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簡正欽(Zheng-Qin Jian)
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資訊工程學系在職專班 |
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隱私保護NFC留言系統 (A Privacy Preserving NFC Guestbook System)
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摘要(中) |
近年來,短距無線通訊(short-range wireless communication)技術吸引許多關注並具有許多應用。藍芽、802.11(Wi-Fi)、ZigBee、超寬頻(Ultra WideBand)、近場通訊(Near Field Communication, NFC)等標準,都是使用短距無線通訊技術的典型範例。基於如傳輸速度、傳輸距離、耗電量等的不同特殊要求,這些標準都有其立足的特點;其中NFC是最近最熱門最受到注目的技術之一,經常被整合到智慧型手機中。NFC自無線射頻辨識(Radio Frequency Identification, RFID)技術演變而來,由 Philips、NOKIA和Sony主推,在13.56MHz頻率運行於20公分傳輸距離內。NFC設備具有卡片模擬模式(card emulation mode),在這個模式下NFC設備就相當於一張採用RFID技術的IC卡。NFC設備另外具有讀卡器模式(reader/writer mode)可以讀取NFC標籤中資料或將資料寫入NFC標籤中,也具有點對點模式(P2P mode),可以與另一個NFC設備直接交換資料。
摘要(英) |
Recently, short-range wireless communications technologies have attracted much attention and been applied to many applications. Bluetooth, 802.11 (Wi-Fi), ZigBee, UWB (Ultra WideBand), and Near Field Communication (NFC) are exemplary standards using such technologies. Based on the special requirements of transmission speed, transmission distance, and power consumption, every standard has its own niche; NFC is the most popular among the standards and is usually integrated into newly-launched smart phones. NFC, developed by Philips, NOKIA and Sony, is based on RFID (radio frequency identification) and operates at 13.56 MHz frequency with a transmission distance of 20 cm. NFC devices support three modes of operation: card emulation, reader/writer and peer-to-peer. The card emulation mode enables NFC devices to act as RFID smart cards. The reader/writer mode enables NFC devices to read or write information to NFC tags. The peer-to-peer mode enables two NFC devices to communicate with each other to exchange information and share files.
In this thesis, we propose to design an electronic guestbook system using the NFC technology with the privacy, non-repudiation and integrity properties. In this system, all of the NFC device must be registered with the system server, and then get one pair of a public key and a private key, as well as a public key certificate. We use the asymmetric encryption mechanism to encrypt messages and to produce digital signatures; we then make NFC devices write the encrypted messages and signatures into NFC tags by using the reader/writer mode. In this way, we can achieve an electronic NFC guestbook system ensuring that only the holder of an NFC tag can decrypt messages properly (i.e., the privacy), the sender of messages cannot deny having sent the messages (i.e., the non-repudiation), and messages cannot be tampered (i.e., the integrity). We have implemented the NFC guestbook system on the Android platform to show the system practicability.
關鍵字(中) |
★ 近場通訊 ★ NFC標籤 ★ 非對稱式加密 ★ 數位簽章 ★ Android |
關鍵字(英) |
★ Near Field Communication (NFC) ★ NFC Tag ★ Asymmetric Cryptography ★ Digital Signature ★ Android |
論文目次 |
中文摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 v
表目錄 vi
一、緒論 1
1-1 研究背景與動機 1
1-2 研究目的與貢獻 3
1-3 章節介紹 4
二、背景知識 5
2-1 NFC概述 5
2-2 NFC相關硬體 6
2-3 非對稱式加密(Asymmetric Cryptography) 9
三、系統架構 11
3-1 系統架構圖 11
3-2 系統流程 12
3-3 安全分析 17
四、系統實作 20
4-1 快速操作手冊 21
4-2 實作測試 27
4-3開發經驗 32
五、結論與未來展望 33
參考文獻 34
參考文獻 |
[1] Wikipedia, “post-it note”,
[2] Wikipedia, “Near field communication”
[3] Nfc-forum,
[4] NFC Forum Technical Specifications,
[5] Near Field Communication in the real world – part II: Using the right NFC tag type for the right NFC application,
[6] Delfs, Hans & Knebl, Helmut. Symmetric-key encryption. Introduction to cryptography: principles and applications. Springer. 2007.ISBN 9783540492436.
[7] W. Diffie and M. E. Hellman, “Multiuser Cryptographic techniques”, In AFIPS National Computer Conference, Vol. 45, pp. 109{112, 1976.
[8] R.L. Rivest, A. Shamir, and L.M. Adleman, “A Method for Obtaining Digital Signatures and Public-Key Cryptosystems,” Communications of the ACM, Vol. 21, No. 2, Feb 1978, pp. 120-126.
[9] B. Schneier, “Applied Cryptography; Protocol, Algorithm, and Source Code in C,” John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1994.
[10] NFC-Enabled Cellphone Shipments to Soar Fourfold in Next Five Years,
[11] Wikipedia, “Maxwell’s equations”,
[12] Wikipedia, “RSA (Cryptosystem)”,
[13] Google Play, “NFC Reader”,
[14] NFC-forum,
指導教授 |
江振瑞(Jehn-Ruey Jiang)
審核日期 |
2015-1-20 |
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