博碩士論文 102458017 詳細資訊

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姓名 鍾本偉(Pei-wei Chung)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 財務金融學系
論文名稱 金融消費者保護法對金融商品行銷之衝擊
(The Shock of Financial Consumer Protection Act)
★ 臺灣銀行業者對中小企業客群行銷策略之研究-以E銀行為例★ 長期照護保險商品市場之探討
★ 台灣銀行業者對聯名卡發卡策略之研究-以E銀行為例★ 財會專長之獨立董事與公司績效之關聯性
★ 獨立董事專業性對於公司治理的影響★ 傳統信用卡與第三方支付使用行為意願之探討
★ 分析台灣家族企業接班布局-個案公司為例★ 目標可贖回遠期契約(TRF)之實務爭議問題探討
★ 銀行財富管理行銷策略分析--以TF銀行與S銀行為例★ 天災風險與光電業財務結構調整-以和鑫光電為例
★ 公司治理下之高階薪酬制度與盈餘管理-個案公司為例★ 銀行通路轉型策略個案研究
★ 銀行財富管理行銷策略分析-以兩家在台外商銀行為例★ 財富管理客戶選擇銀行之因素探討
★ 境外匯回專法實施前後境外資金解決方案比較-以個案分析為例★ 探討振興台灣股市政策措施-以現股當沖為例
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摘要(中) 本研究主要係探討金融消費者保護法正式實施後,對金融服務業之財富管理業務所造成之影響,以及該法與其他各國類似法令規範間,存在哪些異同。在2008年全球金融海嘯爆發後,國內多數金融商品投資人血本無歸,長期以來金融服務業不當銷售的醜陋面,也因此浮上檯面,使得金融消費者權益終獲政府與金融主管機關的重視,於2011年6月由立法院三讀通過了專責維護金融消費者權益之法令---金融消費者保護法(簡稱金融消保法),由該法所授權成立之財團法人金融消費評議中心,亦於2012年1月2日正式掛牌營運,為處理金融消費爭議之專責機構。透過法令與評議機制之搭配運作,以期使金融消費者權益之維護,得以具體落實。
摘要(英) This study confers how the Financial Consumer Protection Act has influenced the wealth management business in financial service industry after it’s carried out, and what common points and differences are between this act and the relative acts of other countries. If the deals of financial commodities and services occure contentions or quarrels, the consumer protection act had been used on this kind of event. Besides it, the contentions or quarrels were mediated by the guilds which is composed with the members in the financial service industry so that there had been a phenomenon, sportsmen and judgments are the same. The contracts that financial consumers signed with the financial service industry were lead by the financial service industry under the environment of the information asymmetry so that the rights and interests of consumers could not be guaranteed. In 2008, many domestic investors had no return for their hard-earned capital in Taiwan after the financial tsunami occurred, and the ugly side of the unsuitable sale of the financial service industry appeared by the way. It made the government and financial administration attach importance to financial consumers’ rights and interests. In June 2011, the act to defend financial consumers’ rights and interests mainly, the Financial Consumer Protection Act, was read the third time and passed by Taiwan parliament, and the Financial Consuming Dispute Resolution Center which is authorized by this act has begun to operate on January 2, 2013, an institute that deals with financial consuming dispute cases professionally. By the match of the act and the resolution mechanism, it’s expected that there is the implementation of the protection on consumers’ rights and interests.
This study stresses on differences of wealth management business in financial service industry between before and after the act’s carried out. Especially the used methods to market by the financial service industry must be adjusted in order to obey the act. Therefore, it is not the same as other relative papers that focus on researching in contents of clauses.
After gathering relative rules of several countries and referring relative literatures, the study found out that there is still some points of the act which are needed to be strengthened. For instance, what kind of the role the financial administration, the Financial Supervisory Commission should play, it must be more definite. Besides, the committee members of the Financial Consuming Dispute Resolution Center are part-time filled by experts and scholars so that it is difficult to resolute disputes deeply and professionally. Therefore, it is necessary to adjust the committee members from part-time to full-time in order to feature the credibility of this center.
Since this act is the newborn basis of consumer financial protection in Taiwan, there are still problems in the early implement. This study proposes the suggestions as follows for the possible improvements in the future:
1. Function and role of the competent authorities:
When the major controversial cases occur, the competent authorities should unify the legal interpretation in order to ensure the consistency and the fairness in principles with the similar cases in the future.
2. Full-time positions for the ombudsman committee members:
Currently, the ombudsman committee members are selected by the board from among fair and impartial persons and scholars. Offering fulltime positions to those members, like UK government, could help to establish their credibility.
3. Rapid and efficient model of decision-making:
In order to protect the right of customers, the currently ombudsman committee uses the collegiate system to make decisions, but the procedure needed is complicated and time-consuming. The rapid procedure designed by UK government is recommended to gain the time and cost savings.
4. Lack of compulsive force for investigations:
While handling financial consumer disputes, the ombudsman committee shall require the financial services enterprises to provide related information or documents fairly and reasonably.
However, this act doesn’t make any punishment for those financial services enterprises which refuse to cooperate. As a result, it is questionable whether the authority of the ombudsman committee could be fully performed.
關鍵字(中) ★ 金融消費者保護法
★ 金融消保法
★ 金融消費者
關鍵字(英) ★ Financial Consumer Protection Act
★ financial service industry
★ financial consumer
論文目次 第一章、緒論 1
1-1. 研究動機 1
1-2. 研究方法 3
1-3. 研究架構 3
第二章、立法背景 5
2-1. 各國金融消費保護制度之發展與比較 6
2-2. 我國金融消費者保護法之起源與修訂 11
2-3. 我國金融消費者保護法與英美等國相關法令之比較 29
2-4. 中國大陸現今金融消費者權益保護之探討 34
第三章、我國金融服務業之商品行銷策略 38
3-1. 金融服務業行銷之內涵 38
3-2. 財富管理業務之共同基金 43
3-3. 財富管理業務之銀行保險 47
3-4. 財富管理業務之新興金融商品 50
第四章、金融消保法對金融商品行銷之衝擊 54
4-1. 對共同基金之衝擊 54
4-2. 對連動式債券之衝擊 59
4-3. 對銀行保險之衝擊 63
4-4. 金融消費爭議之處理機制 69
4-5. 金融消費者保護法 V.S.消費者保護法 73
4-6. 金融消費爭議之實際判例 77
第五章、結論與建議 84
1-1. 結論 84
1-2. 建議 85
1-3. 未來研究方向之建議 87
1-4. 研究限制 88
參考文獻 89
參考文獻 1.王文宇,金融商品及服務整合與銷售之相關法規研議,台灣金融服務業聯合總會委託專題研究,2007年。
指導教授 李小梅、沈信漢 審核日期 2015-6-10
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