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論文名稱 即時回饋類型對於雙手協調動作學習之影響
(Influence of Augmented Feedback Types on Bimanual Coordination Learning)
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摘要(中) 在動作教學的過程中,常透過提供學習者與動作結果相關的回饋 (augmented feedback) 來幫助學習者更有效地掌握動作方式。然而,透過回饋引導動作的學習方式固然能讓學習者在學習階段達到一定程度的動作表現,卻也常因為學習者過度仰賴回饋,以致於在離開學習環境或脫離回饋機制之後,動作表現就無法維持,即所謂的「導引效果」(guidance effect)。過去研究顯示,不同的知覺回饋形式 (即視覺或聽覺) 對於學習者會產生不同程度的導引效果,其原因直觀上似乎為回饋呈現的知覺類型 (perceptual modality) 所導致,但現有研究設計中並未排除來自回饋本身訊息型態 (information type) 之混淆。本研究採用一項雙手協調作業,即運動相位角相差90度之協調動作 (90°-out-of-phase coordination pattern),讓受試者在三種不同的回饋情境下學習:視覺空間圖像 (Lissajous)、視覺節奏,以及聽覺節奏,藉此探討不同知覺類型或訊息型態的回饋將如何影響動作學習。研究結果顯示,視知覺的強勢性 (visual dominance) 並非導引效果產生的主因,回饋所提供的訊息型態對於動作表現和學習的影響更為顯著。另外,在雙重作業 (dual-task) 的干擾情境下,學習者的動作表現相較於單一作業的情境亦普遍提升,進一步顯示較低的認知參與以及較少的意識控制策略可能有助於協調動作的表現。
摘要(英) Previous studies have shown that bimanual coordination learning is more resistant to the removal of augmented feedback when acquired with auditory feedback than with visual feedback. However, it is unclear whether this differential “guidance effect” between feedback modalities is due to enhanced sensorimotor integration via the non-dominant auditory feedback channel or stronger linkage to kinesthetic information under rhythmic input. The current study aimed to examine how modalities (visual vs. auditory) and information types (continuous visuospatial vs. discrete rhythmic) of concurrent augmented feedback influence bimanual coordination learning. Participants either learned a 90°-out-of-phase pattern for three consecutive days with Lissajous feedback indicating the integrated position of both arms, or with visual or auditory rhythmic feedback reflecting the relative timing of the movement. The results showed diverse performance change after practice when the feedback was removed between Lissajous and the other two rhythmic groups, indicating that the guidance effect may be modulated by the type of information provided during practice. Moreover, significant performance improvement in the dual-task condition where the irregular rhythm counting task was applied as the secondary task also suggested that lower involvement of conscious control may result in better performance in bimanual coordination.
關鍵字(中) ★ 動作學習
★ 雙手協調
★ 導引效果
★ 回饋
關鍵字(英) ★ motor learning
★ bimanual coordination
★ guidance effect
★ feedback
1.1 Motor learning with augmented feedback -1-
1.2 Constraints on bimanual coordination -3-
1.3 Overcome the guidance effect in bimanual coordination learning -4-
1.4 Aims of the current study -5-
2.1 Participants -8-
2.2 Apparatus -8-
2.3 Tasks and groups -9-
2.4 Procedure -11-
2.5 Dependent measures and data analysis -17-
2.6 Hypotheses and predictions -18-
3.1 Performance in practice phase -20-
3.2 Performance in no-feedback transfer and 24-hour retention tests -23-
3.3 Performance in dual-task interference session -26-
4.1 The “modality-independent” guidance effect in bimanual coordination -31-
4.2 Modality-specific characteristics may influence feedback processing -32-
4.3 Retention performance influenced by nature of feedback information -33-
4.4 Lower cognitive involvement beneficial for bimanual coordination -34-
4.5 Modality-dependent modulation on motor performance in dual-task session -37-
4.6 Does practice make perfect? Implications from performance of Lissajous group -38-
4.7 Individual difference in bimanual coordination learning -39-
5.1 Conclusions -41-
5.2 Future directions -41-
5.2.1 Bimanual coordination learning with continuous audiospatial feedback -42-
5.2.2 Bimanual coordination learning with haptic feedback -43-
5.2.3 Bimanual coordination learning in multimodal scenarios -44-
5.2.4 Cognitive involvement in bimanual coordination learning -45-
5.2.5 Neural basis of the guidance effect in bimanual coordination learning -46-
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指導教授 張智宏(Erik C. Chang) 審核日期 2015-1-27
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