博碩士論文 101232001 詳細資訊

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姓名 洪偉晧(Wei-hao Hong)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 照明與顯示科技研究所
論文名稱 共軛重建產生收斂物波之成像面圓盤型複合全像術
★ 成像面圓盤型複合全像術研究★ 成像面圓錐型複合全像之特性分析
★ 子波列轉換在光學圖形識別的應用★ 可環繞觀賞之成像面圓盤型複合全像術
★ 成像面圓盤型全像複製品之影像模糊分析★ 成像面圓盤型複合全像術之虛實像設計
★ 可環繞觀賞之傳統圓盤型複合全像片★ 反射式圓盤型複合全像術
★ 圓盤全像複製品之點擴散函數分析★ 利用DiscT@2製作電腦全像片之研究
★ 擴展垂直視角之反射式圓盤型複合全像術★ 利用液晶顯示器之Fresnel電腦全像術
★ 全彩反射式圓盤型複合全像術之視窗設計與數值模擬★ 全彩展示之反射式圓盤型複合全像術
★ 產生實像之成像面圓盤型複合全像片製作與複製研究★ 反射式成像面凹面圓柱型複合全像術
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摘要(中) 本論文主要的目的是改善發散物光圓盤複合全像所造成的重建影像形變以及影像多波段的問題,並且維持其所帶來的高放大倍率的優點。
摘要(英) We solve the problems that the occur when the diverging object beam is utiligzd in fabrication of disk-type multiplex hologram. With diverged object wave, the reconstructed image is of rainbow color form top to bottom with severe distortion.
  Keeping the advantage of ligh magnification ratio using diverging object beam,we reform our reference beam form divergent convergent form. The converging reference wave is converged into a point on the symmetry axis of and behind the hologram. In the image reconstruction, a diverging reference wave brings out all the 2D images, each be observed at certain location. Hence, the observed image at the designated location is no longer generated from a large set of individual holograms and the image distortion is greatly reduced. Because there is a viewing point for each 2D image, the observed image is quite single-colored form top to bottom. In the holographic process, we adopt copying technique to not only increase the diffraction efficiency of the hologram but also enlarge the radius of the hologram disk. This solves the problems of low diffraction efficiency and small radius of the hologram disk occured when the converging object beam is utilized to record the hologram.
  Finally, we use the LCD from the flashlight to reconstructed image and observe its variation when the viewing angle and the observation distance is changed. We also used MATLAB program to theoretically simulate the holographic process and compare the result with that from the experiment.
關鍵字(中) ★ 全像術
★ 發散物光
★ 複合全像術
★ 圓盤型
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
目錄 iii
圖目錄 v
表目錄 ix
第一章 導論 1
第二章 光學系統設計 4
2-1 成像面圓盤型複合全像術簡介 4
2-2利用共軛物光之成像面圓盤型複合全像術系統 6
2-2-1利用小圓盤製作母片 8
2-2-2母子片翻拍情況探討 11
2-2-3母子片重疊次數關係 13
2-3利用全像光學元件代替收斂參考光系統 18
第三章 光路追跡與理論計算 20
3-1 眼睛投影回推LCD影像之訊 20
3-2 繞射光理論推導 25
3-2-1 物光系統計算 25
3-2-2 參光系統計算 26
3-2-3 重建光系統計算 27
3-2-4 繞射光系統計算 28
3-3 單眼影像的模擬 29
3-4雙眼視線交會點計算 32
第四章 電腦模擬分析與實驗結果 36
4-1實驗參數設定與單眼模擬影像分析 36
4-2單眼影像模擬分析 37
4-3雙眼模擬影像分析 42
4-3-1正確觀賞位置的影像與張數、波長範圍和視線交 43
4-3-2不同觀賞角度的影像與張數、波長範圍和視線交會座標 44
4-3-3不同觀賞距離的影像與張數、波長範圍和視線交會座標 48
4-3-4影像寬高比關係 52
4-4實驗結果 54
第五章 結論與未來展望 61
5-1 結論 61
5-2 未來展望 63
參考文獻 65
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指導教授 鄭益祥 審核日期 2015-7-28
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