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姓名 呂明學(Ming-Hsueh Lu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系在職專班
論文名稱 S公司3C產品測試驗證服務之競爭優勢探究
(Competitive Advantages Inquiry of the S Company’s 3C Product Testing and Certification Service)
★ 技術商品銷售之技術人員關鍵職能探討★ 資訊委外之承包商能力、信任及溝通與委外成效關係之個案研究
★ 兵工技術軍官職能需求分析-以某軍事工廠為例★ 不同楷模學習模式對VB程式語言學習之影響
★ 影響採購「網路資料中心產品」因素之探討★ 資訊人員績效評估之研究—以陸軍某資訊單位為例
★ 高職資料處理科學生網路成癮相關因素及其影響之探討★ 資訊服務委外對資訊部門及人員之衝擊-某大型外商公司之個案研究
★ 二次導入ERP系統之研究-以某個案公司為例★ 資料倉儲於證券產業應用之個案研究
★ 影響消費者採用創新數位產品之因素---以整合式手機為例★ 企業合併下資訊系統整合過程之個案研究
★ 資料倉儲系統建置之個案研究★ 電子表單系統導入之探討 - 以 A 公司為例
★ 企業資訊安全機制導入與評估–以H公司為例★ 從人力網站探討國內資訊人力現況–以104銀行資料為例
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摘要(中) 近年來隨著3C(Computer電腦、Communication 通訊設備、Consumer Electronics 消費性電子)產品的多元化,以及消費者對於產品及原物料本身之安全性與可靠度的重視,相關業者在建立品牌形象的同時,都將品質視為成功銷售的重要關鍵因素之一,各國也因此紛紛在各項領域上建立相關原物料以及產品的檢驗機制。
經由對個案實驗室在品牌形象、財務狀況、獲利能力、服務範疇、技術能力、市場行銷、品質管理、創新能力等各方面的探究,大致提出 1. 掌握產品的市場發展趨勢、擬定精確投資方向; 2. 經濟規模大、未來前景看好; 3. 善用現有競爭優勢、營造機會、改善劣勢、降低威脅; 4. 延伸服務範疇、策略聯盟創造雙贏; 5. 注重多元發展、調整投資比重等五項策略,以做為後續競爭優勢持續改善與前進中國市場之投資策略基礎。
摘要(英) In recent years, 3C (Computer, Communication and Consumer Electronics) products have been more and more diversified, and there is an increase in consumers’ concerns on product’s safety and reliability. Therefore, many manufacturers value product quality as one of the keys to successful marketing while they try to establish their brand images. Because of that, many countries have legislations to regulate product’s raw materials and inspection mechanism to guard its quality.
Because of the flourishing development of competitive international and multidimensional free trading, product (finished goods, semi-finished goods and raw materials) import and export trading between countries have been more and more frequent. Nevertheless, many disputes come up between buyers and sellers when two parties have different views on the product’s quality standard, and also because different country has different product regulations. In order to solve these problems, experts of different expertise try to lay down international product regulations in the following years by having rigorous discussions and voting. Testing labs of different countries and certified bodies have been sprung up like mushrooms, and hence verification and testing business becomes very competitive.
This paper uses SGS Taiwan Ltd, Electronic and Communication Lab as the case study. In this research, data are collected through information analysis, participant observation and in-depth interviews. These collected data will be analyzed further by using value chain analysis, five forces analysis, SWOT analysis and cause-and-effect analysis of the management theory, and aim to find out the primary and secondary elements which have impacts on the predominance among competitive testing labs, and to analyze key differences between the testing labs
After doing a detail study on brand image, financial situation, the ability to profit making, service categories, technical ability, marketing methods, quality control and innovative ability of SGS Taiwan Ltd, Electronic and Communication Lab, five conclusions and suggestions are made as the foundation for continuing improvements on competitive advantages and investment strategies in China market. They are: 1. Fully aware of the product’s developmental trend in the market and drawing up an accurate investment plan; 2. The future prospects is good due to large economical scale; 3. Wisely use possessed competitive advantages, create chances, improve inferior position and lower the hazard; 4. Creating a win-win situation by expanding service categories and strategic alliance; 5. Emphasize diversified development and make modification of investment proportion.
關鍵字(中) ★ 3C產品
★ 測試
★ 驗證
★ 競爭優勢
關鍵字(英) ★ 3C Product
★ Testing
★ Certification
★ Competitive Advantage
論文目次 一、 緒論 1
1-1 研究背景 1
1-2 研究動機 3
1-3 研究目的 3
1-4 研究流程 4
二、 文獻探討 6
2-1 競爭優勢 6
2-2 價值鏈分析模型 10
2-3 五力分析模型 11
2-4 SWOT策略型態分析模型 14
2-5 要因分析 16
2-6 產品測試驗證服務業產業說明 17
三、 研究方法 24
3-1 研究架構 24
3-2 研究範圍及對象 25
3-3 資料收集方法 25
四、 個案實驗室之競爭環境探討 28
4-1 個案實驗室簡介 28
4-2 個案實驗室的供應鏈說明 34
4-3 主要競爭公司簡介 37
4-4 個案實驗室與主要競爭廠商差異分析 39
五、 研究分析與結果 45
5-1 3C 產品未來發展趨勢資料收集 45
5-2 3C 產品測試驗證市場需求資料收集 51
5-3 研究結果 51
5-4 競爭優勢策略 69
六、 結論與建議 72
6-1 研究結論 72
6-2 研究限制與未來研究方向 76
參考文獻 78
附錄一、 具無線功能的3C產品種類 81
附錄二、 深度訪談問題綱要 82
附錄三、 訪談內容摘要 84
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指導教授 周惠文(H.W. Chou) 審核日期 2015-6-17
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