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姓名 王崇穎(Chong-Ying Wang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 大氣物理研究所
論文名稱 2008年-2012年梅雨時期台灣及鄰近區域環流與降雨日夜變化之特性研究
★ 宜蘭地區秋冬季降雨特性之研究★ 台灣地區午後對流降水特性之分析
★ 台灣梅雨季中尺度對流系統之數值模擬研究-TAMEX IOP 8 個案★ 利用整合探空系統分析南海北部大氣邊界層特性之研究
★ 中尺度波譜模式對梅雨期豪雨個案模擬之研究★ 宜蘭地區秋冬季豪大雨特性之研究
★ 台灣東南部地區局部環流與邊界層特性之研究★ 台灣東南部地區複雜地形局部環流的模擬研究
★ 宜蘭地區豪雨個案之研究★ 台灣北部地區雨滴粒徑分佈特性與降雨估計之探討
★ 冬季雹暴個案之分析與模擬★ 伴隨敏督利颱風的強烈西南氣流引發豪大雨之個案探討
★ 利用整合探空系統分析台灣東南部地區大氣邊界層特性之研究★ 桃芝颱風(2001)數值模擬研究:颱風路徑與結構之模擬與分析
★ 利用雨滴譜儀分析不同降水系統之微物理特性研究★ 台灣北部地區不同季節以及不同降水型態的雨滴粒徑分布特性
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摘要(中) 台灣及大陸東南沿岸的風場、降水、雲量隨著季節的改變都有很明顯的日夜變化存在,而五、六月為台灣的梅雨季節,時常有鋒面通過影響,容易與大尺度環流及海陸風產生交互作用,影響風場與降雨日夜的變化情形,本研究將08-12年梅雨時期分為梅雨前期(5/15-5/31)、梅雨中期(6/1-6/15)、梅雨後期(6/16-6/30),分別討論隨季節改變的環流與降水變化。這三個時期的海陸以及地形之強迫作用在不同的大尺度環境下(盛行風場、風向)有些差異,且大尺度的環境流場、穩定度、水氣、鋒面位置和綜觀天氣系統在各時段都不盡相同,因此風場、雲量、降水的區域在梅雨期都有不同的影響。梅雨時期鋒面的平均位置從台灣西南部移動到了台灣的西北部,後期則逐漸遠離台灣,使梅雨前期降水發生在台灣東部外海及西南部外海、中期降水主要發生在台灣西南部外海與西北部外海,後期降水則發生在台灣的西南部外海區域。
摘要(英) During Mei-Yu season of Taiwan (May-June), fronts often pass through Taiwan region and interact with the large-scale circulation and land-sea breezes which would also affect the diurnal cycle of wind field and precipitation. This study divides the Mei-Yu season of 2008-2012 into pre-Mei-Yu (5/15-5/31), mid-Mei-Yu (6/1-6/15), post-Mei-Yu (6/16-6/30) in order to discuss the seasonal changes of the circulation and precipitation. The large-scale circulation, stability, moisture, front position and the synoptic weather systems are different during each period. Therefore, the wind field, cloud amount and precipitation distribution are different during each period of the Mei-Yu season. The land-sea breeze circulation and the forcing effects of the topography during the three periods also exhibit differences under different large-scale circulation (e.g. prevailing wind speed and direction are different from mid-May to June). From the pre-Mei-Yu season to the mid-Mei-Yu season, the average position of the fronts moves from southwest of Taiwan to northwest of Taiwan. During the post- Mei-Yu period, the Mei-Yu front moves away from Taiwan to southeastern China. Thus, during the pre-Mei-Yu season, the precipitation associated with fronts occurs over ocean southwest of Taiwan. The precipitation primarily occurs over ocean northwest and southwest of Taiwan during the mid-Mei-Yu season, and over ocean southwest of Taiwan during the post-Mei-Yu season.
Under the seasonal change condition, the wind field, precipitation, cloud amount of Taiwan and southeastern China have significant diurnal change. Taiwan Strait area is under the effect of the land-sea breezes on both Taiwan and southeastern China sides. At night, the land breezes from both sides are significant so the low-level convergence is evident, causing a higher chance of precipitation within the Taiwan Strait than during daytime. In the afternoon, due to the impacts of sea breezes-upslope flow and orographic lifting, the rainfall occurs inland or in the mountain areas, whereas, occurs at shore at night over Taiwan. During the mid-Mei-Yu season, the southwesterly flow strengthens. The orographically induced barrier jet usually occurs on the northwest coast of Taiwan, and it would converge with the prevailing winds producing precipitation in some cases. If the southwesterly flow strengthens, more prevailing airflow can pass across over the mountains, causing significant thermal effects at lee-side of the east of Taiwan. In the afternoon, prevailing flows over southwestern Taiwan is prone to passing through the Central Mountain Range (CMR) when the terrain is heated. Thus, lee-side low and subsidence effects are more significant. The rainfall distribution over Taiwan will be different with the transformation of large-scale circulation. The rainfall occurs mainly at the windward side of northeastern Taiwan during the pre-Mei-Yu season under northeasterly flow at lowest level. During the mid-Mei-Yu season, the rainfall mainly occurs at the windward of southwestern Taiwan in the afternoon under low-level southwesterly flow. During the post-Mei-Yu season, the rainfall is mainly caused by thermal convection. To sum up, during Mei-Yu season, the interaction among fronts, orographic effect, prevailing winds and land-sea breezes are complicate which also affect the diurnal cycle of circulation and precipitation over Taiwan and the surrounding area.
關鍵字(中) ★ 海陸風 關鍵字(英)
論文目次 目錄
摘要 I
Abstract II
致謝 IV
目錄 V
表目錄 VI
圖目錄 VI
一、 緒論 1
1.1前言 1
1.2文獻回顧 1
1.3研究目的及動機 3
二、 研究工具與方法 5
2.1研究使用資料 5
2.2模式介紹 6
2.3模式設定 7
2.4實驗設計 8
三、 模擬結果分析 10
3.1 台灣海峽風場的交互作用 10
3.1.1 梅雨前期 10
3.1.2 梅雨中期 12
3.1.3 梅雨後期 13
3.2 台灣地形效應之影響 15
3.2.1 梅雨前期 15
3.2.2 梅雨中期 16
3.2.3 梅雨後期 17
3.3 台灣東部的熱力效應 17
3.3.1 梅雨前期 17
3.3.2 梅雨中期 18
3.3.3 梅雨後期 18
3.4 台灣局部環流的日夜變化 19
3.4.1 梅雨前期 19
3.4.2 梅雨中期 20
3.4.3 梅雨後期 21
四、討論 23
五、結論與未來展望 24
六、參考文獻 26
附表 30
附圖 32
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指導教授 林沛練、陳宇能(Pay-Liam Lin Yi-Leng Chen) 審核日期 2015-8-3
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