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姓名 鎮冰如(BINGRU ZHEN)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 人力資源管理研究所
論文名稱 兩岸學生交流政策的影響
(The Effect of Cross-strait Policy on Students)
★ 企業全球化布局的可行模式:以趨勢科技為個案研究★ 轉換型領導與企業創新-以T公司為例
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摘要(中) 1987年臺灣開放大陸探親至今已有近30年,兩岸通過學術、文化、探親、觀光旅遊等方式,使民間的互動模式逐步建立,積極促進了人民之間的互相瞭解。然而,民間的經濟、社會、文化交流的範圍一方面受到兩岸政治局勢動盪的影響,另一方面由交流本身所衍生的問題亦層出不窮,兩岸認知上的差異與誤會也逐漸凸顯。在此背景之下,2011年臺灣開放大陸學生就讀學位,至今已有超過6,000名陸生。
摘要(英) It has been nearly 30 years since Taiwanese were allowed to visit relatives to Mainland China in 1987. The interactive mode gradually established via the academic and cultural communication, visiting relatives and travelling has practically promoted the mutual understanding for both people. However, the scope of people-to-people exchange in the field of economy, society and culture are influenced by the cross-strait political relation. On the other hand, endless problems have been arising from the communication itself, which highlighted the cognitive differences and misunderstanding during the process of the communication.
In this context, universities in Taiwan began to enroll Mainland Chinese students in 2011, and more than 6,000 students have joint Taiwan higher educational system by 2014. Have these Mainland Chinese students, who are perceived to bridge the communication gap for young generation in the two regions, substantively interacted with Taiwan students? What do these interactions bring about? What are their implications for the future development of cross-strait relations and cultural communication? The study attempts to provide empirical evidence for the substantial existence of interactions both in class as well as social activities. As a consequence, cross-strait students’ satisfaction to their interactions has been increased while their stereotypes of each other have been improved. In addition, the strategic mechanism carried out by Taiwan educational institutions, such as peer programs, cooperative study and co-residence system, can effectively moderate the influence from students’ interactions.
關鍵字(中) ★ 兩岸
★ 交流
★ 在臺陸生
★ 政策
★ 成效
關鍵字(英) ★ cross-strait
★ interaction
★ mainland students in Taiwan
★ policy
★ effect
論文目次 中 文 摘 要 ii
Abstract iii
誌謝詞 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 vii
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究動機與目的 12
第三節 研究流程 16
第二章 文獻探討 17
第一節 兩岸學生與文化交流 17
第二節 留學生與本地學生的互動情形 21
第三節 促進留學生與本地學生交流的策略 32
第三章 研究方法 36
第一節 研究架構與假設 36
第二節 研究對象 38
第三節 測量工具 39
第四節 分析方法 41
第四章 研究結果 42
第一節 樣本特性分析 42
第二節 平均數差異檢定 45
第三節 因素分析 52
第四節 信度分析 58
第五節 相關分析 59
第六節 迴歸分析 61
第五章 結論與建議 67
第一節 研究結論 67
第二節 現實意涵 69
第三節 研究限制 74
參考文獻 76
一.中文文獻 76
二.英文文獻 78
附錄一 85
附錄二 88
參考文獻 參考文獻

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指導教授 李誠(Joseph S. Lee) 審核日期 2015-6-18
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