博碩士論文 994304006 詳細資訊

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姓名 高光毅(Kuang-yi Kao)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 產業經濟研究所在職專班
論文名稱 企業之開放式創新行為探討-以光寶科技為例
(Corporate Behaviors of Open Innovation: Case Study of Lite-On Group)
★ 從電子商務演進-探討銀行電子金融服務創新★ 財富管理業務之探討─以花旗銀行及合作金庫商業銀行為例
★ 數位相機產業市場結構、行為與績效之研究★ 企業危機處理策略之探討─以台灣非酒精飲料業為例
★ 台灣航空市場產業分析與營運績效研究★ LED照明產業市場分析
★ 以軟硬整合思維重新探討智慧型手機商業模式★ 由社會開放的角度看巨量資料興起-兼論垂直分
★ 印刷電路板產業市場分析與營運績效之研究★ 台灣地區機車製造業產業分析及營運績效之研究
★ 再生能源產業發展政策研究-以市場失靈觀點★ 全球太陽能產業分析-以德國發展為例
★ 國際貨櫃物流港區政策之研究:以鹿特丹港口計畫為核心★ 美妝產業之開放式創新─以L’Oréal與P&G公司為例
★ 快速時尚管理-找出台灣的下一個ZARA★ 桃園縣新成屋市場產業分析
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摘要(中) 市場全球化的浪潮席捲而來,台灣企業所面臨是一個全球化與白熱化的競爭,
斷的「創新」才能達到建立長久的競爭優勢。如同Henry Chesbrough(2003)
摘要(英) The tsunami of market globalization is sweeping across the planet. The businesses of Taiwan are in for a global, heated competition. We are in an era where users’ demands change in the speed of light, product cycles become shorter and shorter, and the Internet reaches every corner of the world. Therefore, it is almost impossible for a single business to take on a challenge of epic proportion such as this. The only way for a business to survive and even thrive in a harsh and crude market is to develop something that nobody else cannot catch up with for a very long time. To do so, a business has to “innovate.” Henry Chesbrough (2003) proposed the idea of “open innovation” and defined it as: “a business breaks out of the confinement of the past, speeds up innovation within the business systematically using incoming and outgoing knowledge, and develops markets with external innovation at the same time.”
For the purpose of this study, Lite-On was selected as the case for the investigation and analysis of business behaviors. The “open innovation” and “open business model” proposed by Henry Chesbrough were adopted for analysis and evaluation. The open innovation was studied from the angles of “inside out” and “outside in.” The “6 business model frameworks (BMFs)” were introduced for the open business model analysis. From the result of business behavior model of the selected case and the comparison with the two ideas from previous literatures, it is clear that “open innovation” and “open business model” were observed in the way Light-On runs its businesses. The evidence was substantial in terms of the steady corporate profits, patent benefits, production of innovation energy and revenues that keep going up.
The study and comparison of the selected case suggests the importance of “open innovation” and “open business model” to a company, and tells us that a business should turn from closed form to open innovation. Finally, the results may hopefully serve as an example for the business behavior model for companies based in Taiwan.
關鍵字(中) ★ 開放式創新
★ 開放式經營模式
★ 經營行為
★ 創新
★ 專利
關鍵字(英) ★ Open Innovation
★ Open Business Model
★ Business Practices
★ Innovation
★ Patents
★ Business Model
論文目次 中文摘要. i
英文摘要. ii
誌謝. iv
目錄. v
圖目錄. viii
表目錄. ix
一、 緒論. 1
1-1 研究背景與動機. 1
1-2 研究目的. 2
1-3 論文架構. 3
二、 文獻回顧. 5
2-1 開放式創新. 5
2-1-1 開放式創新之定義. 5
2-1-2 創新逐漸由「封閉」走向「開放」. 5
2-1-3 開放式創新與封閉式創新之比較差異. 7
2-2 開放式經營. 13
2-2-1 開放式經營模式之定義. 13
2-2-2 經營模式架構 (BMF). 14
2-2-3 開放式經營模式之價值創造. 17
三、 研究方法與架構. 21
3-1 研究方法. 21
3-2 研究架構. 22
四、 個案研究分析. 25
4-1 個案介紹. 25
4-1-1 公司簡介. 25
4-1-2 公司組織架構. 26
4-1-3 公司獲獎紀錄. 28
4-2 光寶科技之「開放式創新」行為分析. 32
4-2-1 由外而內 (資源流入). 34
4-2-2 由內而外 (資源拓展). 41
五、 歸納與比較(企業行為 vs 文獻). 47
5-1 光寶科技相關統計數據. 47
5-1-1 歷年合併總營收(2001~2013). 47
5-1-2 歷年每股稅後盈餘 EPS(2001~2013). 48
5-1-3 專利統計(2001~2013). 49
5-2 「開放式創新」歸納與比較(企業行為vs文獻). 51
5-3 「開放式經營模式」歸納與比較(企業行為vs文獻). 53
六、 結論與建議. 56
6-1 結論. 56
6-2 建議. 57
參考文獻. 59
參考文獻 中文資料
〔1〕亨利.伽斯柏(Henry Chesbrough),開放式經營-創新獲利新典範,李芳齡譯,天下雜誌,台北,2007。
〔2〕亨利.伽斯柏(Henry W. Chesbrough)、安德魯.嘉曼(Andrew R. Garman),「開放式創新五大行動」,哈佛商業評論全球繁體中文版,HBR最新第四十期,70~79頁,遠見天下,2009年12月。
〔3〕克雷頓‧克里斯汀生(Clayton M.Christensen)、邁可‧雷諾(Michael E.Raynor),創新者的解答,李芳齡、李田樹譯,天下雜誌,台北,2004。
〔4〕井友慈,「以簡馭繁-解析光寶之成長密碼」,國立交通大學,碩士論文,民國97 年6月。

〔1〕Henry Chesbrough, Open Innovation: The New Imperative for Creating and Profiting
from Technology., Harvard Business School Press, 2003.
〔2〕Henry Chesbrough, Open Business Models: How to Thrive in the New Innovation
Landscape., Harvard Business School Press, 2006.
〔3〕Henry Chesbrough, Open Innovation and Open Business Models: A new approach to
industrial innovation., Presentation to Joint OECD/Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs
Conference on “Globalization and Open Innovation”, Haas School of Business, UC
Berkeley, Dec. 6, 2006.
〔4〕Clayton M.Christensen, & Michael E.Raynor, The Innovator′s Solution: Creating and
Sustaining Successful Growth., Harvard Business School Press; 1 edition, September
〔5〕Henry Chesbrough, A Better Way to Innovate., Harvard Business Review, 81, P12-14,
〔6〕Henry Chesbrough, Open Platform Innovation: Creating Value from Internal and
External Innovation., Intel Technology Journal, 7, P5-9, 2003.
〔7〕Jana, R., How to Live Up to Innovation Hype., BusinessWeek, Oct. 2007.
〔8〕Henry Chesbrough & Melissa M. Appleyard, Open Innovation and Strategy., California
Management Review, 50:1 (Fall), P57-76, 2007.
〔9〕Henry Chesbrough, Business moodel innovation: it’s not just about Technology anymore
, Strategy and Leadership, 35(6), P12-17, 2007.
〔10〕Kirschbaum, Robert., Open Innovation in Practice., Research-Technology Management,
48(4), P24-28, 2005.

〔1〕科技產業資訊室,開放式創新與開放式創新指標, http://cdnet.stpi.narl.org.tw/techroom/pclass/2008/pclass_08_A018.htm
〔10〕北美智權報, 智財何價?專利何價?如何從管理到獲利?, http://www.naipo.com/Portals/1/web_tw/Knowledge_Center/Application/publish-44.htm
〔12〕University of California, Berkeley/Haas School of Business,http://openinnovation.berkeley.edu/
〔13〕QuickMBA / Entrepreneurship, http://www.quickmba.com/entre/
〔14〕Industrial Research Institute, http://www.iriweb.org/
指導教授 王弓、張明宗
(Kane Wang、Ming-chung Chang)
審核日期 2014-12-27
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