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姓名 何威霆(Wei-ting Ho)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 統計研究所
(On Jump Risk of Liquidation in Limit Order Book)
★ SABR模型下使用遠期及選擇權資料的參數估計★ 台灣指數上的股價報酬預測性
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★ 金融市場結構轉換次數的偵測★ 重點重覆抽樣下拔靴法估計風險值-以台泥華碩股票為例
★ 在DVEC-GARCH模型下風險值的計算與實證研究★ 資產不對稱性波動參數的誤差估計與探討
★ 公司營運狀況與員工股票選擇權之關係★ 結合買權改進IGARCH模型之參數估計
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摘要(中) 本研究探討如何利用限價單在其市場中尋求最佳的交易策略。許多文
摘要(英) We deal with the optimized problem of portfolio liquidation with submitting limit orders into limit order book in this paper. Many other papers focus on minimizing transaction costs arising from permanent and temporary market impact, while we focus on maximizing the expected exponential utility of our P&L profile at a terminal time T. On the other hand, we also consider the price risk of jumps, so jump diffusion model is introduced. As an investor, the optimal trading curve is one thing that we may concern, thus we are now facing a stochastic optimization problem. To achieve our goal, a Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation is solved with a closed-form solution in our result. We also do some numerical examples to interpret how worthy of our work has made. Indeed, we successfully deduce the variation of investor’s final asset under our framework.
關鍵字(中) ★ 隨機最佳化控制
★ 限價單
★ 漢密爾頓-雅可比-貝爾曼方程
★ 跳躍擴散模型
關鍵字(英) ★ stochastic optimal control
★ limit order book
★ Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation (HJB)
★ jump diffusion
論文目次 摘要........................................................i
List of Figures............................................vi
List of Tables............................................vii
1 Introduction..............................................1
2 Dynamics to the model.....................................6
3 Optimal quotes............................................7
3.1 Objective..............................................7
3.2 Dynamic programming....................................7
3.3 HJB equation...........................................8
4 Special cases............................................12
4.1 Quote with T goes infinity............................12
4.2 Limiting behavior without price risk..................14
4.3 With extremely high liquidation cost..................14
5 Dependence of parameters.................................16
5.1 In market model.......................................16
5.2 Intensity of arrival rate.............................18
5.3 Others................................................20
5.4 Crossover analysis....................................21
6 Simulations..............................................22
6.1 Setup.................................................22
6.2 Simulation results....................................24
7 Conclusion...............................................27
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指導教授 傅承德(Cheng-der Fuh) 審核日期 2015-7-29
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