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姓名 王崴弘(Wei-Hung Wang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 通訊工程學系
論文名稱 基於支持向量機及模糊推理之地震預警系統研製
(Implementation of Earthquake Early Warning System Based on Support Vector Machine and Fuzzy Inference)
★ 利用智慧天線系統實現精準室內定位技術★ 電力線通訊之競爭存取與路由方法設計與實現
★ 設計與實作基於GRAPES函式庫之P2P即時串流系統★ 利用離散餘弦基礎之聲音浮水印達到室內定位技術
★ 利用虛擬指紋建置法之智慧型天線系統實現精準室內定位技術★ 即時影像串流自適應播放系統之研究
★ 利用模糊邏輯控制器於蜂巢式網路降低位置管理機制成本★ 基於行動裝置之分散式多人會議系統
★ 以分群為基礎之3D無線與光學網路晶片頻道存取方法★ 基於收前先聽LBR機制之授權型輔助接入LAA架構下於異質網路中暴露節點之研究
★ 支援跳頻之IEEE 802.15.4 ZigBee無線隨身網路機制設計與實現★ 應用於IEEE 802.16行動無線都會網路省電模式參數設定之智慧策略
★ IEEE 802.15.4 ZigBee 無線隨身網路高效能路由演算法分析與設計★ 應用於IEEE 802.16無線寬頻都會網路之具調適性自動重傳請求回報機制
★ 無線感測網路為基礎之空間平面圖自動建構之技術★ 隨機指定埠號對稱式網址轉換器穿透之研究
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摘要(中) 台灣位於歐亞大陸板塊 (Eurasian Plate) 與菲律賓海板塊 (Philippine Sea Plate) 的交接處,屬於環太平洋火山帶 (Ring of Fire) ,容易因板塊移動而造成地震,是世界上地震最為頻繁的區域之一,每每造成人民生命財產的損失。一旦地震發生時,大多數民眾只能在當下做最本能的反應,不容易快速得知地震資訊,甚至提早得知地震即將發生,所以,地震預警系統 (Earthquake Early Warning System, EEWS) 的開發與研究,就變成一個迫切需要討論的議題。
因此,本論文以全新的視角審視地震預警系統,並以通訊領域的觀點出發,提出利用加速度感測器 (G-Sensor) ,結合支持向量機 (Support Vector Machine) 、模糊推理 (Fuzzy Inference) 等理論的演算法,並實作地震預警函式庫。由於加速度感測器目前的應用廣泛,例如:智慧型手機、平板電腦、硬碟等等我們每天都會接觸的設備皆有內建,所以能將配有加速度感測器的裝置都視為一個小型的地震觀測站,只要擁有上網的能力並運行包含地震預警函式庫的APP或電腦程式,就能以最低的成本形成最大的地震觀測網,一舉解決上述的三個問題,發揮地震預警系統最大的能力。
摘要(英) Taiwan is located in a seismically active zone and faces the problem of a large number of earthquakes. Many disastrous earthquakes usually cause the loss of lives and properties over the years. Therefore, how to design a series of preventative measures and reduce the risk of damages caused by earthquakes is an important issue. So far we still do not have a better way to get earthquake warning immediately. As a result, the Earthquake Early Warning System (EEWS) would be a useful tool and has become the urgent need of human beings.
Nowadays countries neighboring the Ring of Fire put a lot of efforts and resources on investigating the EEWS. Among them, Japan, The United States of America, and Taiwan have the most abundant achievements. Constructing the EEWS has some common problems. Firstly, the need of the special equipment for seismic wave sensing costs highly. Secondly, the number of earthquake detection stations cannot increase arbitrarily due to the lack of funds. Thirdly, people are not familiar with the EEWS. Until now, people get the earthquake news from television, radio stations or social APPs. The EEWS does not fully come into our lives.
In this thesis, we propose a new algorithm and architecture of the EEWS named as the EQ-system. The hardware part of EQ-system is a G-sensor for detection. The software part of EQ-system is a library of earthquake early warning called LibEQ. LibEQ combines several theories such as Support Vector Machine, Fuzzy Inference and so on. We can build a biggest earthquake detection network with low cost. People can get earthquake alarm by APP. Consequently, for earthquake early warning, EQ-system can produce the best possible results.
關鍵字(中) ★ 地震預警系統
★ 加速度感測器
★ 支持向量機
★ 模糊推理
關鍵字(英) ★ EEW System
★ G-Sensor
★ Support Vector Machine
★ Fuzzy Inference
論文目次 中文摘要 i
2-1 The Types of Earthquake Early Warning System 3
2-2 The Earthquake Early Warning System in Japan 4
2-3 The Earthquake Early Warning System in United States of America 4
2-4 The Earthquake Early Warning System in Taiwan 5
3-1 The Architecture of EQ-System 7
3-2 The Hardware Part of EQ-System 9
3-2-1 Sensor 9
3-2-2 Server 10
3-3 The Software Part of EQ-System 11
3-3-1 The Introduction of Modules 11
3-3-2 System Parameters 12
3-3-3 EQ_dectection 13
3-3-4 EQ_SVM and EQ_SVMgen 16
3-3-5 EQ_fuzzy 18
3-3-6 EQ_credibility 20
3-3-7 EQ_magnitude 21
3-3-8 EQ_interface 22
3-3-9 EQ_density 23
3-3-10 EQ_judgment 23
3-3-11 The Architecture of Modules 24
4-1 Sensor APP and Server APP 26
4-1-1 The Configurations of APP 26
4-1-2 The Interaction of Sensor and Server 27
4-2 Result and Analysis 29
4-3 Scenario Analysis 32
5-1 Sample Rate Optimization 36
5-2 Compare with Other Smartphone Based EEWS 37
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指導教授 許獻聰(Shiann-Tsong Sheu) 審核日期 2015-7-29
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