博碩士論文 102327004 詳細資訊

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姓名 王長盛(Wang, Chang Sheng)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 光機電工程研究所
論文名稱 異向性磁敏電阻高低頻雜訊解決方案研究
(High and low frequency noise solutions of anisotropic magnetic resistance sensors)
★ CIS數位影像處理平台之建構★ 微電鍍成長速度最佳化與影像監控
★ 橢圓辨識演算法之最佳化與誤差分析★ 頻率響應分析儀實作
★ 分散式驅動器開發★ 超音波定位平台原型開發
★ 地磁感測儀研發★ 雙頻式超音波測距系統之最佳化研究
★ 鋰電池殘電量測系統及校正★ 影像壓縮網路攝影平台
★ 智慧型網路攝影平台★ 無扭力計跑步機跑者步態量測
★ ESEMS太空氣象科學酬載叢集★ 影像辨識測試平台的開發
★ 智慧型網路攝影機開發平台★ 可補償高精度三軸地磁量測平台
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摘要(中) 本研究以提高磁場感測精度並擴大磁場量測範圍為目的,克服異向性磁敏電阻感測器周邊低頻殘磁以及高頻數位電路雜訊之干擾,以提高精度並擴增量測範圍。
摘要(英) To improve the dynamic precision and the dynamic range of the anisotropic magnetic resistance sensors, it is necessary to compensate the inherent environmental magnetic field offset and to filter out random variations.
Field compensation current can be applied to the AMR sensors adaptively to cancel the slowly varying environmental magnetic field offset so that the residual dynamics fall in the linear and most sensitive range of the sensors that can be measured with high resolution and precision through out a wide range of total field strength.
Fast data over-sampling by sigma-delta algorithm can be applied to filter random variations so as to improve the precision to measure smooth signals. Therefore, S/H is used to block the pulses of the SET/RESET on the AMR from its signal to data sampling. The driving current to its sensing bridge should also be reversed from the set phase to the reset phase to avoid signal jump due to sign change of the differential signal.
The blocking by S/H and the synchronous direction change of the sensor driving current reduces the signal jitter to lower than 2uV which is a precision improvement down to 15bits of the data sampling. After calibration the improved AMR yields a measurement with the precision of 20nTesla. The current compensation in the HMC1001/1002 sensors may compensate persistent magnetic background upto ±1Gauss.
關鍵字(中) ★ 磁敏電阻
★ 地磁感測
★ 磁力
關鍵字(英) ★ AMR
★ Magnetic
論文目次 中文摘要 i
Abstract iv
致謝 vi
目錄 vii
圖目錄 List of Figures x
表目錄 List of Talbes xiii
一、 緒論 1
1-1 研究動機與目的 1
1-2 文獻回顧 2
1-2-1 磁與磁敏電阻的發展史 2
1-2-2 其他磁感測器技術及比較 3
1-2-3 實驗室過去相關研究成果 9
1-3 研究構想 10
1-4 論文章節 11
二、 理論技術背景 11
2-1 原理背景 11
2-1-1 磁阻 11
2-1-2 異向性磁阻 12
2-1-3 Set/Reset磁籌重整 13
2-1-4 AMR感測設計原理 14
2-2 技術背景 18
2-2-1 異向性磁敏電阻取樣技術 19
2-2-2 超取樣(Over Sampling) 27
2-2-3 亥姆霍茲線圈(Helmholtz Coil) 29
三、 系統設計 30
3-1 系統功能方塊 30
3-2-1 感測器整體功能方塊 30
3-2-1 磁場感測區塊 33
3-2-2 粗精調資料分解合併區塊 34
3-2-3 粗強磁場回饋抵補區塊 35
3-2 狀態機圖表 36
3-3 設計細節 39
3-4-1 硬體電路實現 39
3-4-2 軟體實現 46
四、 實驗數據分析與討論 47
4-1 保值除SET/REST效果實測 47
4-1-1 實驗目的 47
4-1-2 實驗設置 47
4-1-3 實驗結果與討論 48
4-2 電橋電流反轉效果實測及單軸感測曲線校正 57
4-2-1 實驗目的 57
4-2-2 實驗設置 57
4-2-3 實驗結果與討論 58
4-3 擴增量測範圍效能實驗 68
4-3-1 實驗目的 68
4-3-2 實驗設置 68
4-3-3 實驗結果與討論 69
五、 結論與未來展望 70
參考文獻 72

參考文獻 〔1〕Brand, Mike; Sharon Neaves, Emily Smith.Lodestone. Museum of Electricity and Magnetism, Mag Lab U.US National High Magnetic Field Laboratory.1995
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〔3〕磁. Wikipedia. 取自https://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-tw/%E7%A3%81
〔4〕Michael J. Caruso and Tamara Bratland, Honeywell, SSEC. Carl H. Smith and Robert Schneider, Nonvolatile Electronics, Inc. "A NEW PERSPECTIVE ON MAGNETIC FIELD SENSING", Sensors magazine, December 1998
〔5〕Michael J. Caruso and Tamara Bratland, Honeywell, SSEC. Carl H. Smith and Robert Schneider, Nonvolatile Electronics, Inc. "AMR Magnetic Field Sensors", Sensors magazine, March 1999.
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〔11〕 Honeywell Corp. "1- and 2-Axis Magnetic Sensors Datasheet", 900248 Rev. B 4-00
〔12〕 Honeywell Corp. "Application Note AN212: HANDLING SENSOR BRIDGE OFFSET" , 900297 05-02 Rev-
〔13〕 Honeywell Corp. "Application Note AN213: SET/RESET FUNCTION FOR MAGNETIC SENSORS" , 900298 08-02 Rev-
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〔16〕 Honeywell Corp. "Application Note AN211: APPLICATIONS OF MAGNETIC POSITION SENSORS" , 900281 01-02 Rev-
〔17〕HyperPhysics(Department of Physics and Astronomy,Georgia State University) 取自http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/hframe.html
〔18〕International Geomagnetic Reference Field(IGRF,國際地球
磁場參照) 取自:http://swdcwww.kugi.kyoto-u.ac.jp/igrf/
〔19〕Michael J. Caruso and Tamara Bratland, Honeywell, SSEC.
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〔24〕HyperPhysics(Department of Physics and Astronomy,
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指導教授 江士標(Shyh-Biau Jiang) 審核日期 2015-8-19
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