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姓名 陳俞伶(Yu-ling Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 藝術學研究所
論文名稱 小約翰●史特勞斯輕歌劇《蝙蝠》研究
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摘要(中) 本論文主要探討19世紀維也納的重要作曲家小約翰‧史特勞斯(Johann Strauß II, 1825-1899)於1874年完成的輕歌劇《蝙蝠》(Die Fledermaus)。史特勞斯共創作了16部舞臺作品,其中以《蝙蝠》最為膾炙人口,至今百餘年,仍為全球各大劇院經常演出的經典劇目。《蝙蝠》的劇本由哈夫納(Karl Haffner, 1804-1876)和葛內(Richard Genée, 1823-1895 )根劇法國梅雅克(Henri eilhac, 1831-1897)和阿勒維(Ludovic Halévy, 1834-1908)的喜劇《年夜》(Le Réveillon, 1872)劇本改編而成。史特勞斯能夠開啟19世紀維也納輕歌劇的黃金時代,《蝙蝠》功不可沒,它是最能代表維也納輕歌劇的經典作品,為日後維也納輕歌劇的發展奠定了良好的模範。
摘要(英) The thesis’ main objective is probing in-depth the operetta Die Fledermaus(The Bat, 1874), composed by a famous composer, Johann Strauß II(1825-1899) in the 19th century. Johann Strauß II composed sixteen stage pieces in his whole life. Die Fledermaus is the most popular one, a masterpiece which is still performed frequently around the opera theaters in the world. Based on Henri Meilhac(1831-1897)and Ludovic Halévy′s(1834-1908)comedy libretto Le Réveillon(1872), Die Fledermaus′ libretto is written and revised by Karl Haffner(1804-1876)and Richard Genée(1834-1908). Johann Strauß II opened the golden age of Viennese operetta in the 19th century . Die Fledermaus is one of the best pieces to represent and to establish a good model for Viennese operetta.
Operetta is light, lively and highly entertaining. Sometimes it has the dramatic effect of irony and sarcasm. The story tells a plan of ′revenge of the bat′. The opera is permeated with elegant, light and smooth melody of waltz and it also amuses audience with humorous dialogues. Operetta′s main elements include: a love story, a large banquet scene and dance music. First, the thesis want to elaborate on Johann Strauß II′s career and experience and then focus on his composing process and style of the stage works. Second, it will analyze drama and music of Die Fledermaus′ overture and three-act. This auther want to probe how Strauß use his great dance melody to characterize different personalities. Finally, the thesis summarizes this operetta from music, characters, and plots to expound the meaning of contents and characteristics in this operetta. It is hoped that this thesis could explore Strauß′s artistic achievements, effects and status in the operetta history.
關鍵字(中) ★ 小約翰‧史特勞斯
★ 維也納
★ 輕歌劇
★ 《蝙蝠》
★ 圓舞曲
論文目次 緒言-------------------------------------------------------1
第一章 從舞曲作曲家到輕歌劇作曲家------------------------------7
第一節 舞曲創作與巡迴演出時期(1844-1860′s)-----------------7
第二節 輕歌劇創作前期(1870-1883)-------------------------16
第三節 輕歌劇創作後期(1884-1899)與其他創作的突破------------33
第二章 序曲和第一幕劇情與音樂分析-----------------------------45
第一節 序曲──音樂史上最有名的序曲之一------------------------51
第二節 第一幕劇情和音樂分析--------------------------------57
第三章 第二幕劇情與音樂分析----------------------------------75
第一節 第六曲到第十曲的劇情與音樂分析------------------------75
第二節 第十一曲:終曲的劇情與音樂分析------------------------95
第四章 第三幕劇情與音樂分析---------------------------------109
第一節 第十二曲到第十五曲的劇情與音樂分析--------------------109
第二節 第十六曲:終曲------------------------------------126
第五章 輕歌劇《蝙蝠》的特色----------------------------------131
第一節 史特勞斯與他的輕歌劇作品----------------------------131
第二節 戲劇特色-----------------------------------------133
第三節 音樂特色-----------------------------------------136
結論 兼談《蝙蝠》的藝術成就與影響----------------------------141

參考文獻 一、外文參考資料
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Zubin Mehta 1977年指揮倫敦皇家歌劇院的演出版本

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