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姓名 曾少甫(Shao-Fu Tseng)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系
論文名稱 同步展示程序性思考步驟內容產出之 範文閱讀電子書
(A Text Reading Interface of E-Book for Synchronizing Thinking Process and Thinking Products)
★ 學習馬賽克-以教科書內容置入平板之合作式情境學習遊樂場★ 為使用知識而設計的電子書- 以參考手冊為模式的電子書設計
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摘要(中) 現行的電子書延續紙本書的循序說明方式,對於學習像寫作這樣需要程序性知識與思考的,較難讓學生同時看到寫作者寫作過程的思考與寫作結果而習得寫作的程序性知識與思考。
本研究提出一個新的為學習程序性知識寫作的電子書展示方法,並且根據此方法製作出系統。我們基於哈佛大學- Project Zero 的Making Thinking Visible 的理念,將程序性知識與思考的每一個步驟設計出一套以thinking module為基礎的引導問題,而將一個程序性知識思考的範例成品,以介面的兩個視窗區塊,一個展示每個思考過程中的問答,另一個視窗同步展示思考過程中每個作品的成長。思考過程的討論學習者可以自己的思考回答與作者的答案做對比反思。
摘要(英) Nowadays, e-books teach sequentially follow the way of paper books. To learn writing which is the subject needed to have procedural knowledge and thinking. It is difficult to learn procedural knowledge and thinking by making the author’s writing process and product visible for students simultaneously.
The aim of this study is to present a new e-book display method for learning writing via procedural knowledge and thinking, and develop an e-book learning platform. On the basis of Making Thinking Visible which is a research project from Harvard Project Zero, we designed a series of leading questions based on thinking routines for each steps of procedural knowledge and thinking.
We displayed the products of procedural knowledge and thinking on one window interface which is divided into two blocks. One block displayed leading questions and answers of each thinking steps, the other displayed simultaneously of every products from thinking steps. During the thinking steps, students can do self-reflection by contrast with the difference between their own thinking answer and the reference answer.
Currently, we studied the previous research and three experiments for the effectiveness of learning, including 32 undergraduate or graduate students in the experimental group and 30 students in the control group.
The results show that present a new e-book display method for learning writing via procedural knowledge and thinking, and develop an e-book learning platform in this study received a positive feedback, and has made a significant achievement of the post-test. To apply the result of this research for teachers to teach and students to learn, we have to keep improving and planning in the future.
關鍵字(中) ★ 電子書
★ 使用者介面
★ 思考歷程
★ 閱讀
★ 寫作
關鍵字(英) ★ e-book
★ user inderface
★ thinking process
★ reading
★ writing
論文目次 中文摘要 i
Abstract ii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 vii
一、 緒論 1
1-1 研究背景 1
1-2 研究動機 2
1-3 研究目標 3
1-4 研究問題 3
1-5 解決方法 4
1-6 論文架構 4
二、 相關理論與研究 5
2-1 電子教科書 5
2-2 數位介面設計 6
2-2-1 數位視窗介面 6
2-2-2 認知負荷 7
2-3 思考程序與寫作知識 8
2-3-1 Making Thinking Visible 8
2-3-2 ACT-R認知理論 11
2-3-3 寫作教學與策略 12
2-3-4 寫作歷程 17
三、 系統設計與實作 22
3-1 系統設計 22
3-2 系統流程 23
3-2-1 學生端系統活動流程 23
3-2-2 教室端系統活動流程 24
3-3 系統架構 24
3-4 系統描述 26
3-4-1 學生端系統描述 27
3-4-2 教師端系統描述 36
3-4-3 其他共同頁面 37
四、 實驗與結果分析 41
4-1 前導實驗與討論 42
4-1-1 前導實驗流程 42
4-1-2 前導實驗結果討論 42
4-2 實驗對象 45
4-3 實驗目的 46
4-4 實驗流程 47
4-5 評估設計 49
4-5-1 問卷 49
4-5-2 後測成效測驗單 49
4-5-3 訪談 51
4-6 實驗結果與分析 52
4-6-1 問卷結果分析 52
4-6-2 後測成效測驗結果分析 59
4-6-3 實驗訪談結果 60
4-7 討論 67
五、 結論與未來發展 69
參考文獻 71
附錄一、前導實驗問卷 76
附錄二、實驗說明 77
附錄三、實驗組問卷 78
附錄四、對照組問卷 81
附錄五、後測成效測驗單 83
附錄六、範文思考問答設計 84
附錄七、對照組電子文本 92
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指導教授 陳國棟(Gwo-Dong Chen) 審核日期 2015-8-4
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