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黃賱評(Yun-Ping Huang)
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摘要(中) |
台灣證券市場自1988 年法令鬆綁以來,歷經蓬勃發展期,後因證券市場環境急遽改變,形成證券商的整併風潮。證券商在經過20餘年來的發展後,仍然是以賺取經紀業務手續費為主的產業。反觀歐美先進市場的證券商承襲私人銀行的業務,除了傳統的經紀、自營與承銷業務外,營運項目更包括資產管理及財務顧問等多種業務。
本研究探討影響證券商客戶財富管理需求因子的分析,透過訪查多位證券專家的專業見解得知品牌、商品、服務、交易、行銷等五大需求因子足以影響券商客戶投資理財決策的判斷,據此透過實際問卷抽樣調查方式分析各需求因子的影響程度。研究中以元大寶來證券、凱基證券為例,找出關鍵需求因子包含商品、服務、交易及隱形需求因子包含品牌、行銷。研究發現客戶進行財務規劃時最重視個人及資產的隱密性,其次為交易的安全性即時性及方便性,而對於券商所提供的行銷活動則興趣不高。因此證券商在競爭激烈的財富管理市場中,可以透過了解客戶的需求因子來調整策略以差異化的服務爭取更多客戶的認同。 |
摘要(英) |
Since the deregulation of the Taiwan stock market in 1988, after flourishing period, due to rapid changes in the stock market environment, the formation of the entire securities dealers and fashion. After the development of a securities firm after 20 years, it is still a earn brokerage fee-based industries. In contrast, the developed markets in Europe and America Securities Dealers inherited the private banking business, in addition to traditional brokerage, import and underwriting business, operating the project will also include asset management and financial advisory and other services.
In 2010, the government open a securities firm by in trust business of wealth management business, in January 2014 also amend the trust securities dealers to handle the wealth management business. This service is open to securities dealers to increase the diversity of the business also can be able to stand on wealth management in a high competition.
This study analyzes the securities firm of customer demand for wealth management factors influence, through a number of security experts, expert insights that demand factor of five brands, goods, services, trade, marketing and other brokerage clients to invest enough to influence the judgment of financial decision-making.
According to this analysis the impact of each factor needs through actual questionnaire sampling mode. Study by Yuanta Polaris Securities, KGI Securities, for example, we identify the key demand factor includes merchandise, services, trade and demand factors included brand marketing.
The study found that the most important factor of customers is the privacy of personal financial planning and asset’s safety also convenience of the transaction. They are not interested enough in marketing activities. Therefore, in the wealth management market of the competitive securities firm, we can understand that customers′ needs and factors. By adjusting its strategy of differentiate services to attract more customers′ agreement.
關鍵字(中) |
★ 財富管理 ★ 需求因子 ★ 關鍵需求 ★ 隱形需求 |
關鍵字(英) |
論文目次 |
目錄 I
表目錄 IV
圖目錄 V
中文摘要 VI
英文摘要 VII
第一章、緒論 1
1.1、研究動機 1
1.2、研究目的 2
1.3、研究流程 3
第二章、文獻探討 4
2.1、消費者需求 4
2.2、消費動機 5
2.3、消費動機的特點 5
2.3、聯想需求模型 6
2.4、情感遷移需求模型 8
第三章、台灣財富管理產業分析 11
3.1、財富管理之定義 11
3.2、財富管理之現況 12
3.3、證券商財富管理之現況 15
第四章、個案公司介紹 21
4.1、元大寶來證券簡介 21
4.1.1、元大金控基本資料 21
4.1.2、元大金控組織關係圖 24
4.1.3、海外佈局 25
4.1.4、證券亞洲盃 25
4.1.5、證券財富管理 26
4.1.6、元大人壽 28
4.2、凱基證券簡介 28
4.2.1、開發金控基本資料 29
4.2.2、開發金控組織關係圖 31
4.2.3、財富管理 32
第五章、研究方法 33
5.1、研究架構 33
5.2、問卷設計與內容 34
5.3、抽樣對象與抽樣方式 36
第六章、資料分析 38
6.1、需求因子 38
6.2、關鍵需求因子 44
6.3、隱形需求因子 47
6.4、個案公司比較 48
6.5、滿意度分析 61
6.6、直接感受利益量化估計 63
第七章、結論 65
參考文獻與資料 68
附錄一 問卷 70
附錄二 個案問卷 73
參考文獻 |
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指導教授 |
洪秀婉(Shiu-Wan Hung)
審核日期 |
2015-5-27 |
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