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姓名 陳永成(Yung-Cheng Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 高階主管企管碩士班
論文名稱 印刷電路板組裝(PCBA)精實生產供備料模式探討-以Q公司為研究對象
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摘要(中) 台灣的電子產業,在90年代初期,正式開放可以到中國大陸設廠,其中以在華南與華東地區之發展最為快速,一方面是台商預測中國大陸未來的產品市場需求會急速成倍增長,加上當時中國大陸特有的低成本投資環境,足以提高台灣廠家的競爭優勢,是以台資企業紛紛進入中國大陸求發展。鑒於台灣的電子公司大多是本著專業代工製造(OEM)方式經營和運作,電子產品之生產生態很多是緣循少量多樣化的市場結構,導致電子零組件的種類也是樣多且繁雜,對應的零件採購、庫房收料、進料檢驗、庫房備料、與印刷電路板組裝(PCBA)等之生產線作業之物流供應也更趨繁複。因此,PCBA生產線的供備料模式關係到產品生產流程的順暢性,更影響到整體生產製造的成本與效率,成為PCBA生產製造業的核心關鍵之項目。是以業界急需針對PCBA生產線供備料模式做更為精實確速的研討與改進,藉以協助,中國大陸之PCBA產業在全球的競爭激烈的環境中,繼續領航並爭取更大的成功與戰果。
 PCBA生產準備供備料模式之持續改善。
 智能系統開發與運用,以降低對特定人員作業之依賴。
摘要(英) Since early 1990s, the Taiwan electronics industry (TEI) has been officially permitted to establish their affiliated factories in Mainland China. Most of the factory clusters were speedily developed in the areas of both South and East China. The TEI has the vision to forecast the rapid multiple-growth jump of the huge electronics market demand in Mainland China, they have been also attracted by the Chinese unique low-cost investment environment which will definitely enhance THI′s integral strength regarding their competency advantages.
Due to the fact that most of the TEI′s business and operation model are based on OEM practice, they have no choice but operating accordingly by following the nature of the OEM′s marketing structure to manufacture their customer′s electronic products via low-volume-high-mix mode. This sequentially leads them to face the diversified and complicated sourcing of numerous categories of electronic components. Therefore, the related component procurement, warehouse receiving, incoming inspection, as well as the materials releasing for production get more complicated and sophisticated to support the in-time needs of logistic supply for PCBA assembly lines. Since the overall production cost, manufacturing efficiency, and process smoothness are mainly driven by the performance of material demand/supply managing model which becomes the core part of the key factors to highly impact the integral PCBA factory. Hence, the intensive and accurate research and study related to the PCBA material demand/supply managing model have been highly expected to continuously secure the success of Mainland China’s PCBA industry pioneering position under the growing global competitive environment.
With technology advancing and Lean Production application, material supplying of electronics manufacturing has been evolved and enhanced continuously. According to the case-study-company′s abundant experiences regarding their material supplying evolution for their day-to-day PCBA production lines, the purpose of this research effort is emphasizing on logistic Improvement of shortening the material supply time with the PCBA process-flow efficiency and better quality mistake-avoiding proformance; establish the intelligent materials releasing system; as well as the development/application of the intelligent warehouse. The research results will be promoted and applied to the actual PCBA manufacturing floor and its associated tasks. The conclusion of this thesis are summarized as the following:
 Continuous improvement of material preparation/supply to the PCBA production
 Development and application of intelligent system to reduce the degree of dependence relying to certain staff

Keywords: Lean Production, Material Demand/Supply model, Logistic Improvement
關鍵字(中) ★ 精實生產
★ 供備料模式
★ 物流改善
關鍵字(英) ★ Lean Production
★ Material Demand/Supply model
★ Logistic Improvement
論文目次 第一章 緒論1
1.1 研究背景1
1.2 研究動機5
1.3 研究目的5
1.4 研究範圍6
1.5 論文架構6
第二章 文獻探討9
2.1 物料管理概論9
2.1.1 物料管理之目的9
2.1.2 物料管理之重要性9
2.1.3 物料管理之目標9
2.1.4 如何評估物料管理之績效10
2.2 傳統生產製造演進到精實生產11
2.2.1 大批量生產製造發展至小量多樣的生產模式12
2.2.2 推式(Push)的生產系統16
2.2.3 拉式(Pull)的生產系統17
2.2.4 傳統供應鏈與精實供應鏈的差異19
2.3 精實生產系統20
2.3.1 精實生產方式的由來20
2.3.2 精實生產方式五大基本原則21
2.3.3 精實生產的推行步驟25
2.3.4 精實生產的衡量指標26
2.3.5 影響精實生產成功的關鍵因素28
第三章 個案公司介紹33
3.1 個案公司簡介33
3.2 成長歷程35
3.3 主要產品與服務37
3.4 個案公司模組事業部簡介37
3.5 個案公司未來挑戰38
第四章 個案導入與推動40
4.1.1 個案公司PCBA主要生產流程40
4.2 導入精實生產作業程序41
4.2.1 初期階段:推行前置活動41
4.2.2 規劃階段:定義價值44
4.2.3 分析階段:繪製價值溪流圖45
4.2.4 執行階段:暢流-改善措施與效益52
4.2.5 評估階段:完善-改善成效60
4.3 導入精實生產之探討62
第五章 結論與建議63
5.1 研究結論63
5.2 建議事項65
5.3 後續研究方向66

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指導教授 何應欽(Ying-Chin Ho) 審核日期 2015-6-29
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