics namely innovation diffusion in organizations, in that others conducted their studies by implementing a methodology that focused on just representation factors appeared in a shorter time-span. Based on “Innovation Diffusion” theory to observe innovation activities related to “Environmental Scanner” in governmental science & technology decision process, this 9-year-long research, on the other hand, has studied in detail the development path and key success/failure factors of organizational innovation issues of the STAG(Science and Technology Advisory Group)of Executive Yuan, Taiwan, ROC in due course of adopting the “International Science & Technology Observation System (ISTOS)”. This research also adopts the “Action Research” methodology, as well as approaches such as “Participant Observation”, “In-depth Interview” and “Secondary Data Analysis” for the collection/analysis of data/information.

The major contribution of this research is to bring forward that key success/failure factors for innovation diffusion in governmental organizations lie in a few seemingly strong yet delicate impacts, which were hidden/embedded in the environment, organizations and individuals. These impacts, resulted from interactions of many ever-changing “driving forces”, shaped the phenomenon that is “Dynamic Innovation Evolution”. Through sudden temporal changes and long-term fermentation, these hidden/embedded impacts eventually formed the so-called “Innovation Iceberg Evolution Structure(IIES)” , that finally determines the path and success/failure of the innovation activities in the organization as a whole.
關鍵字(中) ★ 科技政策
★ 決策支援
★ 環境偵測
★ 創新探索
★ 創新擴散
★ 創新沉默螺旋
★ 創新冰山演化結構
關鍵字(英) ★ Science and Technology Policy
★ Decision Support
★ Environmental Scanning
★ Innovation Exploration
★ Innovation Diffusion
★ Silenced Innovation Spiral
★ Innovation Iceberg Evolution Structure
論文目次 第一章、緒論 1
第一節、研究動機 1
第二節、研究問題 2
第三節、研究目的 4
第四節、研究流程 5

第二章、文獻回顧 7
第一節、決策支援之意涵與相關研究 7
第二節、政府競爭情報之意涵與相關研究 16
第三節、創新與組織創新擴散之意涵與相關研究 21
第四節、組織創新擴散之特性與關鍵影響因素 30

第三章、國際科技政策觀測系統的設計與運作 43
第一節、國際科技政策觀測系統的設計 43
第二節、國際科技政策觀測系統的運作模式 51
第三節、國際科技政策觀測系統的效能 58
第四節、國際科技政策觀測系統的試行與審查 66

第四章、研究設計與方法 73
第一節、研究設計與工作準備 73
第二節、參與觀察法 76
第三節、深度訪談法 78
第四節、次級資料分析法 84

第五章、創新事務的推動背景與政府創新性來源 85
第一節、政府科技政策形成機制 85
第二節、政府機構創新性的背景與狀態 92
第三節、國際科技政策觀測系統的創新特性 109
第四節、國際科技政策觀測系統建設的創新挑戰與因應 113

第六章、政府組織創新動態歷程之創新性建構與演化關係 119
第一節、組織創新活動的縱貫面現象狀態綜論 119
第二節、創新活動潛藏的縱貫面衝擊結構之一-環境變遷 122
第三節、創新活動潛藏的縱貫面衝擊結構之二-創新文化 135
第四節、創新活動潛藏的縱貫面衝擊結構之三-決策者對創新態度 146
第五節、跨演化的轉捩點狀態探討 160

第七章、結論與建議 165
第一節、研究發現 165
第二節、理論意涵 169
第三節、政策建議 172
第四節、研究限制與建議 174

參考文獻 177
附件 197

參考文獻 中文部份:

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