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姓名 李惟宇(Wei-Yu Li)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 光機電工程研究所
論文名稱 NIR DOT光電量測系統於解調校正之研究
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摘要(中) 近紅外光擴散光學斷層掃描(near-infrared diffuse optical tomography, NIR-DOT)系統乃一新穎之醫學造影方式,其架構可區分為光電量測與影像重建兩部分,本研究改善頻域式近紅外光擴散光學量測系統,以獲得有效的光強度與相位差資訊。在雷射穿透待測物後,以中性密度及紅外干涉濾光片過濾多餘之光功率,透過光電倍增管(Photomultiplier tube, PMT)接收並經光電轉換至為電訊號,後續藉由混波器解調變得到光功率大小及相位落後訊息。
設計液態假體作有效性驗證,包含不同假體大小、吸收及散射係數等,模擬實際生理組織狀態,根據進入PMT光功率大小使用固定或不同ND減光片,並以20及60 MHz之調變光源進行實驗。經由測試,80 mm之假體以固定控制電壓量測時,當光纖與液態光導管夾角為67.5°即飽和;以自動調整控制電壓量測時,可在夾角小至22.5°時飽和。
摘要(英) Near-infrared diffuse optical tomography (NIR DOT) is a new non-invasive and non-radiation biomedical imaging technique, and can be divided into two parts including opto-electrical measurement system and image reconstruction scheme. In this study, we improved frequency-domain (FD) opto-electrical measurement system to acquire both amplitude and phase information that are essential in image reconstruction computation. During the imaging procedure, NIR light through fibers illuminates a phantom, and neutral density (ND) filter, infrared band-pass interference (IR) filter are used to attenuate and filter out the unwanted light. Then the filtered light is detected and transformed into electrical signal by a photomultiplier tube (PMT). Eventually, the amplitude and phase information are computed through the demodulation of mixers and spectral analysis.
In order to effectively use the dynamic measurement range of a PMT with different control voltage, we improved the FD measurement system, previously using constant PMT control voltage, by auto-adjusting control voltage according to the received light power. Meanwhile, the correction of power amplitude and phase delay corresponding to variant PMT control voltage was performed to ensure the acquired data in an effective range.
Designated liquid phantoms that mimic the bio-tissue were used for justifying the proposed method. The design parameters of phantoms include size, optical absorption and scattering coefficients. Moreover, measurement was performed with using fixed or varying ND filter, and at different modulation frequency (20 and 60 MHz). Results show that the saturation of PMT occurs at source-detection angle below 67.5° when constant control voltage was used to measure Φ-80mm phantom, and limits to 22.5° while even using auto-adjusting control voltage.
The proposed method of auto-adjusting PMT control voltage in the study can fully utilizes the dynamic range of the PMT. According to the designated phantoms (different optical coefficients and size of the phantom), and the modulation frequency adopted, amplitude- and phase- correction functions can be established and employed for the improvement of NIR FD opto-electrical measurement system.
關鍵字(中) ★ 擴散光學斷層掃描
★ 頻域式量測系統
★ 解調變
★ PMT控制電壓校正
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iv
目錄 v
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 xi
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機與目的 1
1.2 文獻回顧 4
1.3 論文範疇 8
第二章 背景知識 10
2.1 光子傳播特性 10
2.1.1 吸收係數 10
2.1.2 散射係數 11
2.1.3 光學擴散方程式 13
2.2 乳房組織光學特性 15
2.3 NIR檢測機制 19
2.3.1 量測系統分類 19
第三章 量測系統與元件 25
3.1 調變 25
3.2 解調變 27
3.2.1 數位高頻訊號擷取卡 27
3.2.2 混波器降頻 27
3.2.3 類比I-Q解調器 28
3.2.4 鎖相放大器 29
3.3 訊號量測系統與元件 31
3.3.1 光電倍增管 31
3.3.2 中性密度減光片 34
3.3.3 紅外干涉濾光片 35
3.3.4 混波器 35
第四章 訊號量測元件之特性與校正 37
4.1 IR&ND 濾光片及混波器校正與驗證 38
4.1.1 ND減光片有效性驗證 38
4.1.2 IR濾光片有效性驗證 43
4.1.3 混波器校正 45
4.2 PMT控制電壓有效性驗證 46
4.2.1 光功率校正 48
4.2.2 相位校正 55
4.3 可程式PMT控制電壓 59
第五章 結果驗證 63
5.1 液態仿體調配 63
5.2 量測系統架構與測試 64
5.3 各式仿體量測與分析 69
第六章 結論與未來展望 76
參考文獻 77
附錄A. 測量雷射輸出光功率 82
附錄B. 仿體量測結果 84

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指導教授 潘敏俊(Min-Chun Pan) 審核日期 2015-1-9
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