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姓名 陳楷升(Kai-Sheng Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 光電科學與工程學系
論文名稱 3-D Moire表面監測系統於中醫把脈的應用
(3D Moire Surface Monitor System using in Pulse Diagnosis of Chinese Medicine)
★ 腦電波傅利葉特徵頻譜之研究★ 光電星雲生物晶片之製作
★ 電場控制器光學應用★ 手機照相鏡頭設計
★ 氣功靜坐法對於人體生理現象影響之研究★ 針刺及止痛在大鼠模型的痛覺量測系統
★ 新光學三角量測系統與應用★ 離軸式光學變焦設計
★ 腦電波量測與應用★ Fresnel lens應用之量測
★ 線型光學式三角量測系統與應用★ 非接觸式電場感應系統
★ 應用田口法開發LED燈具設計★ 巴金森氏症雷射線三角量測系統
★ 以Sol-Gel法製備高濃度TiO2用於染料敏化太陽能電池光電極之特性研究★ 生產線上之影像量測系統
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摘要(中) 論文摘要:
摘要(英) Abstract-
The main purpose of this paper is to present an optical measurement system to monitor and measure the height and micro-movement of the surface. By the way of optical characteristic, our system provides lots of advantages such as non-contact, non-invasive, fast running, and easy to setup.
Using the shadow moiré combing with the MATLAB program designed by myself, the out-of plane displacement of the surface can be calculated by the change of the moiré fringe, and monitored with the time rapidly and automatically. Second, we enhance the ability of system to measure the contour map at the same surface. Third, taking advantage of the regional measurement of the moiré, we enhance the analysis from one point to a line and an area. Thus, we indeed set up a 3D surface monitor system which can catch the situation of the surface entirely and more efficiently.
The second purpose is to design of the pulse measurement system by the moiré measurement system given above. According to the steps of pulse diagnosis of Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM), we can catch pulse waveform, which caused from the vibration of our skin at the three points on the wrist called Chun , Guan, and Chy point. The result data is verified by another pulse measurement system called laser triangulation system.
And further, we try to experiment the pulse diagnosis with theory of TCM and prove the ability of our system to reveal the physiology of our body indeed. It also shows that our system is feasible to assist the pulse measurement in TCM and succeed to become a non-contact and quick-to- use bio-medical instrument.
關鍵字(中) ★ 脈診學
★ 中醫把脈
★ 自動化程式
★ 疊紋
★ 光學量測
關鍵字(英) ★ Pulse Diagnosis
★ Surface Measurement
★ Moire
論文目次 摘要………………………………………………..……........................Ⅰ
第一章 緒論 ……………….……………...………………… 1
1-4論文架構….…………………………………………….................. 11
第二章 疊纹基本原理 ……….…....………………………..13
2-1疊纹的基本概念………………………………………… ……… . 13
2-2疊纹的數學表示法…………………………………………......... ..16
2-4陰影疊紋(Shadow Moiré)……………………………….……….....22
第三章 疊紋表面監測系統 ……………………………...…28
第四章 系統在脈搏量測的應用………………………….....55
第五章 結論與未來展望……….……………………………70
5-2未來展望 …………………………………………………………..70
附錄A. 自動化位移監測方法-灰階法………………………………..77
附錄B. 雷射三角測脈儀………………………..……………………..81
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Rong-Seng Chang, “Application of Pulse Measurement System based on Laser Triangulation method in Traditional Chinese Medicine Diagnosis, OPT2005, Conference in Taiwan.
指導教授 張榮森(Rong-Seng Chang) 審核日期 2006-7-24
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